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yeah some losses, some "wins"


anyone who thought that after the 08 relative landslide that there wasn't going to be some changes in the midterms... well they are just plain dumb. I dun voted in CT but I really should have absenteed in Indiana.... fuckkkk my home district got assraped into blood red oblivion.

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51. We can keep the senate. Pfew.


What the fuck are these inbred idiots thinking?

Don't they realize why they are in bad situations?

It is because they all voted for republicans in the first place.

fucking idiots.

fucking tea party shit birds.

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^ all republicans are like this did u know?

maybe inside...but there has to be the robber barons pukesick on filthy luchre to actually make the Republican agenda happen. Clearly, this guy's not up to the task....or is he? :spiteful:


I mean, both parties are sick for money. The Republicans just have no flair or shame: Gordon Gecko for president, all day, everyday!


i was being sarcastic moran

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I have no say in this being a eurofag and all, but I am scared. Please stop!


Teabagging a nation :facepalm:

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The lesser of two evils is always still a valid option.

I hate to say it but we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place if more people would have just gone out and voted for Al Gore.

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A top Republican has urged Barack Obama to change course after the president suffered a severe setback in mid-term elections. John Boehner (lol?) said Americans had voted for "limited government", and pledged to roll back Mr Obama's healthcare reform "monstrosity".


Above is taken from a BBC news piece I was reading. If there are any Republican voting watmmers reading this, can you please explain why your party seems to have such a big problem with Obama's healthcare reform? Stopping insurance companies from excluding people with pre-existing conditions such as Downs syndrome, for example, seems pretty right on to me.

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Guest Scrambled Ears

prop 19 is voted down supposedly overwhelmingly though no figures as of yet




in other news californians still smoking and eating pot baklava

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A top Republican has urged Barack Obama to change course after the president suffered a severe setback in mid-term elections. John Boehner (lol?) said Americans had voted for "limited government", and pledged to roll back Mr Obama's healthcare reform "monstrosity".


Above is taken from a BBC news piece I was reading. If there are any Republican voting watmmers reading this, can you please explain why your party seems to have such a big problem with Obama's healthcare reform? Stopping insurance companies from excluding people with pre-existing conditions such as Downs syndrome, for example, seems pretty right on to me.

I'm not a Republican, but I have tried to understand this as well. I don't think the opposition is to the pre-existing condition issue, but is rather based on (a) economic or (b) political-philosophical beliefs.


The two main reasons of form (b) I have heard are


1. It's either unjust or politically inappropriate for the government to force people to spend their money on an insurance plan, and to fine them if they don't pay.

2. It's either unjust or politically inappropriate for the government to tax rich people's investment income to pay for the plan.


Interestingly, the two main reasons of form (a) I have heard seem to weaken each other. They are


3. The government cannot be trusted to run a health care program efficiently and without corruption from special interests or illegally using taxpayers' money.

4. A federal health care option could make its own rules and benefits more attractive than those of private plans; and it could fund itself with increased taxes, which risks putting all private insurance competition out of business, since these are funded solely by their customers and kept alive by staying competitive with the rules and benefits of other private plans.



I dunno. People are dumb.

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