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Don't Make Me Start Having Pledge Drives!


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basically, i'm just trying to present a different perspective on the situation.


complaining about joyrex trying to scrape together $50/month to keep this place alive, after getting thousands of hours of free entertainment from it?...


and for those saying it hasn't been worth it, maybe you forgot when watmm was down multiple times a week?

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Guest analogue wings

So, I have this sweet games room in my basement. Pool table, darts, HDTV. It's pretty sweet.


Every night I open up the games room and let absolutely anybody show up there and shoot the shit. I provide beers that I pay for, though there is a donation box in the corner. I have banned people from the room, but only after they've been warned about shitting on the pool table 3 times.


So yeah, there's these guys who turn up, donate nothing, bitch about the quality of the beer and personally insult me. Sometimes they get drunk on my beer and get right in my face and scream at me. Even though it's pretty obvious to me and everyone else that my games room is the core of their somewhat stunted social lives. The other day I reminded people about the donation box and one of these guys called me pathetic.


So of course I just let them keep on turning up every night.

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For the record, I have NO problems donating to this site. If I had a credit/debit card, I'd have the top subscription package. I purchased the $20 package when I 1st joined. I LOVE THIS SITE. What you (JR) are doing to someone (no, not one of Theo's "xltronic" crew) is really not fair. What he did for this site was massive and you can't do him a little favor? *shakes head* Please feel free to PM me about that as I don't think it's fair to you to talk about that in public.

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Yeah, because meeting some really fabulous people IRL, discovering amazing music made by my peers, and being able to discuss things that are up my alley is "just the internet". You wouldn't know what that is like.

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A bar indicating the donated amount would be good. It would probably guilt me into a buck or two now and then.


I'd like to see a VSnares featured artist subforum, but honestly the featured artist subforums are mostly a joke to me anyway. It keeps the other parts of the forum cleaner though, which is nice.


I agree - there's an addon that does just that - it's a paid addon, hence why I haven't gotten it, but I'll look into it.


what about ps3 games? 50$ a month isnt shit.


What do PS3 games have to do with WATMM?


you're basically saying you cant afford 50$ a month. 12.5 $ a week isn't shit is all I'm saying. Dont get me wrong, I LOVE watmm with everything I got, but this whole thing makes me :facepalm:.


You're also assuming I buy a PS3 game every month too, which is far from the truth (not that it's any of your fucking business to begin with). I support a family of 4 on a single income. To be perfectly honest, if it comes down to my family or WATMM, my family will win out every time.


As a matter of fact, you know what the last PS3 game (retail) I got? I bought Battlefield: Bad Company 2 for 39.99, in August, for my son's birthday. I'm assuming you're single, so you can hardly know or appreciate what it's like having to support a family or care for children. It's easy for you to just eat ramen noodles if you decide you want the latest video game bad enough - you don't have to consider anyone else's needs, nor do you probably own a home or have paid off several cars in your life.


Bottom line is (and this goes for everybody): If you want to donate - go ahead, I appreciate it, and it goes towards the site. If you don't want to, can't afford to, don't feel you need to - that's fine as well. You will NEVER see me chastise someone personally for not donating. However, if the hosting bill comes due, and I don't have the extra cash to pay the hosting cost, then that's when I ask for donations.


A bar indicating the donated amount would be good. It would probably guilt me into a buck or two now and then.


I'd like to see a VSnares featured artist subforum, but honestly the featured artist subforums are mostly a joke to me anyway. It keeps the other parts of the forum cleaner though, which is nice.

I completely agree with both of these statements.

One of the reasons I thought a Vsnares subforum was a good idea is because it would clean out the music discussion posts related to Vsnares. Plus he has a ton of material to talk about, and isn't dead (Like the other Featured Artists), Plus, many members have been wanting a snares subforum for s e v e r a l years.


The Bar Indicator is good. It'd make us (the users) aware of how close we are to collectively paying that monthly fee. I had never donated before because I wasn't sure how much money was being made off of memberships and such. I honestly thought Joy Rex could've been making money off of the sheer amount of memberships/donations.


As above, I'll see about a donation meter on the forum, as that is a really good idea that I've always wanted to implement (at one time, Chaos made one for the older forum we had), but the only decent ones are paid addons.



Oh, also JR, way to treat the person (not me) that spent HOURS organizing and uploading the downloads section. Way to show your appreciation.


I'm assuming you're talking about CATS? What did I do to him, other than prevent him from registering a dupe account? He's never emailed me about it, so I assumed he was using his CATS one.


Put some fucking advertisements on the site. I wouldn't give a shit.


Stop paying for needless upgrades too, this site changes far too much.


The board upgrades are not costing anything (other than the biannual license fee). I'm in talks with a boardmember about banner ads, but I am unsure about how they would be received overall (they would be music-related I'm assuming and not for random shit like the text link ads we had ages ago were).


No chaos. It DOES involve me. My friends involve me, and he is a good one of mine. The way he was treated was uncalled for.


Seriously chaos, i like you. please don't get involved with this. Joyrex needs person x to open a karakasa account.


I'm not sure what you mean by "Joyrex needs person x to open a karakasa account.". If CATS needs something from me, or feels I've mistreated him, then he needs to fucking email me instead of having you be his voice here.



For the record, I have NO problems donating to this site. If I had a credit/debit card, I'd have the top subscription package. I purchased the $20 package when I 1st joined. I LOVE THIS SITE. What you (JR) are doing to someone (no, not one of Theo's "xltronic" crew) is really not fair. What he did for this site was massive and you can't do him a little favor? *shakes head* Please feel free to PM me about that as I don't think it's fair to you to talk about that in public.


LOL, since you brought it up to begin with (instead of PMing me) and using it to attack me in an unrelated thread, I think it's a bit late for that. Like I said earlier, if CATS has an issue with me, he should be contacting me, not having his friends do it for him.

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basically, i'm just trying to present a different perspective on the situation.


complaining about joyrex trying to scrape together $50/month to keep this place alive, after getting thousands of hours of free entertainment from it?...


and for those saying it hasn't been worth it, maybe you forgot when watmm was down multiple times a week?

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Put some fucking advertisements on the site. I wouldn't give a shit.


Stop paying for needless upgrades too, this site changes far too much.


The board upgrades are not costing anything (other than the biannual license fee). I'm in talks with a boardmember about banner ads, but I am unsure about how they would be received overall (they would be music-related I'm assuming and not for random shit like the text link ads we had ages ago were).


Yes well I certainly would have no problem. Provided they weren't animated one because theyre horrible(but if they had to be then so be it)


I think ads by google are using the your search records now. As Ive noticed on some other forums I visit that do have ads, are usually specific to the forum. Or just music in general because thats the only sort of forums I use.


If it can make you 20 bucks or more than Id say go for it. Then maybe you could disable the ads for EKT plus or something, maybe that would get complicated. I dunno, be savvy do what ever you need to keep watmm online. Chaos seems to have a market brain on him (although I think charging for new accounts in a bad idea)

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In light of the drama in this thread I began thinking. Like any admin Joyrex can come off as a dick but taking care of this site for all this time when he's got family and shit is a swell effort. And I don't really care about the details of the forum dynamics , when I heard there were funding issues I just started thinking about all the great music and people I got to know thanks to this site and how much it's affected me as a person and musician, in that regard skipping a six pack of beer or pizza to help out should be no biggie at all.


I don't fully get the complaining going on, but I take it this is more of an emotional thing than people care to admit because of the community spirit; people want to be able to affect the community and that's why some may react badly to what may appear as authoritarian reactions of the JR/chaosmachine dynamic duo, but what should be real obvious here is that they give more of a shit about this forum and its integrity than anyone. Additionally people are just lazy and want to eat the cake and have it too.


But I mean, what's the big deal? It's a good, funny and mature forum and I bet all of you've had opportunities to hear music that changed you on some level thanks to it. Maybe some of you have outgrown it but if not for what WATMM's state is in now, why not for the past?


Suggestions I agree with or want to make:

Ads (nothing in or between the posts)

A "goal-meter"/whatever its called so you can see how much is needed, seeing the actual effect makes a difference.

bring back the stupid info under our usernames on the left, it looks too naked now.

Lil B subforum

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i haven't donated in a while. once my money situation sorts itself out i'll think about it again.


exclusive time limited rights for posting in LTM and so on

lol, what exactly do you think goes on in the ltm forum that makes it worth having short term posting access? and don't you think people who pay their way into ltm would get treated differently to those who 'earned' it?

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