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Movies That Totally Suck!


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It's hard to put the finger on it - I guess it's just so eerie and unsettling. Can remember watching it for the first time 25 years back, and still love it - so maybe nostalgia colours my view a little.


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I really disagree with everyone saying Crash sucked. Why did you hate it so much? It was clearly a deliberately exaggerated spoof on action movies. It was one of the most hilarious movies I've seen in a while, I mean, come on! He fries his hand in a waffle cooker to keep himself alive and does so with complete seriousness. Anyone who hated this movie was clearly not thinking hard enough to realize its not actually a SERIOUS action movie.


Everything that has any of the following words on the poster...


Whoopi Goldberg!

Cuba Gooding Jnr!

Vince Vaughn!



Best British Comedy since Four Weddings...!

... Pie I/II/III/IV/V etc.

Saw II/III/IV etc.


dont forget:


"tour de force"

anything that has a quote from Shawn Edwards of FOX TV


"_____ just got ______"

"This summer"

"Too ______ for ________"

"for all the family"


Don't forget any fucking movie that has "feel good film of the year"

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How very dare you. To take a classic of the cinema and dump it in this thread?


Because that film is steaming heap of crap.


Also Donny Darko belongs in here too.


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flash gordon


flash gordon?! That's a classic, if you saw it as a kid. Left me with more indelible memories than probably any other childhood film...of course it sucks but that's not the point...


flash gordon was part of that generation of films that if they were released today, they would never get a PG cert

incredibly camp and full of phallic imagery. good movie

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Not that bad I guess, but did they even read the book to the end? The ending of the movie was a serious WTF.



Come on there, book to movie relations aside (I have not rea the book yet, still on Invisible Monsters) But as a movie I thought it to be one of the best of the year. Along with Crank II and Brüno.

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with some movies, you just wonder how on earth the people involved thought they weren't involved in an absolute train wreck.




sometimes that train is moving so fast no one can get off, or they won't let anyone off.

the film industry can be fucked up. i would hate to be an actor/actress that was

forced to be dragged through some stench and haunted by the smell for my carrier.


money games suck.... i feel bad for some of these folks. ( and just angry at other's)

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Guest Calx Sherbet

Everything by Tim Burton. I HATE HIS WORK.




I just can't stand that animated emo hipster shit.


i really like Burton, the fact that his films grew big in the emo subculture makes me embarrassed to like it........ fuck them.


Pee-wee's Big Adventure is amazing. god it still makes me laugh out loud

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