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good budget synth options

Guest blicero

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Guest blicero

I'm looking for a decent budget synth.


waveform synthesis plz. doesn't have to have a keyboard.


please tell me there is something else out there besides the microkorg.


budget: less than $400


anyone have any suggestions?

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mfb synth (lite) II is pretty cheap, maybe not in dollars though


yeah roland alpha junos are good and cheap (if you want one without a keyboard get the Roland MKS-50)


siel dk80





I owned a novation Xiosynth which was pretty nice (mind that it has no MIDI IN connection, it only receives MIDI IN through USB)

Korg MS2000 something (I think this one is pretty hands-on control-wise)

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do you mean wavetable synthesis? or variable waveform mod?


If you don't have many synths, or this is your only one, you're likely not going to want the monophonic mopho or evolver (the latter having wavetables).


Oberheim matrix 1000 is under your price range, and is a poly analog, but no wavetables, and you'd pretty much have to edit it from a computer.


Alesis Ion is a good one. They are quite cheap on the used market now, but likely closer to 500.

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Guest blicero

i'm looking for a pretty simple analog (or virtual) synthesizer for creating analoggy lead, bass, etc... sounds. i have enough soft synth options to do all the complex poly wavetable stuff.


but i'd like a cheap synth toy to mangle oscillators and generally fuck about with to come up with inspiring sounds.

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Guest cult fiction

i'm looking for a pretty simple analog (or virtual) synthesizer for creating analoggy lead, bass, etc... sounds. i have enough soft synth options to do all the complex poly wavetable stuff.


but i'd like a cheap synth toy to mangle oscillators and generally fuck about with to come up with inspiring sounds.


I can't recommend the Mopho enough...



If you want to fuck around and come up with inspiring sounds, it's at that sweet spot between simplicity and complexity that makes for fun exploring.

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I can't recommend the Mopho enough...



If you want to fuck around and come up with inspiring sounds, it's at that sweet spot between simplicity and complexity that makes for fun exploring.


Yeah I love my Mopho too, but bare in mind peeps you do need it hooked up to a pc (with midi, not USB) to patch/sequence it realistically - and with a semi decent midi interface too, my cheapass USB - midi interface couldn't hack it. But once u have some patches sorted it is sweet without PC. Sound is fantastic imo.


I am tempted to get a tetra too but maybe I will just multi track and save for a different sound character.


ps: that pug is awesome, more pug and mopho videos plz

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