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have you ever been in a fight

Brown Town B

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I fight regularly but rarely out of anger, just mostly like after a concert I'm like fuck this lets fight and we fight and it gets intense I usually go apeshit and become a flurry of beating infliction like a madman but this usually is my own downfall I work myself into such a frenzy that I don't even pay attention to what I'm doing and just crash

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thatys so deep and evolved


if thats an insult then bring it on you fat yank cunt and i'll kick you about like a black bin bag


if not, thanks.

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thatys so deep and evolved


if thats an insult then bring it on you fat yank cunt and i'll kick you about like a black bin bag


if not, thanks.



i'll let u figure it out


I've been in a few.


lets hear about em// win or lose it doesnt matter

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i've had plenty of confrontations. from the ridiculously ghetto high school i attended, living in NYC, and dealing with the rednecks in the mountains of West VA, but mostly they were worked out by non physical means (or shotguns, lol). i've practiced many forms of martial arts throughout my life and am still fairly involved with the craft to this day, as i enjoy what it brings me on a mental and spiritual level.


when i lived in NYC for the three years that i did, i felt like i was always preparing to fight someone. something about the atmosphere up there. i was always sizing people up wherever i went.


edit: alas, i've never been in a real fight where there was a definitive winner or loser, aside from training/sparring situations. i'm not afraid to admit that there is a part of me that wants to see how i'd perform if someone were to pick one with me.


edit2: i'm drunk and want to fight


edit3: jeez i sound like a dick !

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lion, 10 years ago i elbowed a dude in the face, he called for me to come back and fight him (he was emotional), i just walked away... should i have turned back and fought him?


you should find him now and beat his ass into the dirt for showing emotion in that kind ofsituation.



reminds me of a film i once saw called EAGLE VS SHARK

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i've had plenty of confrontations. from the ridiculously ghetto high school i attended, living in NYC, and dealing with the rednecks in the mountains of West VA, but mostly they were worked out by non physical means (or shotguns, lol). i've practiced many forms of martial arts throughout my life and am still fairly involved with the craft to this day, as i enjoy what it brings me on a mental and spiritual level.


when i lived in NYC for the three years that i did, i felt like i was always preparing to fight someone. something about the atmosphere up there. i was always sizing people up wherever i went.


edit: alas, i've never been in a real fight where there was a definitive winner or loser, aside from training/sparring situations. i'm not afraid to admit that there is a part of me that wants to see how i'd perform if someone were to pick one with me.


edit2: i'm drunk and want to fight


edit3: jeez i sound like a dick !



im moving to new york in a few months. will i be able to engage my art?


ps what arts did u study

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The most dramatic one was when I put someone through a glass table after he made a rude comment to my girl and later bashed his face in, breaking my watch in the process. Does that count ?

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i've had plenty of confrontations. from the ridiculously ghetto high school i attended, living in NYC, and dealing with the rednecks in the mountains of West VA, but mostly they were worked out by non physical means (or shotguns, lol). i've practiced many forms of martial arts throughout my life and am still fairly involved with the craft to this day, as i enjoy what it brings me on a mental and spiritual level.


when i lived in NYC for the three years that i did, i felt like i was always preparing to fight someone. something about the atmosphere up there. i was always sizing people up wherever i went.


edit: alas, i've never been in a real fight where there was a definitive winner or loser, aside from training/sparring situations. i'm not afraid to admit that there is a part of me that wants to see how i'd perform if someone were to pick one with me.


edit2: i'm drunk and want to fight


edit3: jeez i sound like a dick !


lol, why did you choose a fight thread to finally become lucid in?

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Guest ex-voto

I was in a fight with my cat yesterday, he suddenly ran up on me, slashing the shit out of me. Stupefied I started hitting him back, which wasn't really successful. Now I have battlescars all over my arms, legs and face. He was too fast for me.

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I got punched in the face in middle school.  I don't even remember the kid's name, but I remember he was a chunky kid with an anger issue, and thank God he's probably dead in a gutter, OD'd on some damn drug or another.  


That'll teach him to hit people.



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I have never been in a full blown fight with anyone, but have had several encounters that could have ended up as a real fight. Mostly I was known for busting up fights.


In third grade this kid Ernest decided he didn't like me for whatever reason (I can't remember why). One day he ambushed me coming out of class by putting one of those big rubber trash cans over my head and started wailing away at me. None of this hurt me in the slightest, just made me kind of disoriented. The trash can softened his blows enough (or he just didn't hit hard enough) to where they didn't have much effect. It was kind of a WTF moment. He ended up getting expelled for it. I felt bad because he was just a troubled kid and didn't really hurt me.


Around the 7th grade I used to go to a Boys and Girls Club after school. (for those that don't know, Boys and Girls Club is kind of like the YMCA but more for kids and teens) The place was in kind of a rough area so a lot of troubled kids hung out there. We played a lot of basketball, pool, etc. Anyway, this one kid named Narroda was a short little guy with a huge short man complex, so he talked a lot of trash and generally tried to throw his weight around and attempt to establish some kind of dominance at the club. One day we were playing a pickup game and he drove to the hoop to lay it up and I being much taller blocked his shot. He immediately turned to me, shoved me and started calling me all sorts of stuff. Usually I ignored his insults but this time for whatever reason I shoved him back. This threw him in a rage and he immediately started shouting and swinging at me. I braced myself for his blows but when they started coming I realized something. He wasn't hurting me at all. He was hitting me in the arms and his punches were weak. So at this point I kind of felt bad for the little guy and just sort of deflected his punches and walked away. Well apparently some girls were in the gym and saw all of this transpire. I was labeled a coward for awhile but I was okay with this. Narroda had many friends and relatives who were older and much bigger than he was, and many of them ran with gangs and dealt drugs so I probably would have gotten some nasty retaliation if I had just beat him up.


In high school I never really ran into any real trouble but had plenty of friends who did. I became known for breaking up fights. Most of them were on basketball courts. (I had quite a few friends with bad tempers) Several times I picked up my friends as they were about to get into a fight and just carried them away from the scene until they cooled down.


The last confrontation was at a club downtown here on New Years Eve 2007. I went with my girlfriend and her friend. My girlfriend and I hadn't seen the friend for a bit so we decided to go look for her. There was a section of the club where it splits and one side is a pool hall type of area and the other is a crowded hall close to the bar. I took the pool hall route and my girlfriend took the crowded hall. Apparently (I didn't witness this so had to go completely on my girlfriend's account of what happened) a group of guys spilled a bit of beer on her and said some pretty rude things. So I get to the other end of the pool hall area and she is waiting for me, fuming mad and crying a bit. She tells me what happens and points out the guys. I immediately approach them. The ringleader is this tall lanky kid who couldn't have been more than 20, and his two friends look just as young. One of them was kind of short with a mixed complexion and a skytree type fro/curl abomination and the other was some wigger looking kid in a jumper. They are all pretty drunk. So I approach the tall skinny kid and ask him wtf his problem is and he keeps telling me to chill out and that I am ruining their celebration. I tell him we can all go back to celebration if he will apologize to her for being a rude cunt. I ask him repeatedly if he poured beer on my girlfriend and said rude things to her. He denies it repeatedly. I'm about ready to dismiss them as just drunken idiots since I can't get any kind of information out of them when one of them starts talking shit about my girl. Well I lost it at that point and turned to choke slam the kid but at that point apparently we were noticed and club security and a police officer intervene and escort me out of the club. I repeatedly ask the club security to find the guys too and kick them out. We wait awhile but they never leave the club so we just went home. I was mad about it for awhile but once I calmed down I was happy that I didn't end up really fighting as the police here don't cut any slack these days because there are so many fights in clubs. I would surely have gotten an assault charge.

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Guest tv_party

used to get in a lot of fights as a little kid. learned to control my temper after a bit which was good because I was a late bloomer in terms of growth and was smaller during that time than average.

last altercation wasn't a proper fight, in junior high this big fat kid slammed my locker closed for no reason. I called him a fag and he punched me in the nose. I was a bit shocked and didn't do anything.

A few years ago I was at a rather crowded bar. Some dude was chatting up some chicks with his friend and I happened to be standing near him. He drunkenly dropped his own beer and then looked at me like I made him do it to save face.

He said something to me about making him drop his beer, can't remember I was pretty wasted at the time too and am generally pretty peaceful but this shit irritated me. So I called him a fag or something and he was about to step to me when a friend stepped in to defuse the situation.

I've witnessed numerous barroom brawls though maybe up to 30 people once when some prick put his cigarette out on this girl I was friends with.

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I went for a walk to go and get some chips at about 5 oclock on sunday morning, got my chips and got mildly lost walking back to the place i was at, and i was walking down back alley when a car full of african american gangsta type looking chaps drove up to me and started screaming about me needed to get off their fucking turf before i would get fucking murked, and so i had to explain to some stupidly hard fucker that i was just lost and drunk and peaceful before he would let me wander off. i think i narrowly avoided getting shot if im honest.

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