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how hard is it to make a video game?

Guest Helper ET

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Guest ms-dos

You all would laugh so hard if you knew who ET really was


he's one of the best posters regardless of who he is, but you have my attention...

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Guest Rabid

ET reminds me of one of my crazy OCD friends. All his posts sound like something my friend would say, its hilarious. The philosophical ones especially

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

this thread is fucking retarded


A retarded ET thread???? no wayz!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Go to a game design college, hand out fliers. Pay next to nothing, and work them like HOGS!! If you want better graphics and sound make sure you get guys for that from the appropriate colleges. Child labor does wonders.


i like the idea. maybe not work them like HOGS, but i could pay em and surprise them with free beer and stuff. i think you really need a team to do this dont you?


blanket fort : not a troll thanks for asking


more ideas please


thats actually not a bad idea if you can sell them on yours but they really would have to be interested in the project unless you were paying them a lot for their work, so they would have to have equal ownership in what you are asking.

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Guest catacombus

Somebody needs to make a game where you can destroy the levels.. Like imagine playing deathmatch in a building which you can completely demolish or on a ship which is sinking. That would be awesome as fuck.

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ive been reading some articles about different video game software available. it doesnt look all that difficult really. its something id like to kind of get into one day. what im wondering is, how much money am i looking to spend, to hire a small team of programmers to make a wicked video game for me? i have a pretty good idea i think, and i wouldnt mind investing a little money into the project, if the game turned out the way i want it. i might even be able to try to market the game and make a little money, but well cross that bridge when we come to it


so graphics wise, id like it to look pretty good, obviously. but what i mean is, i dont want it to look like shit. i hardly play video games, but im hoping for xbox classic or ps2 level of graphics quality, if possible. this will be a computer game, so am i right when i say its easier to design a good looking game for computer vs console? regardless, its 2010, i would hope one could have a decent quality video game made for fairly cheap


one problem i cant seem to think around, is how i can get the game made without the idea getting stolen. or what if i get the game made and one of programmers takes off with my game? this leads me to want to do it all myself. thats what i would like to do anyway, it would be far more fun, creative, and rewarding to do the entire thing myself. its far more my style. doesnt it take years of learning computer programming to make anything decent though? and especially when were talking about creating good graphics. who knows, maybe im completely out of the loop, and you can make totally wicked looking video games very easily


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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse
a game where you can destroy the levels



get the drill weapon or the drill vehicle in Red Faction and make holes in everything... when there is nothing left...post pics :D


Red Faction had a pretty damn good destruction engine but Battlefield Bad Company 2's destruction engine is even more impressive



.... but for as amazing as the destruction engine is its not super easy to find many screenshots showing the level of demolishing capability you have in it

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Guest Babar

So ET is a dupe ? Sounds really strange for he brings in his threads a lot of details about his life. Remember when he whined about being caught by the cops because he was drunk ? Well that didn't sound like he was making it up. If ET is a fictional character, then that's one solid dupe, and all i can do is congratulating the guy who's behind him.

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Guest hahathhat

the only way an individual can compete these days is to focus on simple platforms -- cell phone games, flash games, xbox live arcade games. unless you're john carmack or tim sweeney

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

for a few thousand dollars can i get a wicked looking game at least almost as good as looking as GTA?

lol you've got to be fucking kidding


.... ET is just a troll on teh interwebs trying to get facepalm's, common guyez..... your smarter than this

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