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Why Does This Image Make Me Sad?


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that is kinda sad, especially if the games still work. definitely sadder than any stupid little toaster in the junkyard.


though smashing arcade games with a sledgehammer looks pretty fun.

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Guest Drahken

damn what a shame, even if they dont work those cabinets are freaking expensive to get custom built, and a lot of times getting a used one means dickering with some bastard who thinks he deserves antique prices for a broken cabinet.

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imagine housing a modular synth in one. you could use the screen area for a patchbay, and stick knobs through where the buttons/joysticks used to be. *dribble*

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there is not one single arcade in a 40 mile radius from me. goddam i miss arcades. Those were the last competitive videogames i felt like playing. Now 12 year olds with a PC quality mic stuffed inside their mouth talk shit to you while you play banal RPG based first person shooters.

it really sucks

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Guest Drahken

I hear ya Awe. I remember lamenting when one of the first Arcades around here went under, one of the last 'classic' arcades where the lights were kept off at all times. Now days the few places that even try to emulate a traditional arcade are lit up like a baseball stadium and seem more focused on machines that pump out tickets than good arcade games.


A friend of mine used to run an arcade, and he lamented to me once that token dupers were what really put a damper on the business. Eventually he caved and put in a quarter machine instead of tokens so he wouldn't lose his shirt, but part of what made his arcade a success was the deals he'd give on tokens so that older games could be played for less than a quarter. He said once he made the switch people stopped hanging around as much and he finally had to call it quits.

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It was really the home game consoles that put the knife in the backs of arcades - once home console tech was 1:1 with what the best the arcades could offer, the only thing left was the expensive simulators, which unfortunately are expensive (to rent/buy and play). Even the competitive games like Street Fighter ended up losing out since now you don't need to go somewhere to play against someone - the whole world is your potential opponent with online play.


Granted, there's still a vibrant arcade culture in Japan, but it too will someday go I reckon in lieu of things like 3D gaming and more immersive home experiences.

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Guest Drahken

It was really the home game consoles that put the knife in the backs of arcades - once home console tech was 1:1 with what the best the arcades could offer, the only thing left was the expensive simulators, which unfortunately are expensive (to rent/buy and play). Even the competitive games like Street Fighter ended up losing out since now you don't need to go somewhere to play against someone - the whole world is your potential opponent with online play.


Granted, there's still a vibrant arcade culture in Japan, but it too will someday go I reckon in lieu of things like 3D gaming and more immersive home experiences.


"The future is now! Soon every American home will integrate their television, phone and computer. You'll be able to visit the Louvre on one channel, or watch female wrestling on another. You can do your shopping at home, or play Mortal Kombat with a friend from Vietnam. There's no end to the possibilities!"

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On a semi-related note... I've been entertaining the idea of getting one of those table-top arcades restored with 48-games-in-1. Anyone have any experience with those? Wondering if it would be better just to get a real one with one game in it like Galaga or Ms. Pacman.

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On a semi-related note... I've been entertaining the idea of getting one of those table-top arcades restored with 48-games-in-1. Anyone have any experience with those? Wondering if it would be better just to get a real one with one game in it like Galaga or Ms. Pacman.

You could just get grab an old xbox/computer for cheap and install mame + all roms. You'd need to do an arcade stick mod of some sort, but in the end you'd have something awesome.

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