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North Korea conducts nuclear test


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kim jong il is far too crazy to understand the very sane concept of mutual assured destruction


Or is it the other way round?

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Guest countchocula
kim jong il is far too crazy to understand the very sane concept of mutual assured destruction


Or is it the other way round?


The concept of mutual assured destruction is so crazy that the very sane Kim Jong Il can not understand it?

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Guest Shit Attack

mutual assured destruction is far too crazy to understand the very sane concept of kim jong il

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Guest ezkerraldean

The concept of sane crazyness is far too understood to destroy the concept of Kim Jong Il

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It's not NK having nukes I worry about; it's them selling the tech off to any willing takers is what concerns me - that, or Pakistan succumbing to the Taliban and allowing them to get a hold of the nukes Pakistan has.

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we isolated them .. created 'their own little world' ... their situation reflects our policies ... it would be a very different country now .. if not for this ...





tons of official Soviet documents were released from Stalin's era where both him and Mao wanted the DPRK on a permanent war economy basis...the Korean peninsula was meant to be a communist base within reach of Japan and nothing else...so to say it was only the Western world that encouraged the regime to grow is complete nonsense.


a change in our policies would be completely ineffective at this point anyway, its a lose-lose situation. all of the resources we send to the country are relocated by Kim Jong-Il's cadre to the top .05% of the population as a reward for their loyalty, and anything they claim to do for the benefit of the North Korean public is a complete joke of mismanagement and corruption (such as the over fertilization of river soils in 2000-2002 which led to runoff destroying what little crops the village communities had)


the removal or action against Kim Jong-Il would only result in a gigantic power vacuum which would almost definitely lead to an even more radical and corrupt military junta....china doesn't like the situation ( but its not about to send a task force against its ally and one of the largest standing armies in the world.)


my point is, the situation would have been fucked either way you look at it.....if we had let the Koreans fight it out themselves, the North Koreans would have surely won and to assume it would have been a socialist paradise contradicts most of the sino-soviet diplomacy from 1940s-present.


The only problem is...you have to go back a little bit further. Just a few years. Try 1948 (official date of split) or even actually 1945 (when the US and the Soviet UNion decided to say "hey, Korea doesn't matter, we can ignore the pre-japanese colonization boundaries and just split it in half.OK Comrade?")

In actual fact you can go back to when the US turned its back on Korea in 1905 and allowed Japan to declare it under Japanese provisional rule (after signing an agreement with Korea that it would protect it).



This is true and I don't dispute that, but how does the 1905 betrayal or any other event excuse Kim Jong Il's regime? To say this man and his nation is right to do what they are doing against the interest in at LEAST 90% of their people is utterly stupid and unbelievable that anyone could think we could easily parse it off on other nations.


There were some rough almost dictatorships in South Korea, but we don't see hundreds of thousands of people dying of starvation and executed for being people's enemies. The regime is crooked and to say its the West's fault is taking up an extremely narrow minded view of the situation.


Edit: Also, there are historical documents as far back as the Leninist Era of the early 1920's where Lenin and his subordinates had the same plan....if you are extremely interested in them i can try to dig them up from my past thesis work

Edited by Smettingham Rutherford IV
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Guest ezkerraldean
It's not NK having nukes I worry about; it's them selling the tech off to any willing takers is what concerns me - that, or Pakistan succumbing to the Taliban and allowing them to get a hold of the nukes Pakistan has.

the taliban are just inbred retard tribesmen though. they aren't gonna know how to use them. they'll probably just end up doign something like this

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  • 14 years later...

I could only watch 10 minutes of this, it sounds as bad as the 90s famine, but Jesus, dead bodies in the streets? This is why they put out that edict against suicide. The world needs to end this. 


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On 6/19/2023 at 2:42 PM, Rubin Farr said:

I could only watch 10 minutes of this, it sounds as bad as the 90s famine, but Jesus, dead bodies in the streets? This is why they put out that edict against suicide. The world needs to end this. 


I was at a talk with the Dane who infiltrated the high ranks in North Korea. There’s an amazing documentary about it that you need to watch. Anyway, at that talk he told about the other side of Pyongyang that no one sees and needless to say, it sounded fucking horrible. It was during the winter and he told that there were huge piles of frozen excrements in the streets. No heat, no electricity, and no running water. 

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word up if you replied to this thread in 2009 and made it this far. based on the results of Russia invading Ukraine, you're more likely to see a nation getting targeted, destroyed and relentlessly tormented for 1+ year than you are to see anyone attempt to use nukes. we won't see the world vanish in the blink of an eye, but we will see government bodies of all kinds doing horrific things to other human beings.

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