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this decade has sucked.


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The worst from what happened this decade for me was missing the 2000-millenium boom as instead, I was until couple of days ago waiting for 2010 with no apparent reason to have it switched between these two dates.

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This decade has seemed "transitional" to me, on the whole. The two main cultural poles, in my eyes, have been Terror Panic, and Mass Communication. I think, culturally, the next decade has the potential to be the greatest the world has ever seen. I suggest to everybody: Work towards making your mark on it. Start right now.

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As has been stated before in this thread, there was plenty of good in this decade but there was also so much bad. Really, I think this decade will be known as the "more" decade. There was more of everything: people, money, media, problems, etc.


What was the most disturbing to me was the rise in apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic media (books, movies, music, art, you name it). I don't have any numbers to back up my claims, but it seems like there was a lot more of it. I just wonder if it was a trend or if they are trying to prepare us for something.

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lol, "they" are trying to prepare us for something?


As in the cold war, it's just a reflection of the popular mindset. Global warming, pandemics, terror attacks, etc make many people understandably concerned about where we're headed.

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Culturally we've had great cinema, tv and music.

I'm sure people can add to this list:

TV - Deadwood, Sopranos, Lost, Entourage, The Wire, Six Feet Under, The Office, Flight of the Conchords, Futurama (ok, it's first season was 99 but the rest of it was in this decade).


Film - (good lord so many) Oldboy, Infernal Affair, Hero, Mind Game, Tekkon Kinkreet, The Incredibles, Amelie, Pan's Labryinth, Snatch, There Will Be Blood, No Country For Old Men...


Music - Analord, The Tuss, Confield, Draft 7.30, Go Plastic, Venus No.17, Geogaddi, Fishscale, More Fish, 8 diagrams, Like Water For Chocolate, So much good shit on Stones Throw, underground hip-hop, All that good dubstep, dub techno, list goes on and on.


fucking fuck you guys and your negativity.

no drukqs? :o


also, as each decade ends, because it's so recent and in our memories, it seems like so much shit has happened/been made/been thrust upon us. As time passes, our minds, consciously or subconsciously filter out this shit, leaving us with the happy memories of the good things that happened. Like what chen listed. Imagine the load of utter shit music that came out in the 80s, when now we boil it down to about a 100 albums that were great. 100 albums for ten years. Thats not that many. Same thing for the 90s. Its like our minds and our collective subconscious are running and endless loop of Vh1's I love the __ show, filtering out the boring, lame, and forgettable shit, and remembering the great, and of course the sublimely awful (Spiderman(

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yes drukqs of course, although really that was only "quite good" and not great. (sorry papa)


and yeah I would have thought was painfully obvious, the internet and mass media have simply enabled us to have more.

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lol, "they" are trying to prepare us for something?


As in the cold war, it's just a reflection of the popular mindset. Global warming, pandemics, terror attacks, etc make many people understandably concerned about where we're headed.


Geez, ruin all of my fun. Of course it's just a reflection of what is on everyone's mind. But really; what happens when the numbers run out?

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Guest Drahken

The 00 decade has been a let down for myself. I spent the 90's basking in how awesome the future looked. Riding the cusp of the internet before people had idea what you could do with it lent a sort of higher awareness. The rave culture died out but at least you got to ride the last wave. And the future for technology minded people seemed limitless so long as you had the motivation. Then the dot-com bubble burst, 9/11 happened and in a couple years the whole scene changed. Sure there have been some great moments in the last decade, but for me they get lost amongst the brutal raping of our childhood memories by hollywood and a new generation of stuffy emo kids and trendy hipsters who spend $80 on a shirt I wore back in 1986.

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This decade has seemed "transitional" to me, on the whole.

yes. the question is, will that transition ever actually happen? are we making progress, or will we just continue to sit in this rut without even seeing it (blinded as we are by fear-mongers and cheeseburger ads)?


What was the most disturbing to me was the rise in apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic media (books, movies, music, art, you name it). I don't have any numbers to back up my claims, but it seems like there was a lot more of it. I just wonder if it was a trend or if they are trying to prepare us for something.

this is a very good point. the greatest minds among us have been warning us about many of the problems we currently face for years, and yet we simply acknowledge that they make good points as we simultaneously allow those very problems to gestate and fester. Orwell (for example) warned us of being controlled by propaganda, manipulated by Big Brother, money-driven capitalist forces masked as government agencies, and people seemed to hear him, they discussed his ideas and made his literature required reading in high schools and colleges. And yet here we are, still marching toward that same dystopian hive culture. America is busily fighting wars in the middle east that are presented as patriotic ventures but are clearly just thinly-veiled grabs for oil and power, directed by those very same shadowy men with money that we've been warned about time and time again. We continue to get our news from them (and our opinions are thereby shaped by them), we allow them to control our government, as if it were the inevitable course of things.

and all that "apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic media" that used to serve as warnings of what not to let happen have now become the latest trendy thing. we go to the movie theater and pay to watch Neo destroy the machines and reclaim the broken world for the people, and then we get in our gas-hogs and drive the 2 miles home, talking about how great the special effects were and where can I get one of those shiny trenchcoats? can't wait for the sequel, man!


but maybe the 2010s will be different... maybe...


(hmm, went a bit off topic there)

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Is it just me, or has life mostly just sucked since about 1999? When I try to think of things that define this decade all I come up with is ipods and myspace/facebook and 1-dimensional summer blockbuster trash and more bland television and more uninspired mall-rock and neofolk indie crap and even more mindnumbing political bullshit than the world had seen in quite a while.

Remember the 80s? what an era! I hear the 70s weren't too shabby either. Hell even the 90s had moments, there was still some passion floating around, people thinking and creating, problems being addressed and solved.


Has anything good at all come of humanity's continued existence during the past 9 years?


things are still ticking along ... culturally we maybe in a lull (then again maybe that's just your life progressing eh .. or not being underground enough in your music tastes or something)


- technologically .. beyond the inevitable movement towards better graphics in games .. more memory for storage .. faster access through the net .. amazing improvements in mobile tech .. everywhere flatscreens (except on my upstairs bedroom pC -must rectify this week) ... we also have had a fundamental shift in free market investment to begin trending towards helping alternative power generation/green building/fossil fuel free vehicles/organic food crops(although that's 90's) ...


- medicine is progressing forward nicely .. cancer is being unzipped and understood .. organs are being printed .. genes are being recoded .. natural remedies are being embraced (resveretrol/fish oil/blue berries/lycopene) as anti-aging becomes a well thought out plan of attack ...


ok ... there's been no great events that you can point to to define the decade (well USamericans would probably mentioned one) .. and there's been no war (well actually there's been two) ... but still from just two areas of human endevour glanced at in brief ... much good can be said to have come from this decade ... even if rap wasn't invented and noone goes about in parachute pants and A-TEAM t-shirts throwing beer bottles at heavy metal losers for their long hair 'oh you fags look like girls' ...


- oh yeah .. so we're a little more tolerant now (well at least to those within our societies as long as they are apolitical mindclones ... but what has changed there)

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People rarely realize the greatness that is, but instead only see such greatness after it has passed.


words of wisdom for a change ^^^



It's weird though, some of my favorite music I listen to these days that has come out in the past 9 years (other than afx and such... well, quite a lot actually) has been free net releases, and a lot of people from this forum.




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Guest my usernames always really suck

The 00 decade has been a let down for myself. I spent the 90's basking in how awesome the future looked. Riding the cusp of the internet before people had idea what you could do with it lent a sort of higher awareness. The rave culture died out but at least you got to ride the last wave. And the future for technology minded people seemed limitless so long as you had the motivation. Then the dot-com bubble burst, 9/11 happened and in a couple years the whole scene changed. Sure there have been some great moments in the last decade, but for me they get lost amongst the brutal raping of our childhood memories by hollywood and a new generation of stuffy emo kids and trendy hipsters who spend $80 on a shirt I wore back in 1986.

Pretty much this.


Also, every music artist I liked in the 90s turned out to make nothing but shit in the 00s.

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People rarely realize the greatness that is, but instead only see such greatness after it has passed.



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Guest jubes

It is said that what is called the Spirit of an Age is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. In the same way, a single year does not have just spring or summer. A single day, too, is the same. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation.

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Guest theSun

I would say that western culture entered terminal decline around 1959.


you're right people were so collected and rational in the 50s

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

It is said that what is called the Spirit of an Age is something to which one cannot return. That this spirit gradually dissipates is due to the world's coming to an end. In the same way, a single year does not have just spring or summer. A single day, too, is the same. For this reason, although one would like to change today's world back to the spirit of one hundred years or more ago, it cannot be done. Thus it is important to make the best out of every generation.


is that from ghost dog?

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yeah I've changed my mind.


people have always been stupid and lazy, and that's depressing, but it's not the end of the world, it's just the way of the world.


so we're not fucked (yet) (maybe).



my apologies for my previous moment of despair and naivete'.


I still say this decade has not produced much of substance, with a few obvious exceptions.

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