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i started a gaysex twin new album today


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sup guys today i started 1 of the 2 Aphex Twin albums i wanna to finish by this years end. the 1 im talking about is called "A NEW RECORD" and i wanted to give WATMM a new sneek peek of the 1st song i made for it!!! this Aphex Twin song is called GAY BLADE




pelase tell me what you think on this song so i can make this Aphex Twin record the best ever

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BALLBASAUR.... this is of such a level of gaysome :emotawesomepm9:


....I cum because you do

Selected Faggoty Works

Richard D AIDS Album

MANalgue bubblebath

Anallord........holy shit

Cum In Daddy

Expert Knob twiddlers :trashbear:


you missed a few


Boy/Boy EP

Bentolin EP

Melodies From MyARSe

Bradley's Beating-off

PowerPoppers EP

Donkey Willies

26 Rimjobs For Cash

Handjob Auto Balls


edit: the Aphex Twin symbol is brilliant btw...

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yes definately its made in a computer. real synths for rich b1tch buge wah (sp?).... gaysex twins music is revolutionary msuic. thanks to listen

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yes definately its made in a computer. real synths for rich b1tch buge wah (sp?).... gaysex twins music is revolutionary msuic. thanks to listen



anything made a computer is unathentic, anyone who is cool knows this


oh my lololololololoooo :facepalm:

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