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Sleep deprivation thread


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I don't sleep well but am just resigned to that now. I probably get about 4 hours of actual sleep a night and te rest of the time I just lie there or am tossing and turning....I guess my body just needs 4 hours sleep....funny thing is though, if I say "fuck it I won't sleep anyway" and go to bed a 3am then I don't sleep at all! it's like I need 3 or 4 hours just lying there in the dark awake for my body to relax and eventually sleep. it's annoying coz my girlfriend sleeps like a log and is next to me flat out while I'm lying there still awake....

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Now my problem w/sleep is that I can't sleep past 8 hours, really. If I go to bed at 2 am and have class at 11, I will not set my alarm because I know I will never sleep 9 hours 95% of the time. It's very very rare for me to sleep that long. Which I guess is a blessing and a curse in some ways.


This happens to me too. I attributed it to just being an adult and being trained not to sleep that long as well as added stress in your life and worries.


I slept like a rock as a teen, 10 hours a night on weekdays and 12+ hours a night on the weekends. Then I went to college and my sleep habits got all screwed up. I pulled many all-nighters, stayed out late, slept at odd times to keep myself sane. I think the longest I went without sleep was 67 hours, which isn't really long but I know I didn't sleep because I was moving and working the entire time. It got to where I couldn't hear very well, everything was kind of blurry, and I felt weightless, kind of like being underwater. When my projects were over though I went back to my dorm and fell on my bed and was asleep instantly and slept for 17 hours, then 14 the next night, then 11, then 9, etc. until I was back to my regular 7-8 hours. Nowadays I probably get 6 or 7 a night, but I wake up frequently for various reasons (bathroom, cat, body gets uncomfortable, or my mind will just kick into gear because I'm worried or stressed about something).

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I'm not lying. I ended up on the psych ward because I was about ready to jump off a tall building. I dunno about the micro-sleep thing. It's possible, but I wasn't conscious of it if it happened. The psychiatrists on the psych ward didn't believe me until they realized that for 6 of the 7 nights I slept there I didn't sleep (I was on constant observation). I slept about 45-60 min on the last night, out of luck I guess. I could go into more depth about this but just know this, I didn't sleep for 22 days. And I was 100% sober at the time so it's not like I was out of it or anything and didn't realize I had slept. Quite the opposite in fact. I was hyper-aware if anything.

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It sounds idiotically simple, but more exercise is one easy remedy.

exhaust yourself physically and sleep will not be avoidable

...unless you ingest stimulants...kick the coffee, green tea

or chocolate and you can sleep better.


get up early and go to bed earlier. (this can be fudged a bit

once we are in understanding about how to enhance our

abilities to go without sleep through our bodies running

more efficiently, this takes knowledge and some doing though)


It's hard at first, but we can reach our natural equilibrium once again

if we have patience and persevere. We can get back

to our original intended rhythms of

waking and sleeping.


sleep tight...

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Guest countchocula

I woke up yesterday at noon and worked from 3 until 11pm. I have not slept yet and I am about to work from 3-11pm again. FML.

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I woke up yesterday at noon and worked from 3 until 11pm. I have not slept yet and I am about to work from 3-11pm again. FML.


energry drinks + vodka

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Resurrecting this thread to suggest Chamomile Tea. It works for me 75% of the time.


Also, you should try and curb out all sugar, caffeine and nicotine from your diet post 8pm. I've got bad insomnia and usually get something like 2-3 hours of sleep a night. This has been helping alot lately though.

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  • 4 months later...
Guest Babar

i'm kinda disapointed not to hold a record here(skeaksta is out of the competition).

I haven't slept for 54 hours, and don't feel especially drowsy nor manic.

A few hours ago, as i was walking down a street I slightly burnt my eye with my cig - wind wind. A hooker shyly said me 'hi'.

I can hear the cats fucking downstairs.

Somehow, spring is already here.

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ive been having the odd bender weekend where ive been staying awake from approximately 5pm on thursday all the way through to about midday sunday, but i do it very rarely and my sleep pattern recovers almost immediately for monday morning anyway. impossible to do without drugs though. i enjoy the vague trippiness that starts to seep in after 48 hours awake.

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Guest Pennywise

just watch hypnosis relaxation videos on youtube repeatedly until you fall asleep, i do that sometimes

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Guest Babar

Dude, you're so fucked, you don't know how far gone you are ZUT ALORS! You're baking a psychosis cake at full tilt and the timer's set to *DING* any minute. Seriously, this is the least sense-making Babar post I can think of in awhile; and I'm taking into account your extremely charming and probably 100% unique intersection of French and English "syntax mindsets" (made-up word by me) when you write.


Dude, my psychotic years are behind me. I'd been on a semi-hypomanic state for two years or so and i know how it feels to be depersonalised. You got this very broad field of vision just like in movie theaters. Now it really scares me and i haven't experienced it for years. Unless i'm eating a spacecake or a dozen blotters right now i don't clearly see how i could suddenly blow a fuse. But you hit my weak point here. I'm quite afraid of getting mad, so i take my medication everyday (antidepressors, got me out of the well) + i have my ass stinged with neuroleptics every two weeks in order to dull my visual hallucinations. It don't work because it's synaesthesia. Don't you think i'm a nice boy ? :tongue:


Damn, i proofread every fucking syntagm in the previous writing (using google).

What is the wrong with my syntax ???

Does it look that jumble up ? I hope my posts don't read like chinese spams.

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I take melatonin every night. I started taking it a couple years ago so my girlfriend's nagging wouldn't irritate me so much, and so my heavy upstairs neighbor wouldn't keep me up. It works for sure. Sometimes you remember your dreams more vividly too, and that's cool.


I should really wing myself off of it though, even though it's natural. No more nagging girlfriend, still have the loud upstairs neighbor but I think she's toned down a bit. I'm just usually not tired enough to go to bed on time, even though I quit coffee (still do tea, but only in the morning) and don't smoke. I eat chocolate though, and I'm always either on the computer or watching a movie, which are both stimulants too.


Melatonin. It works. You just have to take it early enough to make you sleepy and get to bed on time. 30-45 before bed time is ideal.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I can't get into a routine what with early weekdays and then binge drinking on weekends nothing ever balances out properly and I end up tired and awake in all the wrong places, it's a right shitter

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No internet just before bed helps. It's hard to sleep when you've got some horrific Yegg gif of a woman shitting out a baseball or something floating in front of your eyes

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"he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night,

because the sun was set; and he took of the stones of that place,

and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.

he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth,

and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold

the angels of God ascending and descending on it."

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You have to get your internal clock set right - start going to bed at a set time, no matter how you feel, no matter how long you lay there until you fall asleep - eventually, your body will associate that time with sleep, and making sure you get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep is important too.

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Guest Stoppit

I would sleep well if I wasn't plagued by epic sinus problems which mean I wake up at least once a night and have to pump drugs up my nose

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Melatonin. It works. You just have to take it early enough to make you sleepy and get to bed on time. 30-45 before bed time is ideal.


Hw much do you take ?


I'm taking this but it doesn't do much. http://www.jarrow.com/product/492/Sleep_Optimizer

I take 2 to 4mg, depending on the brand.


magnesium supplements are another natural aid for sleep

Truth. My ex used to take that and I took it on occasion as well. Combined with melatonin though, so I couldn't say how well it worked.


You have to get your internal clock set right - start going to bed at a set time, no matter how you feel, no matter how long you lay there until you fall asleep - eventually, your body will associate that time with sleep, and making sure you get at least 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep is important too.

This is the purpose of melatonin, really. To help regulate your sleep patterns.

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Guest uptowndevil

Failed treatments to date: Beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, adrenalin injections, high dose ibuprofen, steroids, Trager Mentastics, violent exercise, cafergot suppositories, caffeine, acupuncture, marijuana, Percodan, Midrine, Tenormin, Sansert, homeopathics. No results. No results...

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