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Terminator Salvation


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse


omfg i had to stop it at :51 because i am now able to die completely contented in life, knowing i have seen the most amazing thing in the entire universe.



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Terminator Salvation: Warner Bros Wants PG-13 Edits, McG is Fighting For His R-Rated Vision


When production first began on Terminator Salvation, rumors began to circulate that Warner Bros wanted the film to be PG-13. At Comic-Con last year, McG assured fans in attendance that he is under no pressure to deliver a PG-13 rating. Referring to the studio executives for this film, McG explained “I’ve been given their blessing to make the picture…and if it’s a rated R picture, then that’s that.” He elaborated that he’s not against the idea of a PG-13 rating, but that the ultimate rating will depend completely upon what the final vision for the film is. When I was on the film set, McG showed us a reel of early footage from the film. One of the clips included Moon Bloodgood topless in the rain, which to me, confirmed that McG wasn’t lying.


Today at WonderCon, McG made a point to mention that Warner Bros wants him to cut out the topless footage from the film. He insisted that he thinks that it should remain in the released feature film, citing that Bloodgood’s character is partly a homage to James Cameron’s Sarah Connor — a strong yet beautiful woman. McG polled the audience, asking if they wanted to see the scene in the final film, which got the response that you might expect from an overwhelmingly male comic convention crowd. Having seen the footage myself, not in the context of the film or even scene, I will say this - it was beautifully and tastefully shot. I’m not sure if it furthers the story along (as I said, I did not see the shot in the context of the full scene), but it didn’t seem gratuitous at all.


It seems to me that the only reason that Warner Bros would want the scene cut from the film is if they want a PG-13 cut of the film. There is no other possible reason. McG publicly called out the name of the Warner Bros executive that is pushing for the removal of the shot in question, and made it clear that he would like to keep the shot in. And while McG didn’t flat out say that he wants to fight for a R-Rating, that’s how it came across to me and most everyone in the convention hall. And making a public statement is a strong message to the movie studio producing the film. McG’s vision is evidently R-Rated after all, but will the film be edited down for a more marketable (potentially more profitable) PG-13 rating?





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I know I'm being naive but I'm just hoping that Salvation will somehow be better than what everyone expects it to be. I really want it to be over average.

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Guest abusivegeorge
I know I'm being naive but I'm just hoping that Salvation will somehow be better than what everyone expects it to be. I really want it to be over average.


I'm afraid that what we hope for and what we get these days is about 10% to one and 90% the other, but I admire your enthusiasm.

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I know you're being ironic and all but let's just pretend that someone actually said that and meant it. I mean, what is it that's so fucking disturbing about a pair of breasts? I mean, every girl has a pair. Some are big and some are small. Some are long and some defy gravity. Heck, even some nipples go inward.



Fuckit, I need coffee...

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Guest Donkey Rhubarb

I'm looking forward to this, i really like the first and 2nd films. The third one id rather blank out.


I'm all for the R-rated option. Getting sick of this PG-13 bullshit. Be interesting to see how this imposing arnies face on some other dude will work.

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I was browsing the free movies and noticed that they had American Psycho 2, Kind of an off topic post but god damn I started watching it and it was fucking terrible.

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Guest assegai

The movie looks awesome (new trailer), and will probably be better than most of the action movies i've seen in the past 10 years.

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Yeah, and the new trailer has NIN's "The Day The World Went Away" as the background music. Nice.

Indeed NIN can make any moving images look epic, Trent did it with 300 and hes done it with this


I think Bryce Dallas Howard looks as cute as a button in it :D I would like to show her my Terminator

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