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Guest fiznuthian

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I thought I knew quite a bit about 'puters, but I couldn't understand a single thing he was talking about ....


well, logic gate design is closer to electronics than computers really.

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Has anyone actually found a use for the redstone wires? All I can think of is having a switch control a door from afar which is kinda pointless.


well this one fella a couple of posts up built an almost-complete CPU... :trashbear:

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loving all the images and videos, my brother teaches architecture and he asked if i had any ideas for something he could do with 200 students, so i said get minecraft multiplayer and get them to buid a small town. he wasn't so interested as it had to be in the physical world. i think it'd be quite cool to recreate some classic buildings in minecraft, i imagine this has been done? is there a watmm building in minecraft?

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Guest Pennywise

i just found a mine that has possibly stopped my addiction to the game. It is sooo fucking huge, put it on peaceful mode and had a look around and it is ridiculous. Basically I cant be fucked to explore it and work out way outs etc. I hope to shitting christ i dont play this game again for some time. :crazy:

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Minecraft Inventory Hack

so i myself am more into the building aspect of things, and i was looking for hacks and i found a nice editor which i found Here


it's quite simple, no need to unzip the file, just click on the exe file in the folder and yer pretty much good to go.


here is the windows link for the Download





* Source code (needs Visual C# Express 2010, available free from M$. May also work in MonoDevelop.)

* Binaries (DOWNLOAD THIS)



To run, you need .NET 3.5 (or a recent Mono on non-windows platforms).


Current features:


* Inventory editing using a user-friendly graphical interface.

* Browsing to infdev saves (makes it easier for Linux users, where saves are stored in different locations)

* Infdev map reading and writing

* Player editing (Health, Position, Fire, Air)

* 1-click tool repairs

* (Tile)Entity editor (Chests, MobSpawners, Mobs)

* Dropdown now has block icons.

* Tile replacer.

* NEW: Map generator (Flat and Default) with advanced customization!

* BROKEN: Lighting recalculator!

* NEW: Faster, more accurate entity icons on the map!

* NEW: Random Seed (*.rnd) importer/exporter!

* NEW: Trees and stuff!

* NEW: Lots of back-end framework for entity/block replacement operations!

* NEW: Pretty splash screen to look at while it loads stuff!

* NEW: Now with 8x more insomnia!



Known issues:


* Currently under heavy development, many controls will not work or operate incorrectly.

* May be slow for older PCs, still working on optimizing the map control.

* Lighting recalculator WILL crash minecraft. Do not use it until I figure out why.

* The current map generators are a little halfassed, and I will slowly be tweaking them. There will be many bugs in the map generator, don't get too attached to your MineEdit-genned maps.

* Strange things with the mob selector.



How to use the inventory window:


1. Click on the inventory slot you wish to edit. The borders will turn orange, indicating the items/slots were selected.

2. Mess with the settings. The settings you select will be applied to all selected slots (clicking them toggles their selection).

3. Hit Apply To Selected to apply the settings. Repair Selected will repair damaged items.

4. Hover over each item to get a description.








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i just found a mine that has possibly stopped my addiction to the game. It is sooo fucking huge, put it on peaceful mode and had a look around and it is ridiculous. Basically I cant be fucked to explore it and work out way outs etc. I hope to shitting christ i dont play this game again for some time. :crazy:


yeah I haven't played the game for 3 days...why? because like you I found one of those huge mines, loaded up on an obscene amount of coal, gold, iron, diamonds, then just as I was headed towards the surface decided to use the last bar of health on my pickaxe to mine some redstone...there was lava behind it that poured out and fried me. Lost all my loot. Almost smashed the keyboard in disgust.

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Guest futuregirlfriend

is there any way to edit the graphics on the blocks? i would think that would be very easy.


if you go to C:\Users\you\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin and open up minecraft.jar with 7zip, or whatever archiver you use, tada! all the graphics are in there.


so i said get minecraft multiplayer and get them to buid a small town.


i like it.

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Man, I know absolutely nothing about the .NET framework. I know I downloaded v4 through a regular Windows update about a week ago after a recent reformat. I ran the .NET installer, and it seemed to work fine, but I don't know what it's for/if it needs to be run first to access mineEdit? I tried 2 different mineEdit programs now (which list 2 different required .NET versions). Whenever I try to run their .exe's, it gives an error saying I must have .NET framework, or the correct version. Does is have to be the exact version listed under the program's specs? I guess I assumed the latest version of .NET would function (like most software) as inclusive of v1/2/3's features (whatever it actually does/is). Do I need to rollback somehow to .NET v2 for this? :blink:

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i really want to give this a proper try, does that mean i have to pay 10 euros? the free version on the site doesn't seem as enjoyable (unless i'm missing something?)

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well, you could pirate it, but you should buy it.

it's developed by one guy, notch, and his hosting bill must be insane. he tweeted the other day he had to delete 400+ GIGS of access logs that were slowing things down.

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