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Guest The Vidiot

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Guest Ron Manager

I recently received Gravity's Rainbow. I'm terrified of it based on what people here and elsewhere have made of it. I'll give it a go soon (I've never read Pynchon).


Right now I'm reading Suttree by McCarthy on Iain's recommendation. It gets compared to Faulkner, but equally it reminds me of Bukowski or maybe even Selby given its lowlife themes. I'm about halfway through and definitely finding it a bit of a slog - hasn't gripped me like Blood Meridian, or even All the Pretty Horses, which ultimately I didn't think was that great (I haven't read the other two in that trilogy). I'll persevere with it though - I didn't realise how incredible Blood Meridian was until I was probably halfway through it.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Right now I'm reading Suttree by McCarthy on Iain's recommendation. It gets compared to Faulkner, but equally it reminds me of Bukowski or maybe even Selby given its lowlife themes. I'm about halfway through and definitely finding it a bit of a slog


yeah I liked the world the book created but the journey wasn't too interesting

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I just finished Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Thoroughly enjoyed, highly recommended. Trying to decide what else to read by him next, or find something similarily journalistic and interesting.



Bounce by Matthew Syed is often likened to Outliers, it's sport focussed though. Gave a copy to my sister's boyfriend who is a big sports fan and he loved it. I'd like to read What the Dog Saw by Gladwell. He's got a new one coming out I think, seem to remember seeing a proof lying around my work...

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


I just finished Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Thoroughly enjoyed, highly recommended. Trying to decide what else to read by him next, or find something similarily journalistic and interesting.



Bounce by Matthew Syed is often likened to Outliers, it's sport focussed though. Gave a copy to my sister's boyfriend who is a big sports fan and he loved it. I'd like to read What the Dog Saw by Gladwell. He's got a new one coming out I think, seem to remember seeing a proof lying around my work...



his new one sounds very much like outliers. i forget the name tho.

not really into sports. maybe i'll try a sample.


i read a sample of what the dog saw and the first chapter was kinda boring. i'm sure it gets better but the first chapter of outliers got me hooked

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just finished every love story is a ghost story. it's a biography of david foster wallace. kind of changed my perspective on his writing. he sounds like a really shitty person, unfortunately. hired a guy to kill mary karr's husband because he wanted to be with her, lots of desperate womanizing, heavy, heavy drug use, borderline plagiarism and embellishments in his non fiction, using stories and names from aa meetings verbatim in infinite jest. reading the excerpts of his letters just makes him sound exhausting to be around. trying to wrap my head around it since i held him in somewhat high regard. but he just seems like a really desperate, attention starved egomaniac. very talented, incredibly smart, but i think he might have been kind of a fraud. which is odd, given his search for authenticity in his writing. i just can't separate his writing, which is so intensely personal, from this portrait of the writer. kind of a shame.

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Just finished Karl Ove Knausgaards - My Struggle last night. Started Infinite Jest last night as well let's see if I can make it through it.


Oh and My Struggle was excellent I'd suggest it to anyone due to it's accessibility.

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Guest Shit Attack

miles the autobiography by miles davis - miles is a cool cat with an interesting life who hates white people/10

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just finished every love story is a ghost story. it's a biography of david foster wallace. kind of changed my perspective on his writing. he sounds like a really shitty person, unfortunately. hired a guy to kill mary karr's husband because he wanted to be with her, lots of desperate womanizing, heavy, heavy drug use, borderline plagiarism and embellishments in his non fiction, using stories and names from aa meetings verbatim in infinite jest. reading the excerpts of his letters just makes him sound exhausting to be around. trying to wrap my head around it since i held him in somewhat high regard. but he just seems like a really desperate, attention starved egomaniac. very talented, incredibly smart, but i think he might have been kind of a fraud. which is odd, given his search for authenticity in his writing. i just can't separate his writing, which is so intensely personal, from this portrait of the writer. kind of a shame.

heh. I think I read Infinite Jest so many times that I got a decent portrait of him as a person, because that bio was not very surprising to me. In a way I find his honesty in his work refreshing. I mean, the guy was a mess, but he had incredible analytical power. Too bad he turned it on himself so brutally. I think his incredible brain didn't help his predisposition to self-hatred.


Great bio though, in any case!

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miles the autobiography by miles davis - miles is a cool cat with an interesting life who hates white people/10


The Autobiography of Malcolm X is also awesome and covers a lot of the same themes- racial prejudice, obviously, but also that 1940s bebop scene, selling reefers outside nightclubs, looking fly as fuck, etc. Recommended if you haven't read it already.

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Been reading quite a bit this last month:



Erskine Caldwell's Tobacco Road - Loved it... could really see the Coen Brother's adapting this in a film.

Tom Robbin's Still life with Woodpecker - I once read that Robbin's could spend an entire day perfecting a single sentence and after reading this I believe it.



Thomas Pynchon's Bleeding Edge - About 70% done and am enjoying it; It reminds me a bit of Inherent Vice at times.

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Guest Shit Attack


miles the autobiography by miles davis - miles is a cool cat with an interesting life who hates white people/10


The Autobiography of Malcolm X is also awesome and covers a lot of the same themes- racial prejudice, obviously, but also that 1940s bebop scene, selling reefers outside nightclubs, looking fly as fuck, etc. Recommended if you haven't read it already.



cool never read it not really into black people politics or anything just like reading about the music stuff but on almost every page miles is slammin whitey for something or other but then again he seems to have something against almost anyone/everyone anyways . Id be into reading a malcom x book tho + Seem to remember reading a book by chuck d years ago that covered a lot of that black political stuff but from the 80s/90s

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High-Rise by JG Ballard, solely because Ben Wheatley is doing a film adaptation of it.


Orilly? Need to check that out then.


I've read Concrete Island and Crash but never got around to High-Rise. Aren't they supposed to be a thematic trilogy of sorts?


did king proclaim that book "his masterpiece"?


No idea. That's the copy I have atm and that also puzzled me. There are no quotation marks or source underneath or anything, it's just there.

SK books usually have quite a lot promo marketing bollocks on them though.

I have an American paperback copy of Insomnia, which is one of my favorite SK books, and the blurb on the back appears to be describing a completely different book.

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