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Aphex Twin - 26th May Bad Bonn

Guest Waving The Mint

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Guest tonfarben

Yes, record it, and if you can, please don´t scream!


I don´t get it, why should one scream, when he is recording? Why screaming anyway? Just to let everybody know : Hey, look, I recognized that track? Nobody is interested...so shut up and listen! :)

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Guest tomaswoj

Yes, record it, and if you can, please don´t scream!


I don´t get it, why should one scream, when he is recording? Why screaming anyway? Just to let everybody know : Hey, look, I recognized that track? Nobody is interested...so shut up and listen! :)


Well, if the sound/set is so good, that the only options the witness have is to piss himself or scream, i would definitely choose the latter option.


Disclaimer: i'm not suggesting by any means, that recorders of screaming free sets have chosen the first option :).

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Guest Waving The Mint

not long now :lol: will try a recording on my mobile phone but the quality is shite im pretty sure.

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Guest tomaswoj

not long now :lol: will try a recording on my mobile phone but the quality is shite im pretty sure.


Check your email with some phone recording tips (to get listenable shit, and not unlistenable shit :)).

Good luck with the recording. And first and foremost of all - HAVE SOME FUN! :)

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Yes, record it, and if you can, please don´t scream!


I don´t get it, why should one scream, when he is recording? Why screaming anyway? Just to let everybody know : Hey, look, I recognized that track? Nobody is interested...so shut up and listen! :)

well, I never saw an AFX live performance (because he never come to Argentina, and I never traveled to UK) :cry: so sad... but I hope to some day have the opportunity, and I'll scream a lot because I will be really exited lol

Anyway, I know what you mean, is annoying when you have some jerk beside you screaming.

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I don´t get it, why should one scream, when he is recording? Why screaming anyway? Just to let everybody know : Hey, look, I recognized that track? Nobody is interested...so shut up and listen! :)


So would you rather gigs be silent affairs as the audience stands still and clapping inbetween tracks and at interludes.......


because that'd be fucking awkward....



personally if I want to go mental because "OMFG THIS SHIT IS TEH AWESUM" then I think I will thanks :spiteful:

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Guest tonfarben


I don´t get it, why should one scream, when he is recording? Why screaming anyway? Just to let everybody know : Hey, look, I recognized that track? Nobody is interested...so shut up and listen! :)


So would you rather gigs be silent affairs as the audience stands still and clapping inbetween tracks and at interludes.......


because that'd be fucking awkward....



personally if I want to go mental because "OMFG THIS SHIT IS TEH AWESUM" then I think I will thanks :spiteful:



No, it would not be awkward. It would be nice. Scream and Shout and clap between the tunes, not while the tunes are playing.

And, btw. he puts records on the deck. What the fuck is so awesome with that? My Grandma can do that. A DJ is a DJ and not a hero. I mean, I´d really like to see Richard doing a liveset. With 303s, 909, knob twiddling and stuff, this would be awesome, but man, the decks are turning by themselves, nothing special, so no need to be that exited. Especially, if you have a good recorder and try to record the set.

Anyway... I myself can appreciate music without screaming as loud as I can. For me that screaming is kinda arrogant. Those who scream wanna show the others, hey, I know more than you, I recognized the tune earlier. That is my opinion. I hate those screamers and if I could, I would send them home and tell them they can scream to their own wanking, but not into my ear. I wanna listen to music, not to retards screaming their lungs out. If I´d love that, I would go into the first row of a "tokyo hotel" concert.

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Does this confirmed he is The Tuss??


Lol, I'll assume that isn't a joke and just remind you that in the ID tags from Rephlex (off of the Tuss music that you can buy via Rephlex) it clearly states Richard D James as the composer (as if we didn't know already :D)

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Guest Waving The Mint

hi there. did record some of this gig but quality was shite! sorry...


was a great event though. DMX absoloutely rocked, vibert was also groovey and was nicely surprised by Nomad & Joker. only about 1500 people there in a kind half open air tent in the middle of nowhere but this made for a cool atmosphere. Really different set to METZ, no ambient works and no new tracks (to my ears) alspacka was immense...


Anyone else there? -cant believe this...

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Guest circular-konrad

hi there. did record some of this gig but quality was shite! sorry...


was a great event though. DMX absoloutely rocked, vibert was also groovey and was nicely surprised by Nomad & Joker. only about 1500 people there in a kind half open air tent in the middle of nowhere but this made for a cool atmosphere. Really different set to METZ, no ambient works and no new tracks (to my ears) alspacka was immense...


Anyone else there? -cant believe this...


well i totally agree that dmx did a superb show. so far best live show i heard from him. plus his synced visuals were cool. vibert was not at his best but still great. what was wrong with that girl jumping on stage arguing with luke and plugging out the audio cable from his laptop? that was weird!!


actually i think aphex's set wasn't too different compared to the metz set. lot's of detroit / derrick may stuff in the beginning followed by "in sync - storm"... also played the slowed down vordhosbn.. he did play at least two ambient tracks from SAW II (even played tha from SAW 85-92 if i remember correctly) mixed with nice techno stuff and some jungel tracks towards the end.

but i have to say i prefered the set he played at the kilbi.

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Guest griever


Anyone knows the name of this magic track ?

Can it be new ?

very nice indeed! not sure if it's his work but it rocks!

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