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James Cameron's Avatar


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Aaah, if only I was 15 and naive again, this would be areal treat.


yeah, the entire premise of the movie sounds like a 15 year old's concoction. blue elves called the navi living on the planet pandora.


and they all speak english.


for some reason, i just can't stop hating on this movie. maybe it's because it looks like a juvenile piece of shit (from what i've seen, and i doubt the rest of the movie is much different) and cameron's ego is blown up enough to make him think that it'll revolutionize cinema.

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Nice! Thanks for posting.


I'm so pendulum in my expectations for this one - one minute I think it's going to rock my balls off, the next I'm terrified it'll be a 3D Bayfest of cool looking shit with no soul. . . .


but, it is James Cameron doing sci-fi, which hasn't produced a bad movie yet (correct me if i'm wrong)


Piranha Part Two: The Spawning (1981)

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Guest Mirezzi

As much as I'd like to keep hating on this, I can't do so for the reason that it's too much of a kid's movie. I think the world needs more kids movies. By kids movies, I don't mean Pixar movies that masquerade as kids movies while making constant adult references to things (for mom & dad) that kids couldn't care less about. Kids movies. Like shit kids would find fun and interesting and entertaining. NOT WHERE THE FUCKING WILD THINGS ARE AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF SPIKE FUCKING JONZE AND DAVE FUCKING EGGERS. NO MORE KIDS MOVIES MADE FOR AGING HIPSTER COCKSUCKERS!

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I think it looks pretty...


probably gonna be cheese...


but a very nice looking cheese... :crazy:


yeah im not hoping for anything beyond this, when i saw the 20 minute preview the visuals were deeply immersing and mind blowing (especially in 3d) but the scenes that took me out of the movie the most were sam worthingtons cheesy action movie catchphrases. maybe it would work if Arnold was the main character because i could find humor in it (intentional or not) but i dont know about this sam worthington guy as well as the dialogue in the script.

edit: an interesting thing they could have done is have the aliens speak a native language and have everything be subtitled, so we don't have to hear sam as a blue alien saying 'bad ass!'

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As much as I'd like to keep hating on this, I can't do so for the reason that it's too much of a kid's movie. I think the world needs more kids movies. By kids movies, I don't mean Pixar movies that masquerade as kids movies while making constant adult references to things (for mom & dad) that kids couldn't care less about. Kids movies. Like shit kids would find fun and interesting and entertaining. NOT WHERE THE FUCKING WILD THINGS ARE AS SEEN THROUGH THE EYES OF SPIKE FUCKING JONZE AND DAVE FUCKING EGGERS. NO MORE KIDS MOVIES MADE FOR AGING HIPSTER COCKSUCKERS!


agreed, for me Return of the Jedi was one of my favorite films pre 10 years old. I have hope for new kid's movies though, i've recently seen some from the past 5 years like the The Last Mimzy that give me hope. anybody else see that one? i still kind of want to see where the wild things are :rolleyes:

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God, it looks so unbelievably bland - CGI use is not a substitute for plot and a lot of directors and writers nowadays seem to be forgetting that. All it looks like is a trailer for some new Final Fantasy game.


But yeah, probably bloody amazing if your about 14 .....

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No one is saying this movie is going to revolutionize the world because of its subject matter or even because of the CGi... whats revolutionary about is how its going to showcase 3D filmmaking. It gives viewers a new way of watching movies and that in itself will make this movie I think feel extremely fresh.


I mean yeah let's face it, all us twisted IDM heads would have preferred a more dark/serious plot/story then this, but that was simply never the intention for this project. So don't expect that. What this will hopefully be is a fun epic adventure movie...


Also here is this recent snipit from the Seattle PI about some backstage viewing of the movie


The footage shown to us will absolutely revolutionize the way we look at films. To see the state of film right now, one need look no further than next month's 2012. A large, loud disaster-movie-of-all-disaster-movies, the film is jam-packed with tons of horrific disaster scenes of biblical, world-shattering levels. You have seen almost nothing like it, and yet people are already yawning, joking about how many times an audience can see the White House destroyed before it loses any meaning at all. (This time it is crushed by an aircraft carrier caught in a tidal wave.) But Cameron's Avatar footage is incredible. When put in context, Cameron's "Big Blue Smurfs" (as some have cleverly -- ahem -- called them) are magnificent, incredibly expressive -- it's hard to believe they are entirely CG.


The vistas that Cameron paints with are spectacular and unbelievable. There are times where you see the background -- distant mountains and waterfalls -- fade into focus, and you feel as if you are there, almost forgetting that this is a movie. You gasp and ooh and ahh at the world these characters find themselves in and never for a moment do you feel like you are watching something familiar. It is all brand new, wonderful and more than worth the money you slapped down to see it. And that's all before you even get to the story, a modern update of the classic John Carter of Mars, taken in new and interesting directions. During the screening my wife kept leaning over and whispering her wonder while I stared, glued, almost entirely dumbstruck by the footage.


Considering most big hollywood directors are moving to 3D and new HDTV's are coming out next year that allow the same experience in your living room, I think we are the cusp of a new generation of visual entertainment.

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but films have been playing in 3d for quite some time now, what exactly will this revolutionize? how to make a 3 hour long video game trailer?


if i wanted to watch a moral story about greed and killing off indigenous peoples ill just watch steven segal in on deadly ground


the design for the aliens and their home world is fucking laughable, it looks ridiculous


i was far more impressed by the fart i just pumped out 5mins ago


i loved abyss, really adored it but i think this is going to suck, ill watch it to see sigourney because quite frankly, id fucking tap that.

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On one level this is laughable *but* I kind of like the 70's earnestness in our cynical times. I bet it turns out to be a pretty entertaining film.


central premise seems so weird though - they can grow an entire hybrid creature from nothing, inject your consciousness into it, but they can't inject his consciousness into a vat-grown human body to restore his legs? I imagine they figured out some excuse for that.

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On one level this is laughable *but* I kind of like the 70's earnestness in our cynical times. I bet it turns out to be a pretty entertaining film.


central premise seems so weird though - they can grow an entire hybrid creature from nothing, inject your consciousness into it, but they can't inject his consciousness into a vat-grown human body to restore his legs? I imagine they figured out some excuse for that.


Well the alien species is physically a lot better then us humans, so many marines/scientists/humans/etc do this genetic/computer/wizardry/tech shit so they can literally have a better chance of surviving on this alien planet.

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this film looks like complete bullshit and I hate the art design. I can't believe James Cameron is behind it.

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I must just be looking at this stuff differently then you guys. I think all the art is completely out of this world/psychedelic for a science fiction movie, which is usually all about grime (aliens, independence day, war of the worlds, star wars, star trek)... this seems so fresh and original to me. But whatev

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OKAY EVERYONE... Watch the trailer with no sound on... go to your MP3 player... put on Meltphace 6 by Aphex Twin... start the trailer and music the same time. Watch and tell me you don't want to see this movie in 3D on the Imax.


Do it.



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the best way i can describe the art design is "dated." The machines in particular look quite ghetto, ugly duckling hybrids of vietnam helicopters with the mechs I was playing with in the 80s. I have no doubt Cameron was heavily involved in designing them, and was trying to hearken back to some of the Vietnam in space ideas that worked well for him in Aliens.


The planet and alien designs do look like psychedelic 1970's and 80's sci-fi and fantasy book covers, though, and I'll be looking forward to that.

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the best way i can describe the art design is "dated." The machines in particular look quite ghetto, ugly duckling hybrids of vietnam helicopters with the mechs I was playing with in the 80s. I have no doubt Cameron was heavily involved in designing them, and was trying to hearken back to some of the Vietnam in space ideas that worked well for him in Aliens.


The planet and alien designs do look like psychedelic 1970's and 80's sci-fi and fantasy book covers, though, and I'll be looking forward to that.


I think the world looks fresh imo... he obviously takes things from places (i don't think its possible to create something completely original without it being very hard to relate to)... but the overall design of the aliens, creatures, plant life... its a new place, at least thats my impression. The human stuff I agree has a definite vietnam feel to it... in fact the shot with planes/helicopters in the sunset seemed right out of Apocalypse Now.


Had they gone with a more sleek futuristic design I think it would have felt forced. The military doesn't create beauty, they create functional vechical/mechanical equipment/weaponry... and the whole theme of this film is going to be machine vs. nature/man, so the 80's vibe is perfect for this.


There are a few shots in the trailer that look bad CG wise... but I think its really stupid of us to judge out of context and on our computers. Impressions I have read, say that its in the longer completed scenes do the aliens come to life. Because in these trailers your not seeing pro-longed animations of their movements and because the clips are all taking place in different places/lighting conditions, the dramatic shifts in lighting/colors (boy is this film filled with color), it makes it even more absurd/cartoony feeling. Nothing feels consistent which is the problem, but thats not because its not realistic... with a species as colorful as the Na'vi... the lighting can have DRAMATIC effects on their skin tone, tis why sometimes it looks like they are this bright teal and other times this darker softer blue.

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