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Grantz Graf behind the scenes

Guest themutableone

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Cool I'd like to obtain this somehow.


The original was much more synced with the song and looked better IMO but this is still nice.


Ended up finding this lol


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I was under the impression that the Gantz Graf video was animated by hand for the most part.



Hi, I have an island in the desert to sell you.


eh? sure, the object is symmetrical, but i can't imagine the video *not* having a lot of by-hand keyframe animation in it.

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I was under the impression that the Gantz Graf video was animated by hand for the most part.


Hi, I have an island in the desert to sell you.


eh? sure, the object is symmetrical, but i can't imagine the video *not* having a lot of by-hand keyframe animation in it.


pay him no mind. anyone who posts on an internet forum as Philip Glass is clearly some sort of twat. Philip Glass my butt. philliiiiiiiiip! lol

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yes. the poster philip glass clearly wants us all to believe that he is the famous minimalist composer. :facepalm:



I mean, ffs the article just said what I wrote


What did you say, other than trying to peddle islands and being a prick?!

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it would be unbelievable if gantz graf was totally hand animated. i'm sure aspects of it are automatic such as the sound waves undulating through the object, those are probably literally CGi objects being altered by actual sound data. programs like Houdini make this very easy to do now adays.

but yeah it's definitely not some auto generated movie either, it's a combination of hand animation, interpolation, and other things.

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programs like Houdini make this very easy to do now adays.

but yeah it's definitely not some auto generated movie either, it's a combination of hand animation, interpolation, and other things.


i remember that it was done in lightwave 3d


btw, does anybody saw this rutterford's creation?



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I'll see your Skyence and raise you one Candas Sisman:




that was really cool. this thread keeps getting better and better. i (almost) thought the red thing was gonna jump out of my monitor and eat my face. luckily for me, i have an old video card.

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I'll see your Skyence and raise you one Candas Sisman:



REALLY nice. I just can't imagine telling someone "hey look, I made this." :cisfor::ohmy: Fucking insane. I do have a preference for the style of the Skyence animation though, even if this one is more impressive.

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