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prop 8 overturned


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Guest abusivegeorge

So we can all get married now?


Do me and Babar have to travel to California to get married if we want to get married in America then?

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Yeah. It doesn't compute in my brain why people would give a shit who marries who.

How does it make any difference to someone if 2 gay people they don't know personally marry each other?


I'm happy for teh gays.


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Yeah. It doesn't compute in my brain why people would give a shit who marries who.

How does it make any difference to someone if 2 gay people they don't know personally marry each other?


I'm happy for teh gays.



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i've never understood the logic behind the argument against this. It seems like gay marriage should lessen the association of homosexuals with promiscuity, a stereotype many people seem to have.

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Guest Adjective

if gays can marry then mega-church leaders may feel obligated to marry whoever they've got on the down-low, and then chaos.

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Guest glasse

A reminder that it is not a democracy but a republic.


My personal view is that civil unions should be made for everyone, gay or straight as far as the government is concerned, and then it is up to individual churches whether or not to bless that union as a marriage. This way conservative/religious views on the sanctity of marriage are not threatened, but gay people still get the same civil rights as anyone else. Liberal churches would be able to marry homosexuals but conservative churches could still choose not to. The secular government would only be concerned with civil unions and would have no more say over who is or isn't married than they do over who is or isn't baptized.

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my take:


maybe i'm wrong, but christianity / western philosophies and morals play a large role in American politics. so it seems.




this sort of western moral system makes people feel some sort of deep unconscious fear of being gay. that's just my theory - it's some sort of repression or defense mechanism. these people are maybe just the tiniest bit gay and they strongly reject it because they project their hate onto others. some kind of inadequacy.


i don't think i explained that well at all, but the idea is in there somewhere.

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i've never understood the logic behind the argument against this. It seems like gay marriage should lessen the association of homosexuals with promiscuity, a stereotype many people seem to have.


Maybe the right wants to hold onto that association?

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Guest MaxChewie

strange that this is even still an issue in the western world.





On a sidenote, I was watching America's Next Top Model the other day and during a photo shoot Jay Manuel's nipple came into the shot but it was blurred out! Wtf? I'm not implying that it was blurred out because of the fact that he's too gay to function, but why the hell would you want to blur out a man nipple? USA USA USA!



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i've never understood the logic behind the argument against this. It seems like gay marriage should lessen the association of homosexuals with promiscuity, a stereotype many people seem to have.


Maybe the right wants to hold onto that association?

obviously but then disallowing civil unions seems counter-intuitive on their part.

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