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what is life?

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

ET,yYou are trying to ask a philosophical question, but you're only asking a biological one.


in so many ways, i hate you right now. if i could be in the same room as you, i would make you so uncomfortable, you would stir in your own awkwardness for a few minutes, before fleeing to another room to escape my truthful presence. you are a small, tiny weak creature. you live simply to obtain food and shelter. this is your main goal, you see no further agenda beyond this. so this has become your reality, and when you compare your reality to other peoples reality, you are confronted with a dissonance too great to withstand, so you c ollapse to your last given reality...which is shit


dont talk to me unless you have something to say which isnt completely fucked retarded

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and as if this wasnt hard enough, now ive got to go be a slave to elitist globalists, and spend the rest of my life paying for a small wooden box to live in and some food, so i dont starve, freeze, or get murdered

would you rather work the field and hunt and live in a hut ?

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Guest Helper ET

I already told you the answer in your other thread, now please don't make any more.


your shit. i make maybe around 2-5 threads a month...and sure as ucking sure, your ass shows up to criticize either my writing style, ideas, or whatever special youve got for the week. fuck off with your shit. if your so concerned about the truth getting out there, what are you doing here in this gay little internet place? conintelpro? complete loser? i dont know, and i dont care, just stay the fuck away from me


and everyone else


when i talk about the shit i talk about, i dont want your uneducated opinions about a subnject yuou know nothing about. if you dont know what your talking about, dont talk


and here i am telling people on the internet what to do! hhhhhahahahahahahahahaha last fucxking postr bastards/. go ahead and drinjk your fluoride and breateh your chemtreaisl and and eat your poisons, i gave you all a chance, a big chance, ive been tallking about this shit for a couple years, and still you assholes come out and say "bad et no et i dont lieket fuk et bad et", well fuck you asshole anus man, i just tried top save you and your families live, but your too bust telling "conspiraracy theorists" thatrf their crazy, while you and everyone ytou know gopes and dies, and then everyone goies, "i dont know howe he died its a mystrery that he got cancer, even fucking though wer know everything tjhat causes cancer.....:"cell phones, msg, sodium fluoirde ibn almost all puiblic drinking supplies, fattty foods, chemtrails, chemicalls in foods and edta, tbhq, etc, and soap and shampoo and conditoner and laurndry soap and dishwashing soap and handwashing soap and air pollution and ELF and oh my god were all gona die!!!!!


then you "i dont care if i die" fucker come around and just absoluitely ruin everything for those that do care about dying. and with no government to control the porblem, it becomes lots about how many peple care, ad how many dont. the people who dont care are the majority, becasue mkost people have become indoctrinated and brainwashed into thinking death is good and ok and will never happen to them, and even if it does its ok! like you have a back up life waiting for you!!! basically im sicked by society, and even more, im sickened at thepeople who run and maintain it. fear keeps everyone in line. sure, go ahead, skip work, get fired, lose your job, then apartment/house, then your sleeping on your friends couch, not getting enough food, and developing malnutrtional disease, while drinking fluoride and breathing chemtrails and all the other sdshit, oh my god, you are going to die! get that through your head! then, realize that have the power to have a dramtic effect on that outcome.....you can postpone your death by at least 20 to 30 YEArs - YES FUCKING YEARS,by following simple rules like getting a simple job to pay for organic food and water and not get diseases like most people...if you strart now you still ahve a chance!!! please!!!!stop eating GMO food, sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, and deathacides! yes...poisons exist - not a fairy tale. and yes, people DO IN FACT DIE, evry day, all around you. you probably live iwhtin 40 kilomters to your nearest morgue...go visit it, and then come back and tell me death and being healthy doesnt matter


bit drunk now will sign off. leaving you with a final message....


there exists a small, yet powerful group of people, who seek to lower the earths population by 95%, leaving only a few hundred million. you will not be part of this remaining few. they control growth, and keep the numbers down, with weapons named as fluoride, chemtrails, food additives, and basically its everywhere...plastic, driving cars, being in or near buses, living in cities, eating food from grocery stores, stressing about life......all of these things lead to your slow eventual death. dont believe me? well come hnag out with me, ill buy you a few beers, fuck you can stay at my house for a while and ill feed you and give you alcohol, but for gos sakes, listen to me!!!!! theyre poisoning you with food and water to kill you and your family and everyone you know!!! oh my god, ggrow up, shut up about obama, and healtrh care and penises and vaginas and clitorises and aids and logging in for 20 miutes to laugh at something funny, and youir anutine has epilepsy that funny and m,y grandparents are all dead except one, and everyone has health problemsb but fluoride isnt real and same with chemtrails right right reight??? huh huh? right ever googled chetrails and clicked images, studyed the, then looked ouside about you?


basically it never ends and neither will i, and so good luck and have fun - pm me if you have a desire to live, i have ideas but im not god

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Guest Helper ET



i know it seems funny to most of you, ut sadly, who else do you have to take care of you? your mom and dad sure as hell wont. your government would self implode before helping you. your brothers and sisters would like to help,m but are too carried up in their own confused lives to realize how to help. and your friends just watch tv and get high and dont care about anything important. then you go to work and nobody gives a shit about you there


honestly dudes, other than me, who else is trying to change your lifestyle choices. who else do you know, that goes out of their way to try to convince you to eat organic foods?


im the enemy though, IM the one whos bad, attack ME, not the ones who poison the food and water, attack the ones who TALK about it. makes perfect sense!


i am terminator! i am superman! i dont have a cape, or a gun. im like 5 foot 9, im a small organism oin a gigantic plant screaming through space. and in all the chaos, you have choices to make, choices which will lead to either you8r death, or your survival. but you dont even care, you want to smoke cigarettes, and drink pop, and eat msg, and drink fluoirde, and breathe chemtrails, and my god arent we having such a fun time?!?! i know i am. heyt its $ o clock happy fun fluoride time! everyone go pour a glass of tap water and drink that shit up!


hey slave!!!!! why arent you drinking the poison?!?! what...you want to be health???? DIE DIE DIE eat the poison food then, drink the poison water, breath the posinon air, but dont you dar etalk about how 1/3 people get cancer, and the other 2/3 die of heart disease and stroke, and the final 3/3 dyinging of kidney/liver failure and other such complications


just dont talk about it, go to sleep, die, and leave us alone!

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Guest joshier

If you worry about other peoples problems you'll stress yourself to death, so perhaps take a step back and be a little selfish - otherwise you become a wife trying to change her husband - it never works. The only way to change is from within and people are in control of their own life.

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ET,yYou are trying to ask a philosophical question, but you're only asking a biological one.


in so many ways, i hate you right now. if i could be in the same room as you, i would make you so uncomfortable, you would stir in your own awkwardness for a few minutes, before fleeing to another room to escape my truthful presence. you are a small, tiny weak creature. you live simply to obtain food and shelter. this is your main goal, you see no further agenda beyond this. so this has become your reality, and when you compare your reality to other peoples reality, you are confronted with a dissonance too great to withstand, so you c ollapse to your last given reality...which is shit


dont talk to me unless you have something to say which isnt completely fucked retarded


I was making a linguistic point. "Life" can be used to mean "that which is alive", the object of study in the field of biology, or it can be used as a very vague term, that pretty much refers to everything everyone experiences. This second meaning isn't the sort of thing that you can define, so asking what it is is useless. We have it in language so we can say "that's life" and stuff like that.


I'm not suggesting that you restrict yourself to only pursuing food and shelter. I'm just saying your question is so vague you aren't actually going to get an answer. You asking nonsense and you're expecting someone to make sense out of it.

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i love your threads ET

you are a very interesting watmm member ...one of the reasons i am still around.


and as if this wasnt hard enough, now ive got to go be a slave to elitist globalists, and spend the rest of my life paying for a small wooden box to live in and some food, so i dont starve, freeze, or get murdered

would you rather work the field and hunt and live in a hut ?



yes i would. one has to be of a certain state of mind to understand what this means and

it's not just fields (fields actually wouldn't exist is we were growing food correctly) and it's not just huts.

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i love your threads ET

you are a very interesting watmm member ...one of the reasons i am still around.


and as if this wasnt hard enough, now ive got to go be a slave to elitist globalists, and spend the rest of my life paying for a small wooden box to live in and some food, so i dont starve, freeze, or get murdered

would you rather work the field and hunt and live in a hut ?



yes i would. one has to be of a certain state of mind to understand what this means and

it's not just fields (fields actually wouldn't exist is we were growing food correctly) and it's not just huts.


then why are you still sitting at your computer? gtfo and go live in the forest.

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