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Black Swan


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mansell made the score by only using pieces of tchicovskyi's swan lake


Interesting. I'm guessing he's using the scientific approach of 800% music dilation.

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I love Aronofsky's earlier films but Black Swan didn't impress me at all. :(

well, I did like some bits of it.... there were a lot of inferences harking back to Pi (which I always felt was Aronofsky being heavily influenced by Tetsuo: The Iron Man) i.e all of those shots where she looks at the scratches on her back and squints in front of the mirror for a more painful angle, the whole metamorphosis process.


It wasn't a terrible film, the acting was ok and the story was fair play (it shows the broken ankles, the bloody toes with the sticky plasters side of ballet which I never gave a second thought) it just didn't strike me as much as his other films did.

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I liked this movie. Ending might be a bit typical, but well-made, great acting and some very neat editing that harks back to Pi indeed. Will definitely revisit for high quality when/if it hits the theaters.


I'm on the pro-Aronofsky side though. At least it had more of an impact on me than Enter the Void did. *ducks* :lol:

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I love Aronofsky's earlier films but Black Swan didn't impress me at all. :(

well, I did like some bits of it.... there were a lot of inferences harking back to Pi (which I always felt was Aronofsky being heavily influenced by Tetsuo: The Iron Man) i.e all of those shots where she looks at the scratches on her back and squints in front of the mirror for a more painful angle, the whole metamorphosis process.


It wasn't a terrible film, the acting was ok and the story was fair play (it shows the broken ankles, the bloody toes with the sticky plasters side of ballet which I never gave a second thought) it just didn't strike me as much as his other films did.


I didn't see the new one yet but I've never liked Aronofsky's movies.

Of the ones I've seen...

Pi: I thought at times it was a bit of a weaker rip off of Tetsuo.

Requiem: All shock and style with no substance.

The Wrestler: His best movie but not without his usual dose of sadism toward the audience.


I honestly don't really care to see Black Swan.

I never thought Natalie Portman was a good actress. The Professional was a good movie and her character was a good character that people fell in love with but aside from that, she is very meh.


Vincent Cassel is awesome though. If there was one reason I'd see an Aronofsky flick, it might be him.


My suspicion is that this thread is more entertaining than Black Swan.

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well, I did like some bits of it.... there were a lot of inferences harking back to Pi (which I always felt was Aronofsky being heavily influenced by Tetsuo: The Iron Man)


Pi: I thought at times it was a bit of a weaker rip off of Tetsuo.


not really seeing the Tetsuo: The Iron Man influence on Pi. if anything, i'd say that Pi was a cyberpunk rip-off of Eraserhead

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At least it had more of an impact on me than Enter the Void did. *ducks* :lol:


no ducking necessary, Irreversible was such an overhyped piece of shit that i'm standing firm and tall with a giant erection about my open desire not to see Enter the void

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Enter The Void is a glitzy over-budgeted bore-fest with a few neat cinematic shots.


I almost gave up on Aronofsky when The Fountain came out because it's was utter shit. Then he released The Wrestler and I regained all of my faith, because that film is a work of art.

I just watched Black Swan. The first half of the film was brilliant, but it started to sag a bit towards the end. I didn't appreciate all the cheesy CG metaphors. However, Natalie Portman was outright fucking amazing in this film. Some of the best acting I've seen in a while. Vincent Cassel was good as always.

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i felt this movie!!!


only complaint is that you know the end. not that it is predictable, but because the story is told right on the beginning of the movie, and everyone who knew the ballet piece already knew how it was gonna end.



it kinda shook when she started loosing it, could have been more serious from this point till the end, it went a bit downhill, but the transformation part is pretty AWESOMENESS


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I didn't appreciate all the cheesy CG metaphors


do you mean, the feathers and stuff???


Yeah that, and her just turning into a bird in general. He's good enough at fucked up psychological shit to not have to rely on CG.

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I didn't appreciate all the cheesy CG metaphors


do you mean, the feathers and stuff???


Yeah that, and her just turning into a bird in general. He's good enough at fucked up psychological shit to not have to rely on CG.


but the CG was great, at least in the dvdscrn version lol

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This and Enter the Void are both two of the best films of recent year imo, not sure why they should be compared cept for the camera shots on the back of the main character's head....

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Guest beatfanatic

I downloaded the dvdscr as well and the quality was great for a dvdscr.


loved the movie. natalie portman's acting was great. I was surprised how skinny she was in that movie. imdb says she lost 20 pounds for the role.


I was expecting Mila Kunis to have more of a role though.


anyone know of the name of the song that was playing in that club scene???

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