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Inception - Chris Nolan + Leo DiCaprio = best movie of the summer?

Rubin Farr

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I thought Inception was really good.


Re: the dreams not being dreamy enough: this is explained by the dreams needing to be real enough to fool the host and avoid the wrath of their subconscious. In the cafe scene where Ariadne first realises she is dreaming, everything starts blowing up which is pretty surreal, but in most of the other dreams they keep it nailed down.


There's also good reasons for it from a directorial level: Saving a shitload of effects budget by not having to CGI big bird or people's teeth falling out into every fucking scene.


I gather that Nolan has been thinking about this film for a long time - I heard 15 years? I figure that in that time he mentally explored all the different ways you could do a film about shared dreaming - its a very rich concept and there's so much that could be done with it. He probably considered doing ultra surreal stuff, and many other things. In the end he went for a film that combined:

- an engrossing and original heist plot

- strong emotional underpinning (Cobb/Mals story, and also the heist itself is an emotional heist)

- consciously using action movie tropes and cliches to poijnt at the relationship between movies and dreams (e.g. the bit where Cobb has to squeeze through a narrow alley in Mombasa)

- ambiguous ending rather than 'twist' ending (the whole twist thing has been rather overdone recently)


About the Totems: I think they can only show you whether you are in _someone_elses_ dream or not. I don't think the Totems could help you distinguish between reality and one of your own dreams. Because it would be very easy to dream of your own Totem, right?


re: the final shot:


As other people have probably said: working out whether he's in reality or not is fun, but it not really the point. This is not a 'twist ending' movie. The final scene with the spinning top shows that Cobb is no longer interested in working out whether he's in someone elses dream or not. It doesn't tell us anything about what level of reality he's in, but the fact he gets distracted is showing us something about his state of mind.


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Guest Gary C

re: the final shot:


As other people have probably said: working out whether he's in reality or not is fun, but it not really the point. This is not a 'twist ending' movie. The final scene with the spinning top shows that Cobb is no longer interested in working out whether he's in someone elses dream or not. It doesn't tell us anything about what level of reality he's in, but the fact he gets distracted is showing us something about his state of mind.



Rubbish. Why else does the camera linger on the spinning totem? Sure, Cobb leaves it, but the audience are left to watch it spin for 10+ seconds.

I'd agree that it's not supposed to be a twist, but more of an after-thought as to whether anything was/is real.

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re: the final shot:


As other people have probably said: working out whether he's in reality or not is fun, but it not really the point. This is not a 'twist ending' movie. The final scene with the spinning top shows that Cobb is no longer interested in working out whether he's in someone elses dream or not. It doesn't tell us anything about what level of reality he's in, but the fact he gets distracted is showing us something about his state of mind.



Rubbish. Why else does the camera linger on the spinning totem? Sure, Cobb leaves it, but the audience are left to watch it spin for 10+ seconds.

I'd agree that it's not supposed to be a twist, but more of an after-thought as to whether anything was/is real.


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re: the final shot:


As other people have probably said: working out whether he's in reality or not is fun, but it not really the point. This is not a 'twist ending' movie. The final scene with the spinning top shows that Cobb is no longer interested in working out whether he's in someone elses dream or not. It doesn't tell us anything about what level of reality he's in, but the fact he gets distracted is showing us something about his state of mind.



Rubbish. Why else does the camera linger on the spinning totem? Sure, Cobb leaves it, but the audience are left to watch it spin for 10+ seconds.

I'd agree that it's not supposed to be a twist, but more of an after-thought as to whether anything was/is real.


Yeah, I'd be prepared to go with that too. An after-thought to leave people reflecting about dreams and reality.

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Inception was fucking brilliant because there were so many sexy men in the cast, oh my fuck. They can infiltrate my dreams. :spiteful:

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Nah only a dream or two, but then maybe I would have some idea planted in my subconscious and it would cause too much commotion. Not really worth it if you think about it.

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It was actually the first movie I've seen with Juno girl in it where I didn't want to punch her in the head.


Hard Candy?



Fuck me, was she that little cunt in Hard Candy? Cuz I wanted that bitch to get punched AND raped.

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maybe it would have been more cheesy but as i watched the last scene i was hoping they would

literally cut to the ending credits right as his kids were turning around to face him.



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I dreamt last night that Leonard Nimoy, William Shatner and Louis CK were at a party that I was attending. Captain Kirk passed by Nimoy and I, so I turned to Spock and asked if I could get a pic of he and Shatner. He answered yes but that we needed to find Louis CK because Nimoy was a huge fan and wanted his picture taken with Louie.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

I went to watch it a second time and stayed until the end of 3 hours-long end credits. Why ? Because a retard posted here saying that one could hear the spinning totem dropping at the end of the credits. Which didn't happen. You know who you are, retard. :shuriken:

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Was it you ? I swear to God, one day, I'm gonna reread this thread and find you, retard. Then, I'm gonna do terrible things to your computer. :rdjgrin:

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Guest the anonymous forumite

It's cool man, no need to re read. It was me, I've been telling everyone that, even people I know in person!


Was it your intention to piss people off ?

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It's cool man, no need to re read. It was me, I've been telling everyone that, even people I know in person!


Was it your intention to piss people off ?


Nah, I never intend that. Did it really piss you off?


I read it somewhere and found myself frustrated by the length of the credits too. I have a friend who's a proper movie nerd and if you go to the cinema with him he refuses to get out of his chair until the credits have finished, "out of respect". I dunno.



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Guest the anonymous forumite

It's cool man, no need to re read. It was me, I've been telling everyone that, even people I know in person!


Was it your intention to piss people off ?


Nah, I never intend that. Did it really piss you off?





Kind of. Because I told my girlfriend to stay, despite her eagerness to go outside and have a cigarette, despite us risking to miss the last bus home. The funny thing is that the people who remained at the end were only people who were surrounding us, who probably heard what I told my GF. They must have been kind of pissed, too.

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lmfao that fucking rules.


At the very least, you gotta bow down w/some respect for Obel's power to fuck up your life using nothing more than words and the interwebs - I think i'd be more pissed at myself for listening to a word that cunt says and believing it was true :emotawesomepm9:

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