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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Nil

  1. I totally gave up after the Green album. I just threw out the love of my dreams is one of my absolute favorite pop song ever though.
  2. Considering how talented the guy is, it could be quite a stellar album. Have yet to listen to the first single.
  3. By Weezer, do you mean blue/Pinkerton era Rivers Cuomo / Matt Sharp ? MS's The Rentals are also driven by 2 vocalists. Anyway, reading the topic I've realized that I often like a lot when it's not the usual lead singer who's on vocal duty, e.g. Lee Ranaldo, Mick Jones...
  4. Now watching Caterina Barbieri’s live set at C0C, streaming live. Sounds absolutely fantastic, and the visuals are pretty great too.
  5. It all feels like watching a Veep x Idiocracy mash-up. Surreal and scary as fuck.
  6. Indeed, built-in Velocity device is perfectly fine for that.
  7. Have you tried contacting the person who built the m4l device ?
  8. Nil


    Congrats mate !!! Awesome tunes really, I had an equally amazing time mastering them (I don't dance nor wistle to all the tunes I get to master... but this time I certainly did ;)). Wouldn't the release deserve to be in the New Releases sub-forum ?
  9. Super talented chap indeed. The cassette looks pretty great too.
  10. So was Black Snow a couple of years ago. OPN knows how to write great songs, too.
  11. Used DS2 a lot, it's a great, great drum synth. Stephen is a real nice dude, hope he'll share an update soonish. Otherwise, Zebra and Hive are fantastic for drums IMHO. And https://rc-808.com/
  12. Funny how instantly, genuinely loving a record seem to be so negative according to some here. SIGN is explicitly lush AF imo, that’s quite a musical achievement in my books. No matter the complexity in the background or whatever, the tunes are instantly gorgeous and moving. Fantastic music, no matter how it’s done.
  13. On first listen I’m more into Ataxia. But eh, might totally be a grower, so I’ll see.
  14. Circa 2001, when getting into electronic music. Didn't click back then. Saw them live in 2005 for the first time, was absolutely fantastic, much more immediate and direct. Didn't find something similar in the records. Saw them live a few times afterwards, was blown away each and every time. Then I instantly loved Oversteps, the first EP/LP of theirs to tick all my boxes. Then elseq, AE LIVE and NTS Sessions were instant favorites. Same goes for SIGN.
  15. Yeah, had to go with the digitals too. I lost track with KM's output (discovered his stuff a while ago, I believ via Workshop 19 IIRC?), will check Disclosure.
  16. Listening to the 24 bit files on the One 15s is quite an experience I must say. Could already become my fav æ album, astonishingly lush tunes.
  17. Thanks everyone, I finally went for a Gigabyte Z390 M Gaming (as it happens to also be hackintosh friendly). I believe I'll have to update BIOS though (haven't have time yet to build the PC). Now, next challenge will be either to buy a super compact, hyper transportable case to put the i7 6700k + MOBO, as VST processing satellite, or maybe to find something like an empty NUC to put the i7 in. No rush as it'd be to play live...
  18. Alex Perez and Ivy Lab you say ? Any track / EP / LP to recommend ? Always genuinely hungry for some great new music to discover.
  19. Thanks ! Recently, I’ve tremendously enjoyed releases by Superpang, Outlines and Gin & Platonic. Will post the links when I’m back on my computer. edit: https://superpang.bandcamp.com/ : killer releases by EVOL, Yves De Mey, New Tendencies and William Fields https://outlineslabel.bandcamp.com/ : I especially love the Kindohm and Renick Bell releases, stellar https://ginandplatonic.bandcamp.com/ : Kindohm's EP is pretty, pretty, pretty good
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