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lost season 5


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What about Henry Ian Cusick (the actor who portrays Desmond) as Jesus Christ? :angry:



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Indeed today's episode was good.

Did not see Marvin Chang being Miles' father coming at all. And the Star Wars gag was good. I don't quite understand how that dude caught Sawyer on tape...weren't they being erased?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

this is the hatch being built


this is the hatch being built


this is the hatch being built






zomgz really?

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

okish episode. not much going on but good to understand miles a little better. i did see the father reveal coming, but only during the episode.


my confusion now is where we last saw faraday and i'm drawing a blank. he was with the group on the island going to the well during the flashes and charlotte died. then where did he go? miles stayed on the island for 3 years and faraday somehow got off the island and then returned. i'm forgeting something here...


why was it called 'Some Like It Hoth'?


did anyone else notice the blackboards? egyptian symbols

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Guest blicero

Apparently Farraday was hanging out in my town all this time?


I hate Hurley, so any episode that features him for more than 1 minute sucks for me.


nothing really happened. next week will deliver.

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Guest catsonearth
okish episode. not much going on but good to understand miles a little better. i did see the father reveal coming, but only during the episode.


my confusion now is where we last saw faraday and i'm drawing a blank. he was with the group on the island going to the well during the flashes and charlotte died. then where did he go? miles stayed on the island for 3 years and faraday somehow got off the island and then returned. i'm forgeting something here...


i think in the first episode of this season we see farraday in the background with dr. chang as he's investigating the magnetism for the first time. although they didn't draw the direct connection, i'm guessing that the timing of this last episode is around the same time as that scene from the season premiere


i didn't even know farraday had left the island in the first place. did they mention or show that at all? maybe he found the wheel and traveled off the island and then came back? no fucking clue, honestly. did he end up taking the sub when horus originally tried to ship them off? i don't like how they skip over characters for months at a time.


this episode was alright. better than the last few. i thought most of the hurley parts were funny this time (especially when he was like "that guy's a total douchebag" about dr. chang). the flashbacks were pretty much useless and super heavy handed, as usual. the chang being miles' dad thing was pretty obvious. as soon as it was mentioned that he didn't know his father it's like "ok, whose the only other asian dude on the show aside from jin...DING DING DING!"


i know they're trying really hard to get me to care what "lies in the shadow of the statue", it's just too lame for me to really give a fuck. don't get me wrong, i'd love to see more of the statue and learn more about that age of the island, but the way they're setting it up with random people in the jungle asking the question and the kidnapping van people asking it and hinting at the two sides battling for supremacy of the island...it's barely even started and already it feels lame and contrived. hopefully it'll lead to some interesting stuff, but god they suck at setting things up lately. they try way too hard in some respects and not nearly hard enough in others.


and adolescent miles with the piercings was a serious LOL. goth claire was kinda hot, but gothy/ravey miles was just hilarious.

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yeah sawyer mentioned something about farady being away but i don't remember what exactly.


chang being miles dad was kinda obvious to me as well. but i think the flashbacks were nice, added nothing much maybe but they at least were well done, reminiscent of season 1 ones were were they actually related to what the character was dealing with on the island on that particular episode... i have some doubts tho, how much money did miles ask ben? why 1.3 anyway? how much was that gal supposedly paid to capture sayid? is this somehow important?


and the interesting thing about the shadow of the statue thing is that it seems now that there's a third party involved in this thing, ben, widmore and some new ones, which is kind of stupid because they really haven't made clear the whole ben/widmore war or whatever and now they're adding some more unclear stuff, but that's how lost works i guess, and that's good it did get me a bit interested.

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Guest catsonearth
yeah sawyer mentioned something about farady being away but i don't remember what exactly.


chang being miles dad was kinda obvious to me as well. but i think the flashbacks were nice, added nothing much maybe but they at least were well done, reminiscent of season 1 ones were were they actually related to what the character was dealing with on the island on that particular episode... i have some doubts tho, how much money did miles ask ben? why 1.3 anyway? how much was that gal supposedly paid to capture sayid? is this somehow important?


and the interesting thing about the shadow of the statue thing is that it seems now that there's a third party involved in this thing, ben, widmore and some new ones, which is kind of stupid because they really haven't made clear the whole ben/widmore war or whatever and now they're adding some more unclear stuff, but that's how lost works i guess, and that's good it did get me a bit interested.


those chaps in the van could have worked for ben though, right? he's got people off the island doing his bidding, so maybe it was some of his goons? it could also be a third party...i dunno. the weird thing is that the chick who had sayid on the plane is obviously a part of this mysterious group and it didn't really seem like ben recognized her or that she recognized him when they were both on the plane. you'd think that if this group knew about widmore they'd also know about ben and would probably have circulated pictures around like "yo, be on the look out for this shady mofo".

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