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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by zazen

  1. NZ government were good, A+++ would be up for being governed by them again in future
  2. As this is the stuff of legend, I did some research - artist name was "Trout", username was "gron", don't think they've been here for a while https://forum.watmm.com/topic/44313-trout-cardinal-ep
  3. Oh an another project - Watmmpolis, a watmm soundtrack to Metropolis. Trailer: All of it: http://watmmopolis.blogspot.com/2009/09/watch-watmmopolis-clips.html
  4. The original 'most idm' album https://futonic.bandcamp.com/album/deep-sea-creatures Other 'most idm' albums from subsequent years: Large Hadron Collider - https://archive.org/details/fu006 Black Holes - https://archive.org/details/fu002 Bonus: all four "Project 168" compilations (make an EP in a week) https://archive.org/details/project168
  5. There's something really comforting about WATMM having a massive busy eurovision thread
  6. Welcome. I wasn't on that forum but I was on here and so I like this thread because its reminding me just how long we've all been doing this and how old we all are now. *old man voice* I remember the days when to find out when a rumoured Aphex thing was being released you had to go into Sister Ray or Selectadisc and ask them and they didn't know etc etc Oh also I remember this old thread about RDJ (apparently) arguing with someone on the Planet Mu forums about soundcards
  7. Cover of Lightning by Phillip Glass by Glisssssssssendo aka Le Snob
  8. Some of my favourite stuff from the last decade or so is by Ochre
  9. If I was just going to get one of the Midnight Sun albums, which would it be? and ... who here has been to Finland?
  10. Its kindof like having limited edition vinyl even though an mp3 recording of that vinly is on limewire. Everyone has copies of the music, and anyone can listen to the music, but only 250 people have the round piece of PVC with the soundwaves of the music etched into it Where money meets the world of art, there's very little that makes any sense.
  11. zazen

    afx nft

    This actually slaps
  12. zazen

    afx nft

    If you look at the Foundation page for Aphex Twin it says 'invited by weirdcore' and if you look at Weirdcore's page they've had a bunch of Non-Fungible Tokens on there that have sold for an Eth or two. So probably RDJ is doing this to help Weirdcore out. To me paying for an NFT makes about the same amount of sense as paying for an original banksy or an original damian hirst or whatever - the picture or painting could be copied just as easily as any digital artwork. Is the original any better to look at than a reproduction? Which is to say, NFTs dont make much sense, but then nothing else in the art-purchasing world makes any sense either. Its all just a mix of 'owning a piece of art' and 'maybe the value goes up if you're lucky'. A sortof highbrow gambling in which you also get to own maybe nice things. Or, another example, its no different to the original pressing of Hangable Auto Bulb being limited to 500. Its the same music whether you own the rare vinyl or downloaded a pirate mp3 recording of the vinyl. Its value created by people deciding to value something. Value based on the concept of 'originallness' and an artifically rare artifact irrespective of the enjoyment of the piece of music itself, which we all know can be reproduced for zero cost. So it all seems fair dinkum to me. I like the idea of the Beeple guy unexpectedly making a load of money. And perhaps this will help weirdcore out.
  13. Here's a good one, in 2008 I was sortof running an unoffiical 'watmm remix competition' with the submitted tracks being anonymous. This Isaac Hayes remix turned out to be by Dave Monolith/MNLTH Rush_the_Chef_Mix___AnonB.mp3
  14. This is great, thanks for all that old stuff. I remember the iSketch days. Who are you though, did you have a different username back then?
  15. I love this shred so much, the attention to detail is _amazing_, how the sounds tie up with the visuals and editing **airhorn**
  16. from https://web.archive.org/web/20060327234551/http://www.mtve.com/article.php?ArticleId=40 I was always intruiged that the last track of Discovery, "Too long", is literally too long. Like it really seems to overstay its welcome and its funny to think they might have done that on purpose
  17. Such a quality way to enter the thread
  18. The first minute of Face To Face from Discovery has always wowed me. Just now learned that they did that track with Todd Edwards who is a sortof American uncle to UK Garage and known for highly precise microsampling. Found this old track of his, really like the late 90s pirate vibe
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