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LOST - Season 6

Rubin Farr

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The UK Office. Why? It was short, sweet, and pitch-perfectly punctuated by the two part x-mas special. Then of course.......there's the fucking American one. It sucked right out of the gate, but it has gone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....


Most television shows are horrible for the last few seasons as the flavor leaves the chewing gum.


The Sopranos was interesting because Season 5 was outstanding, but seriously, Season 6 was almost unwatchable.


agreed on the office. if every series director had the restraint of ricky and stephen, telly would be a more watchable thing.


disagree on the last season of the sopranos, though. if chase didn't make fairly extreme changes, i don't think he could have ended it in a way that was acceptable to the largest demographic in his viewers, and the network interference was there and visible right down to them not allowing him as much black as he wanted at the end. i found the last couple of episodes very affecting, particularly the mescaline one (I GET IT! - i think tony finally actually did there), and the very last one. that last scene with junior absolutely fucking killed me when i watched the repeat.

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Guest Mirezzi

Wouldn't most Lost fans agree it has gone at least two years longer than it should have?


I mean, come on, between the flashbacks and tedious, reconstituted cliffhangers, the story unfolded at a glacial pace.


I watched two seasons very quickly and I literally wanted to skip entire "fluff" episodes when I could tell the writers were AFK and just milking things.


"Let's have an episode where Locke and Walt discuss the rules of backgammon for 30 minutes so we can postpone resolving other story issues."

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Guest Mirezzi

disagree on the last season of the sopranos, though. if chase didn't make fairly extreme changes, i don't think he could have ended it in a way that was acceptable to the largest demographic in his viewers, and the network interference was there and visible right down to them not allowing him as much black as he wanted at the end. i found the last couple of episodes very affecting, particularly the mescaline one (I GET IT! - i think tony finally actually did there), and the very last one. that last scene with junior absolutely fucking killed me when i watched the repeat.

I admittedly gave up on Season 6 and didn't even finish it. I will do that some day.

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The UK Office. Why? It was short, sweet, and pitch-perfectly punctuated by the two part x-mas special. Then of course.......there's the fucking American one. It sucked right out of the gate, but it has gone on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.....


Most television shows are horrible for the last few seasons as the flavor leaves the chewing gum.


I hate most sitcoms but the American Office seems to make laugh my ass off almost every episode.....


I have never laughed once at the British version.....


I love a lot of britcoms...


You make me feel weird Ben....




maybe that is why you love The Shining so much....


you should adapt a Lovecraft story, but done well unlike all of the other attempts....


I think you could do horror well....

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Guest Mirezzi

woo! one of my next two projects will be a bit of a "horror" film...albeit on a shoestring budget...and the other one I'm working on is a fairy tale with a talking turtle.... :emotawesomepm9:

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disagree on the last season of the sopranos, though. if chase didn't make fairly extreme changes, i don't think he could have ended it in a way that was acceptable to the largest demographic in his viewers, and the network interference was there and visible right down to them not allowing him as much black as he wanted at the end. i found the last couple of episodes very affecting, particularly the mescaline one (I GET IT! - i think tony finally actually did there), and the very last one. that last scene with junior absolutely fucking killed me when i watched the repeat.

I admittedly gave up on Season 6 and didn't even finish it. I will do that some day.

if you want, just watch the last episode. i think it's the only one chase actually directed besides the first?

if you really want to condense, just watch the last scene in the restaurant, even. it pissed off so many people lol.

i thought it was incredible, and for even for a show symbolism-heavy enough to inspire worthless MA courses, it is heaving with a zillion references.

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Guest Mirezzi

Yeah that "we need to go back" was really not needed.

So did they like get off the island finally but returned because it was so fun?

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Guest Dirty Protest

Even if it had of ended 3 seasons ago, there still wouldnt have been an ending. Shit, I keep starting sentences trying to put my finger on just how grim that last episode was, but wtf, where do you start.


Lost, that is ^

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Yeah that "we need to go back" was really not needed.


i thought the "we have to go back" moment was brilliant. it was wtfs like that that made the show so addictive.

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woo! one of my next two projects will be a bit of a "horror" film...albeit on a shoestring budget...and the other one I'm working on is a fairy tale with a talking turtle.... :emotawesomepm9:




read some Lovecraft if you haven't....


minimal for the most part....


all short stories, cept At the Mountains of Madness (a novella)...


and I know you question my taste but trust me on this....


Yeah that "we need to go back" was really not needed.

So did they like get off the island finally but returned because it was so fun?


No, the 'island' was fucking with their lives, so they had to go back...

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Guest Mirezzi

woo! one of my next two projects will be a bit of a "horror" film...albeit on a shoestring budget...and the other one I'm working on is a fairy tale with a talking turtle.... :emotawesomepm9:




read some Lovecraft if you haven't....


minimal for the most part....


all short stories, cept At the Mountains of Madness (a novella)...


and I know you question my taste but trust me on this....

I don't question your taste at all. You're just more....generous...than I am. That's not to be confused with bad taste.


No, the 'island' was fucking with their lives, so they had to go back...

Okay, I'm gonna have to :facepalm: on that one, but since I only got through the first two seasons before getting bored with the show, I'll shut up about it. Whatever blows y'all's skirts up!

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woo! one of my next two projects will be a bit of a "horror" film...albeit on a shoestring budget...and the other one I'm working on is a fairy tale with a talking turtle.... :emotawesomepm9:




read some Lovecraft if you haven't....


minimal for the most part....


all short stories, cept At the Mountains of Madness (a novella)...


and I know you question my taste but trust me on this....

I don't question your taste at all. You're just more....generous...than I am. That's not to be confused with bad taste.


No, the 'island' was fucking with their lives, so they had to go back...

Okay, I'm gonna have to :facepalm: on that one, but since I only got through the first two seasons before getting bored with the show, I'll shut up about it. Whatever blows y'all's skirts up!


Thanks for the vote of confidence?


and watching the first two seasons is like reading the first third of a novel and stopping....


about to watch the tv version of the Stand for the first time...wish me luck

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this is one show i never followed. Now that all episodes are on hulu I'm starting on season 1. I like it so far but I can't really see where the show is going(on episode 5 so far). Nothing really makes any sense, there still isn't much in terms of an overall story but I can see a lot of promise, the bulk of episodes I need to see is daunting.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

lol at "anti-locke breaks"


this is one show i never followed. Now that all episodes are on hulu I'm starting on season 1. I like it so far but I can't really see where the show is going(on episode 5 so far). Nothing really makes any sense, there still isn't much in terms of an overall story but I can see a lot of promise, the bulk of episodes I need to see is daunting.


dewd watch seasons 1-3 max and then just watch the hour recap of the entire series they did before season 6.. and then I guess finish this shit storm like the rest of us... or just stop watching it in general

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this is one show i never followed. Now that all episodes are on hulu I'm starting on season 1. I like it so far but I can't really see where the show is going(on episode 5 so far). Nothing really makes any sense, there still isn't much in terms of an overall story but I can see a lot of promise, the bulk of episodes I need to see is daunting.


Watch season 1-3 and then stop.

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this is one show i never followed. Now that all episodes are on hulu I'm starting on season 1. I like it so far but I can't really see where the show is going(on episode 5 so far). Nothing really makes any sense, there still isn't much in terms of an overall story but I can see a lot of promise, the bulk of episodes I need to see is daunting.


Watch season 1-3 and then stop.


if you can :emotawesomepm9:

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Just watch half of each episode!






you guys are ridiculous!


either watch the whole show or don't watch any of it....


thems the rules!

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

atop you are wrong, after season 2-3 this show sucks nuts but at first its kinda cool and then all you really need is to read/see spoilers of the rest of show, this show is a fucking waste of time after season 2-3 and then you realize it was all kind of a waste of time

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You realize this, not everyone...




Watch what and how you want to watch anything but don't tell me what I should do...


so you sir, are an opinion nazi! :ohmy:

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this is one show i never followed. Now that all episodes are on hulu I'm starting on season 1. I like it so far but I can't really see where the show is going(on episode 5 so far). Nothing really makes any sense, there still isn't much in terms of an overall story but I can see a lot of promise, the bulk of episodes I need to see is daunting.


Watch season 1-3 and then stop.



And miss The Constant? No wai.

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