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Who makes good electronic music this decade?

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My introduction into Orbital was unfortunately the altogether. A really clustered and cheesy album. for about two years after I was deeply anti-orbital. But then I stole In Sides from the radio station I work at an all was right. In Sides is just fucking magnificent. Anybody enjoy The Altogether?

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My introduction into Orbital was unfortunately the altogether. A really clustered and cheesy album. for about two years after I was deeply anti-orbital. But then I stole In Sides from the radio station I work at an all was right. In Sides is just fucking magnificent. Anybody enjoy The Altogether?


The US release of the altogether has a bonus disc of B-sides that's fucking incredible. Some of the O's best work is on there.


However, the original release/first disc is garbage. Their weakest release by far.


first orbital album i got was middle of nowhere


Same here, and it might still by my favorite.


I Don't Know You People and Style are such masterpieces.

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I Don't Know You People and Style are such masterpieces.


oooch, really? MoN was where Orbital lost me. Style is ok if cheesy; the only other reasonably good tracks imo are the 2 openers, Way Out and particularly Spare Parts Express. I thought I Don't Know You People was a train wreck.


I was pretty shocked by how quickly Orbital went down the toilet. Everything up through In Sides, including all the singles, were practically flawless.

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pfft... how can you be surprised about the orb/ital not being amazing?!?@ they are what they are.


the coolest thing about the orb was that poster for their greatest hits LP u.f.off with teh middle finger blasting off into space, and thats because the awesomeness of the poster technically has nothing to do with their music, and whilst they'll forever be the guys who made fluffy little clouds and the way they cut up that bitch's vocals will forever influence me, beyond that they're just boring and pointless, same with orbital, who had me with halcyon and on and on but somewhere i could dig up my old edit of that song halcyon and off which got down to the business of the song from the beginning of hackers without wasting precious minutes of my life with boring atmospheric buildups.


YES, i fast forward the first 50 seconds of e8 boogie... blow me!@$#@

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I Don't Know You People and Style are such masterpieces.
MoN was where Orbital lost me.



FSOL are great. Especially dead cities.


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pfft... how can you be surprised about the orb/ital not being amazing?!?@ they are what they are.


the coolest thing about the orb was that poster for their greatest hits LP u.f.off with teh middle finger blasting off into space, and thats because the awesomeness of the poster technically has nothing to do with their music, and whilst they'll forever be the guys who made fluffy little clouds and the way they cut up that bitch's vocals will forever influence me, beyond that they're just boring and pointless, same with orbital, who had me with halcyon and on and on but somewhere i could dig up my old edit of that song halcyon and off which got down to the business of the song from the beginning of hackers without wasting precious minutes of my life with boring atmospheric buildups.


YES, i fast forward the first 50 seconds of e8 boogie... blow me!@$#@


you do realise that The Orb and Orbital are two totally different groups? i guess not....

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basically they were well good (accelerator up to ephedrina and cascade)

then they got really prententious and faggoty (lifeforms)

and evrything they did sounded really cheesy after 5 minutes

and all that trippy 90s computer graphics was silly

and they wore too much leather trousers

and ponced about a lot

then they went really gay (mello hippy trippy hippo disco bollocks)

even though the isness has a few pretty tunes

as does all their overblown mid 90s trippy cheese

eyes pop skin explodes from ISDN is good

but they peaked with the track moscow in 91

im pretty sure brian dougans was the decent one

and cobain was the leather ponce

BCM you're wrong about accelerator






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afx looks like a drugged out cunt in most of his interviews


dont go on in-person interviews to judge electronic music. thats a huge mistake.

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Even if I liked their music this clip would put me off =)


yeah this clip is quite shit, annoying.... the music's still good


and all that trippy 90s computer graphics was silly


Agree. They ruin the tracks, I only took a very brief glimpse at the "rendered" artwork of my ISDN cd. I disagree with the rest of your post though. :fee:

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