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Upcoming Superhero Movies

Rubin Farr

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the influx of every comic property imaginable continues into the forseeable future, with DC and Marvel putting every property they have into production it seems. with some of the new photos coming online, do you think these will be any good, or more Jonah Hex type flops? (they fucked that comic soo bad btw)







Green Lantern





personally, I'm psyched this movie is still in production, as the studio, Imagi almost went completely tits up:



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gatchaman... that's what it was called... i've been wondering what that was called for years! i used to watch it when i was about 7!

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It's too bad nobody seems to be working on a proper DC universe movie, the last superman movie was abominable.


Christopher nolan should go balls out in the next batman movie and do a supernatural villain like Clay face or do the Swamp thing comes to Gotham story, he would be breaking his own rule to keep it realistic but i think it would be a welcomed movie, especially after seeing what he is capable of in Inception




they had a good opportunity with Jonah hex and Constantine to make two interesting dark heroish movies, unfortunately they fucked those up too

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Both of those films look shambolic. I don't think comic films ever really turn out that great (aside from The Watchmen or Sin City).


However if they ever make a film starring Tyrannosaurus Reich then I'll be there.



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Guest ansgaria

Both of those films look shambolic. I don't think comic films ever really turn out that great (aside from The Watchmen or Sin City).


However if they ever make a film starring Tyrannosaurus Reich then I'll be there.




Seriously... Seriously... Nazi dinosaur? My mind is blown.


I've never been the big fan of superhero movies nor superheroes in general. I did like the newest Batman movie, but that's only due to its dark and bleak atmosphere.

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I thought Ryan Reynolds was going to be Deadpool in his own movie after the character was introduced in the Wolverine movie.

I find it funny that Kenneth Branagh is directing Thor, when most of his films have been adaptations of Shakespeare,lol

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I thought Ryan Reynolds was going to be Deadpool in his own movie after the character was introduced in the Wolverine movie.



He is, they seem to be running out of actors so they are doubling up! Also Chris Evans is going to be Captain America even though he is already johnny storm.



They are running out of comic books now, so are making movies of the shit ones

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Guest Backson

Also Chris Evans is going to be Captain America



i (for some reason) thought it was going to be Vincent D'Onofrio. based on the fact wiki said he might be in it. there was no real chance.


i wish he'd play everyone. he is so boss.

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Guest Gary C


I didn't particularly mind Evans as Johnny Storm (undoubtedly the only decent thing in the Fantastic Four films). I think he can do Captain America.


But I'm also pretty sure it's going to be the worst film of this "series". I'm not really feeling Thor either, I like the character, but I don't think I want to see a film of him. I probably won't pay to see it.


Also, I fucking hate Ryan Reynolds. The Green Lantern's gay anyway, and Deadpool was such a piece of shit in the piece of shit that was Wolverine that I'm glad he's taking the shittest characters.


You're right though, they're only making shit comic book movies now. Marvel went mad and sold the rights to everything, so it's all coming out as a bang-for-bucks visual assault.


I'm only interested in the final Batman and The Avengers mash-up, but I'm already pretty sure that The Avengers won't live up to my expectations.

I want a long film just full of mindless awesome comic-book action. A big orgasm to make up for dragging out the hype over what 4 separate movies? But I don't think it's going to happen.

Iron Man 2 was really quite poor in retrospect and the action (all 3 minutes of it before the end) looked awesome only because it was the only cool thing that happened throughout the whole film. Thinking about it now, or watching it outside of the context of the film, it looks like a cut-scene from a poor video-game.


Batman and Sin City 2 are the only things worth caring about for the next couple of years.

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It's too bad nobody seems to be working on a proper DC universe movie, the last superman movie was abominable.


Christopher nolan should go balls out in the next batman movie and do a supernatural villain like Clay face or do the Swamp thing comes to Gotham story, he would be breaking his own rule to keep it realistic but i think it would be a welcomed movie, especially after seeing what he is capable of in Inception




they had a good opportunity with Jonah hex and Constantine to make two interesting dark heroish movies, unfortunately they fucked those up too


i'd love to see alan moores entire swamp thing run on screen. an animated "loving the alien" would be such a head fuck!

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Guest glasse

It's too bad nobody seems to be working on a proper DC universe movie, the last superman movie was abominable.


Christopher nolan should go balls out in the next batman movie and do a supernatural villain like Clay face or do the Swamp thing comes to Gotham story, he would be breaking his own rule to keep it realistic but i think it would be a welcomed movie, especially after seeing what he is capable of in Inception


I actually heard that when asked in an interview if the thrid batman would stick to his rule of realism, Nolan's answer was no. He said something about it playing into the idea of never being able to go back, that batman changed things forever. So we may see one of the more supernatural villains in this one.

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Guest Backson

It's too bad nobody seems to be working on a proper DC universe movie, the last superman movie was abominable.


Christopher nolan should go balls out in the next batman movie and do a supernatural villain like Clay face or do the Swamp thing comes to Gotham story, he would be breaking his own rule to keep it realistic but i think it would be a welcomed movie, especially after seeing what he is capable of in Inception


I actually heard that when asked in an interview if the thrid batman would stick to his rule of realism, Nolan's answer was no. He said something about it playing into the idea of never being able to go back, that batman changed things forever. So we may see one of the more supernatural villains in this one.

wow, that sounds awesome. I like the idea of starting with realism and slowly adding fantastic elements. especially if they gave us something as cinematic as that swamp thing cover.

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i'd love to see alan moores entire swamp thing run on screen. an animated "loving the alien" would be such a head fuck!


Reading it I thought the entire Moore run would work well as an animated mini series, drawn in the same style as the comics. Though in retrospect it probably works best as is.

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Guest Gary C

Where do I even start with Swamp Thing? Is there a collected works I can buy like Watchmen?






Just watched this pretty good review, from a YouTube I'll actually start following because this guy seems to know his shit.

There are 6 Volumes of Alan Moore's story, so I guess I'll get the first one and collect them.

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It's too bad nobody seems to be working on a proper DC universe movie, the last superman movie was abominable.


Christopher nolan should go balls out in the next batman movie and do a supernatural villain like Clay face or do the Swamp thing comes to Gotham story, he would be breaking his own rule to keep it realistic but i think it would be a welcomed movie, especially after seeing what he is capable of in Inception


I actually heard that when asked in an interview if the thrid batman would stick to his rule of realism, Nolan's answer was no. He said something about it playing into the idea of never being able to go back, that batman changed things forever. So we may see one of the more supernatural villains in this one.

wow, that sounds awesome. I like the idea of starting with realism and slowly adding fantastic elements. especially if they gave us something as cinematic as that swamp thing cover.


i can't believe no one in Hollywood has thought of Superman vs. Darkseid in the next movie. i mean, ok he's not that well known to middle America (i.e. stupid people) but they need a larger than life villain, and he's an alien to boot. plus, how cool would it be to introduce the New Gods universe to audiences, and if it's successful spin that off!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Gary C

Only read Book One of Moore's Swamp Thing so far, and holy shit, this is good stuff. I wonder when they'll make a film of this (obviously very different from the 80's movies), and how much it will suck. I think I need to get involved.

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the only reason i would recommend reading any Swampthing previous to Moore's writing is that the original series for DC had amazingly good classic horror artwork. It wasn't even in the same genre as superhero comics when it first came out, Swamp Thing's first appearance was as a monster in a Creepshow-like DC title called 'House of Secrets'


here's an example of the art


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the only reason i would recommend reading any Swampthing previous to Moore's writing is that the original series for DC had amazingly good classic horror artwork. It wasn't even in the same genre as superhero comics when it first came out, Swamp Thing's first appearance was as a monster in a Creepshow-like DC title called 'House of Secrets'


here's an example of the art



Bernie Wrightson is incredible, you should see his Frankenstein plates, I'm a big fan of the comics horror period too, specially the comic-book adaptations of Edgar Allan Poe, they work incredibly well.

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