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Ceephax - Ceerial Port

Solo Strike

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Timing is a bit off for Xmas presents though. Might get the Funbox tape though if they haven't all gone already. The Planet-Mu release sounds okay but didn't blow me away I have to be honest. I was listening to some really early Ceephax earlier though; you know before he was even signed to Breakin' and some of that early shit is really sick it has to be said.

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Guest nannystatenoise
Timing is a bit off for Xmas presents though. Might get the Funbox tape though if they haven't all gone already. The Planet-Mu release sounds okay but didn't blow me away I have to be honest. I was listening to some really early Ceephax earlier though; you know before he was even signed to Breakin' and some of that early shit is really sick it has to be said.


yeah same sentiments here - i wasnt too fond of hardcore esplanade.

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Well I've just been to pelicanneck and bought this. I'm glad there's a tune about woodlice on there having read with interest the woodlice links on his site.


Will see what I think when I get home, have bought it blind not having the luxury of speakers here at work and being too impatient to wait and buy it tomorrow....



both samples actually sound really good. 7 tracks it seems too... i can't really make out the names on that small pic:


a1. acid highway

a2. redux acid

a3. acid wheel

a4. acid causeway


b1. dan ackroyd acid

b2. acid surf dream

b3. woodlice acid


couple of wrong 'uns (though well done as I couldn't make hardly anything out on that pic!), should be:


acid highway

red dx acid

acid whorl

acid causeway


tough grugoy acid

acid surf dream

woodlice acid

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Bloody brilliant, being spoilt at the minute by Ceephax! Castillian on Planet Mu sounds superb, deep and melodic, can't wait to hear the whole track. I spose he had quite a large dry patch after Exidy Tours or maybe he's just had a surge of inspiration? I guess all the tracks he's released this year he's been sitting on for quite a while too.


I wish Squarepusher would have even half this amount of releases!

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