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looks a bit shitty if you ask me. i kinda liked the black line better

As long as RDJ is not concerned, you think that everything sucks. Your opinion does not count anymore. :fee:

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why must there be a line?, im just curious. is it related to whatever autopilot was doing?


No, of course not, it does't HAVE to have one - but, from a design standpoint, having a visual separator between the post and the user's signature makes sense in the fact that it alleviates any confusion as to what is the poster's content versus their signature - originally, it was a few dashed lines like this:




Code-wise, it was a mess of BR tags, and frankly, annoyed me, so I changed it to a simple HR (which in my haste didn't take the time to style, and the forums erupted in complaints) - I then styled it (a thin gray line), and a few detractors still lingered, but I always intended on having something more visual there to go along with the redesign of the forums, and the site's eventual look and feel. This is just a default skin for the forum that comes with the software, and after the 3.0 upgrade of the forums (due soon I think), then we'll apply a custom theme that matches what the site proper will look like, so it will all be one site once again. I've never liked IPB's graphics or colour choices for their forum skins.


Be on the lookout for a new favicon (that little icon used when bookmarking the site and that appears on your tab or address bar) soon as well, which will allude to the visual look and feel of WATMM to come.


Oh, and it was nothing nobody did - the impetus for this was the whole "Unicorns!" thing Chaosmachine did - when I went in to comment out the code, I saw the entry for the signature separator, and decided at that time to fix a long-standing annoyance I had with the forum.

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looks a bit shitty if you ask me. i kinda liked the black line better

As long as RDJ is not concerned, you think that everything sucks. Your opinion does not count anymore. :fee:


not true. also, i don't need people's approval with my opinions coz they're just opinions dude, they have no objective reality. i know what i like and i don't give a fuck if you don't.

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the whole forum design is based on rectangular shapes and tables, but even though the sig line graphic is a rectangle and it's really wide, the circular gradient is pretty dominant so it sticks out like a circle (well, oval) within squares does...which isn't really the purpose of a sig line...? also it's the only thing that actually has a color gradient, it breaks the 2d minmal style of the board interface and makes it look wannabe-3d, BUT most of you seem to like it so I guess I'll just go play outside more often :smile:


jk it's just a sig line I'll get used to it like I did to the new forum design (but I mean it, the part regarding the circle stuff)

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