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Time Travelers


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So on the radio show,

, there was a guy on who talked about time travelers. I listen to the show from time to time to here the kooks talk about crazy shit.



Coast to Coast AM dude. Stop wasting your intellectual time by thinking it's true.

you are too french.



LOL ess ok I admit it, I put myself to sleep listening to George Noory (and Art Bell all these years back) about 2-3 times per week. It's a great show, but it's just that... a show. It's like all taking all the internet kooks and conspiracy freaks and giving 2 hours of free air time to the ones with the best communication skills.

what i meant was that he isn't "wasting his intellectual time by thinking it's true" as the general tone of the OP was sarcastic and lolsy.

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Guest 277: 930-933

So they were watching ancient tv shows presented by ancient tv ancors transmitted from ancient tv studios using ancient transmission towers?

I also agree that any inconsistency in archeological finds is best, and most logically, explained by time travel.

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Guest mikew5th

time is all relative.

time is moving fast because we're down here on earth with all this gravity. but they keep all the gps satelites up in space with less gravity on a different clock, otherwise all those directions you get on your gps in your car would be way way off. i dont know about going back in time or across dimentions, but time does not move the same everywhere


also, how come there is no mention of reptile hotties?

i mean if there are reptile dude time travelers, they've got to have bitches back home, right?

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Who were you in your past lives, troon?

someone doing the same thing i am doing now - not someone famous or historically well known because people like me

have been loosing and failing for thousands of years at the ways of this world and it's appetite for destruction. i was someone who tried to

bring truth to light at the same time as fighting through the pit falls, sins and seductions of this fallen world and this physical body. very similar

to how i am now - but in a different way and in a different time. i can only hope that it will all lead to something beautiful. there is a message in my

heart that all i do and others even remotely like me do is leading to a solution for everyone and everything.


i believe this to be the last of possibly as many as one hundred and twenty lives that i have lived since the injection of pure energy that i am a part of

was infused into this dimensional universe. this being the fifth time this cycle has been run - the fifth sun (hopefully the fifth and final sun)


the reason i don't include the last four suns is because i don't know (even an estimate) of how long the cycles where or in

what form they were in.


we take for granted even our familiarity with our current form - but in reality it is a very strange and foreign

experience we are in right now and most of us don't know the first thing about it - just wiggle your hand out in front of your face and say - "wtf is going on here?"


this usually helps one to remember that all human scientific explanations and most of the metaphysical ones

are a pile of shit.


"wtf is really going on?" is the first and most important question for us all to ask.



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Time travelers will never exist because nobody has come back in time to visit us yet (or have they???? \O___o/)

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Guest Backson

Time travelers will never exist because nobody has come back in time to visit us yet (or have they???? \O___o/)

yeah, i agree


especially not any reptilians, i specifically would have remembered that.

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Guest the anonymous forumite

Time travelers will never exist because nobody has come back in time to visit us yet (or have they???? \O___o/)


This Stephen Hawking argument is really weak. Time Travelers, just like Marty McFly, are not a priori supposed to be known.

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I would imagine that any time traveller is under strict orders not to interfere or make himself known to the population at his destination time. But as John Titor allegedly said that paradoxes are harmless due to the fact that the Many-Worlds interpretation of quantum physics is correct, it's then a moot point.


Then again maybe the earliest time you can travel back to is the time when the first time machine was invented and used.

And if time travellers are hopping through higher dimensions then it reasons that their presence could go unnoticed much like the higher dimensions proposed by string theories do. For a person in a 2D world a 3D object would look very strange.


Who knows, maybe the reality we live in is just a tiny part of a much deeper and more complex reality which we are simply unaware of as we are just manifestations of this part of reality. And there are beings living in other facets of this deep underlying reality where time travel, teleportation, ESP and who knows what else is possible.

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Guest theSun

Imagine a dinosaur appearing in London or New York one day, because it has invented time travel.



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Guest Gary C

For a person in a 2D world a 3D object would look very strange.


YouTube Carl Sagan on Dimensions and it's very neatly explained. A 2D entity cannot see, touch or imagine anything in the 3D. But if it heard it, the sound would be resonating from everything at once.

Thus, it's absolutely impossible for us to imagine anything in the dimension above us, 5D?

In fact, watch that last, shittiest, Indiana Jones again. When the Commie/Nazi woman looks into the inter-dimensional aliens eyes and experiences the next dimension her brain implodes and she's cast into an infinite world that would be our interpretation of hell. Everything happening at once, forever.

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Man I love reading David Icke - trying to do it with a straight face is good practice for braving the internets.


Al Gore, Vice-President to Clinton, and front runner to be the "Democratic" candidate "opposing" George W. Bush. Illuminati, Satanist, serious blood drinker. Reptilian shapeshifter.
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