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A Nightmare on Elm Street


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I think it looks like it could be pretty good.

The director hasn't made a feature before but has done tons commercials and music videos (like Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit"). It also has the dude from "Little Children" as the new Freddy... which could be good.



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well, any fan of the original knows how much potential there is, but the reality is, unless the tone is right, this is going to be like 95% og the horror flicks of the past 10 years and be a slick clichéd mess. The only way it would be worth the remake is if it was actually psychologically frightening, and not just some rehashed scenes cut together in an updated "hip" way. Goddammit.

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I just watched the original and #3/Dream Warriors last night. I think the original is actually one of those flicks that is much stronger in concept than in execution and could could probably benefit from a remake.

I'm just saying it's not like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the original version was a flawless masterpiece of terror that just shouldn't be fucked with... imo.

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I just watched the original and #3/Dream Warriors last night. I think the original is actually one of those flicks that is much stronger in concept than in execution and could could probably benefit from a remake.


this is very true, i'm not even calling the actual movie some sort of sacred work, which is why I said what I said. The element I described was not in the 1st film enough imo. I just want this to be good and I know i'm probably going to be pissed.

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Guest Great Maker ShaiHulud

And I don't mean that in a snarky way. Please enjoy this if you think it's good or going to be good.

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Guest GrandPopPoplock

Freddy sounds like Karl from Sling Blade .


Jack is a good actor ,but...as Freddy Krueger......nah , man .

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when a music video director crosses over and makes a feature film, its going to be shit nine time out of ten. plus michael bay is attached to this. the new freddy looks kind of cool tho.

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well, any fan of the original knows how much potential there is, but the reality is, unless the tone is right, this is going to be like 95% og the horror flicks of the past 10 years and be a slick clichéd mess. The only way it would be worth the remake is if it was actually psychologically frightening, and not just some rehashed scenes cut together in an updated "hip" way. Goddammit.


Precisely this.


Also doesn't bode well that a guy like Michael Bay is in on it

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That trailer gives me a bit of hope.


I think the original is actually one of those flicks that is much stronger in concept than in execution and could could probably benefit from a remake.


Hell yes.

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I echo Sneaks perspective and I'm also a lover of the originals (even the campy sequels, they're great fun!). This film COULD actually be done justice because frankly as scary as I found the original was when I was a kid, these days it's almost laughably unscary.


I don't necessarily think it will be done well, but it certainly could be done justice. Since Watchmen I quite like Jackie Earl Haley, so we'll see.

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this looks shitty as fook. it's like that remake of texas chainsaw massacre they did. the movie was a joke


I'm just saying it's not like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the original version was a flawless masterpiece of terror that just shouldn't be fucked with... imo.

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Crazy, didn't realise this was being remade as well, but along with Halloween, Texas Chainsaw, The Last House on the Left, and Friday the 13th, then I suppose this was only a matter of time. I can't say I'm that pleased. Although, I thought the Friday the 13th remake was pretty good.


this looks shitty as fook. it's like that remake of texas chainsaw massacre they did. the movie was a joke


I agree with this completely. Even more so with Micheal Bay’s involvement, and the Texas remake was awful. The only way it can be good is if it scares the shit of you first time and then some years down the line you see it more as a comedy. Perhaps I've seen the original so many times that I laugh at it now, but I still think it's a good film.


Has a nice mix of scaring you and slapstick at the same time, which I always liked. The slapstick as in Freddy cutting of his finger to scare the girl then falling over the bins as he's chasing her (I think that’s what happens from memory) stuff like that, and the end scene when he's chasing her round the house I found amusing. The remake just may lack that quality and try to take itself too seriously.


I'm just saying it's not like The Texas Chainsaw Massacre where the original version was a flawless masterpiece of terror that just shouldn't be fucked with... imo.


I agree here too.


Also, when I was visiting the States, Dallas, Texas a few years back, I was in Dealy Plaza, and I noticed that the street that the JFK was shot on is called “Elm Street”. I think this may have been inspiration for the film’s title but never been able to confirm or deny this. It seems logical, but does anyone know off hand? – Too lazy to scour for the internet. Not that’s it’s massively important.

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Also, when I was visiting the States, Dallas, Texas a few years back, I was in Dealy Plaza, and I noticed that the street that the JFK was shot on is called “Elm Street”. I think this may have been inspiration for the film’s title but never been able to confirm or deny this. It seems logical, but does anyone know off hand? – Too lazy to scour for the internet. Not that’s it’s massively important.


I've heard that Wes Craven chose Elm St because it is the most common street name in the USA. He wanted the majority of the viewers to feel like this could happen in their town.

Craven also grew up in my home town in Illinois. There was definitely an Elm St there. I had 2 friends that lived on Elm St and my Middle school was also on the same street.

Jim and John Belushi were also from my home town and lived on Elm St.

In the DVD commentary, Craven says he had originally envisioned the film being in the Midwest.

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