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Gas - Nah und Fern


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nice! in order to complete wiki's tiresome image upload bollocks, i'll a need a direct link to the flickr account as well. i tried deleting different bits of the url without success :(

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It bugs me that the different CDs&sleeves don't have a more varied color scheme, should have gone with the same colors the original CDs had (apart from the first album, of course).

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the live shows looked so fucking cool - even if they were basically wolfgang mixing in ableton and playing sweet videos





wow, the latest comment on that is actually insightful:

My Bloody valentines loveless is getting a run for it's money, which really isn't that hard to do in my opinion with music like this. I know there are vast differences in the two, but feel that a lot of music like this hasn't been exploited the way that album has which is refreshing. But I really can get lost in this

i can see parallels. GAS has a similar effect haze shimmering over it to MBV, it's just a different colour.

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gas : nah und fern



google images



that's exactly what i suspected :facepalm:

i've msg'd him asking if he'll CC-by-SA it (because it isn't) but if any other parties want to go ahead and take photos of their nah und fern, go ahead.

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Gas is historically significant because it is the only way to experience the feeling of taking heroin without actually taking any heroin.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest Hanratty

zauberberg is one of the best ambient albums of all time and worth the price of the release alone. this track might be my favorite piece of music ever:




I always had thought Zauberberg was the worst one (relatively speaking of course) and Pop was the best, but now my favorite might be the self-titled one. Such a good set of music.

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Yeah, I don't get how you could hate Gas. Even if it's basically just looped samples, some effects and a kickdrum, it works so damn well it must be magic. I had a period where it was constantly being played, like it put a spell on me.

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I listened to this once and hated it. Maybe I should have another go.


how the fuck is this even possible?


I hated Selected Ambient Works II and Music Has The Right to Children, amoung much other stuff I now hold dear. It's just different frames of mind at certain times I guess.

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hated? whoa. those are both sublime albums that i can play in any mood.



there must be albums you now love that you really disliked on first few plays?

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Yeah I shouldn't be talking. Off the top of my head, it took me awhile to gravitate towards Thomas Koner and Taylor Deupree's music. I know there's others in my library that I didn't like right off the bat.

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