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Guest The Vidiot

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I think unless you're reading it as a teenager On The Road is pretty shite.



Not exaggerating but On The Road lasted about a dozen pages. The other two were perhaps mid-way before my patience finally ran out.


Perfume by P Suskind was the one before these and was a 9/10.

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Finished PKD's Martian Time-Slip. It was OK. It was a slow build, it had some good descriptive trippy scenes surrounding an autistic boy, but the antagonist and protagonist were too two dimensional.

I started PKD's Dr. Futurity right after and it was already engrossing 2 chapters in. I've been focusing on PKD's novels for the past 5 years and I still can't get enough of the time manipulation, precogs, telepaths, future drugs, androids, paranoia, alternate realities, etc.

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The Samurai by Shusaku Endo.

any good? was reading about him the other day and i'm interested in reading something of his.


i recently finish The Left Hand Of Darkness which was pretty good, though one strech of the story lasted way too long and got far too repetitive. the first half of the novel was better.


reading The Little Sister by Raymond Chandler at the moment.

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So Saramago's Blindness was pretty bad, I might have to read the novel that earned him a Nobel just to see if it's just me or the guy really isn't that much. It was supposed to be this amazing insight into human nature and it's just a subpar apocalyptic novel with sappy writing, run-on sentences and a dozen proverbs and sayings per chapter. "Everyone went blind and some people became real cunts and the world went to shit" well gee whiz give this man a Nobel goddamn. "Well maybe even if we aren't blind we are blind either way cause we dont LOOK at stuff real deep" god DAMN!!


Now on to McCarthy's The Road

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Reading DNA: The Secret of Life by James Watson, which is for research (copy is stuffed with post-it notes). Also bought a copy of the complete works of Shakespeare from the same charity shop, a thousand page hardcover I don't suspect I will read soon but looks impressive.


At work, reading Granta 106, which features short stories by Eleanor Catton and Ha Jin. Pretty good, might get more of these Granta magazines.

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Any of you mans read[ing] Lincoln at the Bardo? I ended my preorder (hardcovers are stupidly expensive) and joined the long af wait list at the library. 

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i finished it today. it's pretty good, little bit cutesy in places but most saunders is like that. i don't think it's a good place to start with him and the format is really weird, like a transcript and then long passages written in the style of nicholson baker's human smoke, with primary source documents serving as fodder for the narrative. it's very pomo, but good. if you like saunders this is a lot better than his recent short story collections, which were a dead end for me.

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i burned through Money in less than 2 weeks. nearly 400 pages long but barely felt half that. i gotta read some more of his stuff.


next up: Forbidden Colours (Yukio Mishima)

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Dr. Futurity devolved into typical sci-fi time travel tripe. It's one of PKD's earliest novels, so it's not too surprising. Halfway through Vulcan's Hammer and it's a promising simple set up - all world governments give complete control to an intimidating supercomputer to solve the world's problems while a group of people are trying to destroy it.

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The Power Broker: Robert Moses & The Fall of New York by Robert A. Caro


Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America by Rick Perlstein



also just picked up a used copy of Ecology of Fear: Los Angeles And The Imagination Of Disaster by Mike Davis, but idk when I'll get around to it. 

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Finally finished Mason & Dixon. It was brilliant and i already miss hangin out with them. Such fun characters.


Now started Dune cause like i've gotta read it at some point init. It's alright so far, but the contrast between pynhcon's writing and this is kinda jarring. Sorta feels like it was written in an A-level english class.


The man said this.

The woman was surprised.

"Oh no!" said the woman.

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