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XBox 360 is of a good price


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Why would you even take a survey of 5,000 for anything? Such a joke of a report.


Xbox 360 has the best games, if your console breaks send it in and get a new one. It's no excuse to miss out on the excellent library just like there was no excuse to miss out on the PS2 library (even though it had its fair share of console failures).


Considering the proliferation of cross-platform titles these days, I'd argue that "Xbox 360 has the best games" is a bit of a past-tense statement. The exclusives the 360 has had so far haven't lasted long (to later appear on PS3 with additional content or features, or an improved experience), and this misperception of having a 'superior' library is only due to it being out earlier.


Yeah, as I said above, because Microsoft made their console more software/developer friendly the multiplatform games OFTEN run and look better on the 360 then the PS3. Sony's architecture although can be powerful is very hard to tap in to.

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my mate bought a ps3 for the final fantasy (whatever number) because it was an sony exclusive, other ppl have boguht a ps3 for the MGS games. both of whcih will be out on xbox.

he is extremely pissed off he had to waste money on a ps3


also when 360's break ppl tend to go outside and do shit, rather then play a ps3 console with crap controllers which makes ps3 gameplay a nightmare.



lets not even go into te online capabilities with xbox. its a joy to be online, running smooth as anything, loads of content to download and oxm videos to check out what going down in the coming month, all for a measly £4 a month (i pay monthly)

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Xbox ftw


The controller just makes so much more sense, that alone is worth it.


And they cut out the rumble function from PS3????? what is the deal there? Am I the only one who found that an incredibly immersive feature?


So the graphics are a bit better on PS3, but graphics don't really mean shit and if you are complaining about the lack of xbox graphical quality you are a bit spoiled i think.


The games library is much more diverse on xbox as far as I know and there are not very many games that I see advertised for PS3 that I actually regret not being able to play (Ratchet, God of War, Infamous)


Anyways go XBOX

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Guest blicero

I'm on my 4th or 5th 360 and i STILL have NO REGRETS. Everytime it breaks, it is replaced for free. is it an inconvenience? Sure, but it still beats owning a PS3.


And what will you do when MS stops replacing it for free, or something that breaks that is not covered by the warranty? the E74 errors were not covered up until just this past April, and thankfully they did reimburse people who previously paid for E74 error repairs.


I'll by a new elite.


one of my closest friends just got a PS3 new-in-box from craigslist for $200. he was super excited about it. 2 days after he gets it, he calls me to ask if I want to play Halo 3 with him. LOL

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My Xbox has been busted for 4 months now and its not because of the RROD... so I have to pay for it to be fixed...


HOWEVER, I still love the fucking console too much to hate on it. I've spent countless hours on it playing Orange Box... and once Natal comes out and someone releases a game with Head tracking... well let's just say 3D gaming has arrived and no... you don't need to upgrade your TV's... It's going to be fucking sweet.


Neuromancer here we come.

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Check out this video showcasing how you can take your Wii and make it do headtracking... then watch as your screen becomes a 3D reality.


Regardless 3D TV Displays are coming out this year and it will soon be a common experience to watch a Blu-Ray at home in full Stereoscopic 3D... Virtual Reality is becoming a reality.


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my mate bought a ps3 for the final fantasy (whatever number) because it was an sony exclusive, other ppl have boguht a ps3 for the MGS games. both of whcih will be out on xbox.

he is extremely pissed off he had to waste money on a ps3


also when 360's break ppl tend to go outside and do shit, rather then play a ps3 console with crap controllers which makes ps3 gameplay a nightmare.



lets not even go into te online capabilities with xbox. its a joy to be online, running smooth as anything, loads of content to download and oxm videos to check out what going down in the coming month, all for a measly £4 a month (i pay monthly)


The 360 is NOT getting MGS4, and the game they are getting is also on PS3, so no big loss there. He only wasted money on a PS3 if the games he prefers are on 360, which that makes him a dumbass to begin with.


Have you ever been online with a PS3? Works just like 360, smooth online, matchmaking, etc. - the biggest difference is the experience is left up to the game's developers, rather than a unified experience like on Live. I'd agree that unification is a good thing, but once you're playing online, that's all that really matters, eh?


The videos, demos, etc. you all mention are on PSN, and the best (and most importantly) thing is, it's FREE.


RE: controllers - considering the PS controller is the most emulated controller out there, I'd wager that equates to a very well-thought out design, considering I haven't seen any other controller makers emulating the 360's layout (which for me personally, the offset analogue sticks is a bit confusing at first and the d-pad is shit, and any self-respecting 360 owner won't argue with you on that point for sure).


Xbox ftw


The controller just makes so much more sense, that alone is worth it.


And they cut out the rumble function from PS3????? what is the deal there? Am I the only one who found that an incredibly immersive feature?


So the graphics are a bit better on PS3, but graphics don't really mean shit and if you are complaining about the lack of xbox graphical quality you are a bit spoiled i think.


The games library is much more diverse on xbox as far as I know and there are not very many games that I see advertised for PS3 that I actually regret not being able to play (Ratchet, God of War, Infamous)


Anyways go XBOX


The PS3 controller initially didn't have the rumble feature due to their lawsuit with Immersion, and Sony's stubbornness to fight it. The rumble feature has been a standard now in the controllers for more than a year, so it's no longer an issue.


As for graphics quality, you will see a widening gap in what the PS3 and 360 can do in the coming years, as the 360 is getting near it's ceiling of what it can do graphically, versus even the best PS3 games only utilizing at most a bit more than half it's power. Sony's in for the long haul, and over time, PS3 will prove to be a wiser investment (financially and game-wise) as the PS3 games ultimately are regarded as the superior product (which is already starting to happen).



I'm on my 4th or 5th 360 and i STILL have NO REGRETS. Everytime it breaks, it is replaced for free. is it an inconvenience? Sure, but it still beats owning a PS3.


And what will you do when MS stops replacing it for free, or something that breaks that is not covered by the warranty? the E74 errors were not covered up until just this past April, and thankfully they did reimburse people who previously paid for E74 error repairs.


I'll by a new elite.


one of my closest friends just got a PS3 new-in-box from craigslist for $200. he was super excited about it. 2 days after he gets it, he calls me to ask if I want to play Halo 3 with him. LOL


LOL for wanting to play a good game, regardless of console? A bit short-sighted if you ask me...

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i know, but this means that at least it's being worked on.


edit: i wish the elder scrolls v was being worked on :(


Some guy from Bethesda was quoted the other day saying that they're not working on a new Bethesda game, but it turned out he was misquoted so they are or at least will work on a new Elder Scrolls game. I can't find the article where I read this, but he said something about Oblivion and the other Elder Scrolls games doing so well that it would be completely idiotic not to do a new one.

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Guest countchocula

Want to hear something shocking? I have a PS3 and I am completely satisfied with it and I don't care if someone I know has a 360. In fact all my friends who have a 360 really don't care that I have a PS3. We all can see the good points with our systems. Do any of you actually argue about this IRL?


It would be cool If Microsoft and Sony united. Since Microsoft's forte is software and Sony's is hardware the console they would create would be epic. The processing, graphics, and Blu-Ray of the PS3 with the online, controller, and games of the 360? It is brilliant.

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i know, but this means that at least it's being worked on.


edit: i wish the elder scrolls v was being worked on :(


Some guy from Bethesda was quoted the other day saying that they're not working on a new Bethesda game, but it turned out he was misquoted so they are or at least will work on a new Elder Scrolls game. I can't find the article where I read this, but he said something about Oblivion and the other Elder Scrolls games doing so well that it would be completely idiotic not to do a new one.


i read an article on joystiq where some developer said that there won't be another elder scrolls game for a long time, but that they may be working on an mmorpg. i'm not really down with that, so i hope it's not true.

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Guest blicero

Have you ever been online with a PS3? Works just like 360, smooth online, matchmaking, etc. - the biggest difference is the experience is left up to the game's developers, rather than a unified experience like on Live. I'd agree that unification is a good thing, but once you're playing online, that's all that really matters, eh?


I disagree. To my knowledge, the only developer/publisher who has decided to use its own infrastructure/service for online on 360 (as opposed to using the Xbox live servers) is EA, and their online experience has been fraught with issues. I've been playing Battlefield:1943 like mad lately, but in the last few days I've been unable to play because their servers are fucking FULL?! so, the fact that the one developer to not use xbox live for online fucks it up over and over again leads me to think that PS3 online could be a victim of this.


RE: controllers - considering the PS controller is the most emulated controller out there, I'd wager that equates to a very well-thought out design, considering I haven't seen any other controller makers emulating the 360's layout (which for me personally, the offset analogue sticks is a bit confusing at first and the d-pad is shit, and any self-respecting 360 owner won't argue with you on that point for sure).


come on, man. don't go all correlation = causation on me. the controller is emulated because it is the controller of the most popular system (PS2), not because of any ergonomic merits. If you hold the 360 controller, then let your thumbs naturally rest on it, they will land perfectly on the thumbsticks. additionally, playing a shooter with shoulder buttons instead of triggers is far inferior an experience.


LOL for wanting to play a good game, regardless of console? A bit short-sighted if you ask me...


no... my point was, he had a PS3 for 2 days and was already preferring to play a nearly 2 yr old 360 game.

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I do like how Obel successfully started a console war thread - figured it would die out quick. Kudos m8.


Anyway - look, I'm a die-hard Xbox fan for various reasons, though the recent PS3 slim announcement has gone a long way to turn me around. That being said, there are aspects that it seems each company does a little better than the other - I think the Xbox Live and Dashboard setup for a lot of things seems to just work better - especially for streaming media from my comp and more importantly the Netflix integration.


But - I like the streamlined interface the PS3 offers.


I love the Xbox control for FPS and other twitch games - I would much rather have a PS2/3 controller for any fighter out there.


If I had my druthers, I'd have a PS3 Slim, Xbox 360, Wii, Macked out PC with 3D Head Tracking glasses and Novint Falcon controller, but I just can't afford all that. Ultimately, though, having competition between these systems is great and just makes it better for everyone, no matter what system you lean towards. For example, I'm pumped as shit about Natal, but I doubt it would have been developed as quickly if the Wii hadn't proved that in fact, yes, motion controllers print money. Same thing with Sony's new motion controller.


I guess I'm sayin' - can't we all just get along?

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Guest blicero

It would be cool If Microsoft and Sony united. Since Microsoft's forte is software and Sony's is hardware the console they would create would be epic. The processing, graphics, and Blu-Ray of the PS3 with the online, controller, and games of the 360? It is brilliant.


this is basically how i feel about PS3 v. 360.


you said it perfectly.


PS3 = processing, graphics, & blu-ray.


2 hardware features and an unnecessary proprietary physical media format (see: digital downloads).


360 = online, controller, games.


I feel these 3 features cannot be easily bought or bypassed. and this is why I think Microsoft will ultimately win this battle. Netflix exclusivity is just more icing on the cake.



By the way, i want to clear something up. I know i pick on joyrex and PS3 a lot on here, but i don't really dog on PS3 owners IRL. if you are happy, that's all that matters. but when JR busts into every 360 thread with his flamethrower blazing, spewing some Sony propaganda in a fake cockney accent... i have a hard time not reciprocating.

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Same. I don't understand the console war thing. I just like my games, I pick the console with the games I like. If I've got money to blow I might buy the other console.



This thread was just a parody of Joyrex's unpaid PS3 marketing.

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