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so do you wear white undershirts?

Fred McGriff

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The only V's I stand on people are between women's legs.


I hate V-shaped neckholes. Something terrible must have happened to my when I was little, because I would rather die than to put on a piece of clothes with a V-shaped hole.


Actually I'm wearing one right now and hating myself for it.

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The only V's I stand on people are between women's legs.


I hate V-shaped neckholes. Something terrible must have happened to my when I was little, because I would rather die than to put on a piece of clothes with a V-shaped hole.


Actually I'm wearing one right now and hating myself for it.


for a little while it was difficult to buy anything without one, or without those pointless buttons that lead to nowhere and do nothing other than allow you to adjust the depth (volume) of the v-neck.


geh, fashion sometimes ,,..

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weird. why are you wearing one then?


i'm not, although i have bought two button v's and one printed tee-v. heh, but there was no other choice i tells ya, and i never wear them !! So the devil won, i wasted my money on crap, i'm sorry watmm. Maybe i should post them to fred, they'd get a better home there.

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Fuck pajamas too.

thank you! i don't get why people have to be clothed constantly. the only pajamas i'll wear is my boxers and that's only if i am staying over at someone elses house. or sometimes i sleep fully clothed if i've had too much to drunk.

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It's funny that some people would so conditioned towards modesty about their nakedness, that they would even wear clothes to bed. Although maybe in joyrex's case he wouldn't want to get his sweat in the bedsheets, hah (sorry man).

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Fuck pajamas too.

thank you! i don't get why people have to be clothed constantly. the only pajamas i'll wear is my boxers and that's only if i am staying over at someone elses house. or sometimes i sleep fully clothed if i've had too much to drunk.


Sleep time for me is always no clothes time, though I've had a couple of those passed-out-fully-clothed nights too. It's the grossest feeling when you wake up the next day. It's like waking up covered in a warm crust. Disgusting.

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Fuck pajamas too.

thank you! i don't get why people have to be clothed constantly. the only pajamas i'll wear is my boxers and that's only if i am staying over at someone elses house. or sometimes i sleep fully clothed if i've had too much to drunk.


I used to sleep buck nekkid too. That changes when you have a kid. lol

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I have lounge trousers. Just something to wear if I dont feel like getting dressed. Its a bit cold now just to wander round in my boxers.


But I'll be far too warm if I sleep in them.

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so is an under-shirt like a vest? i agree that underwear should not be seen on the outside. it's disgusting keep your filthy underwear out of my eyes i mean who dragged you up? you look like a priest oh my god!

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it's hilarious to lounge around in teh house all day in long johns and answer the door when a package from FedEx comes in your long john's, it makes the deliverer feel uncomfortable, especially if he is greeted by a palpable wall of dank ball smell when you open the door.

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it's hilarious to lounge around in teh house all day in long johns and answer the door when a package from FedEx comes in your long john's, it makes the deliverer feel uncomfortable, especially if he is greeted by a palpable wall of dank ball smell when you open the door.


my brother keeps ordering stuff, i'm getting tired of putting a shirt on for every morning delivery that i'm still awake for. It's always too early for the aircon money wasting machine so i prefer shirtless, but am too prudish/embarrassed about my weight, to greet people at the door like that.

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it's hilarious to lounge around in teh house all day in long johns and answer the door when a package from FedEx comes in your long john's, it makes the deliverer feel uncomfortable, especially if he is greeted by a palpable wall of dank ball smell when you open the door.


my brother keeps ordering stuff, i'm getting tired of putting a shirt on for every morning delivery that i'm still awake for. It's always too early for the aircon money wasting machine so i prefer shirtless, but am too prudish/embarrassed about my weight, to greet people at the door like that.


now that i'm 2+ years into working from home, i no longer have any regard for personal hygiene or appearance. i look and smell like shit at all times and probably give solicitors thoughts of calling social services on the rare occasion that i choose to answer the door. most of the time the door will ring and they can look right through the door window and see me there festering in my own filth totally ignoring them with the food network on, oftentimes masturbating my penis.

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it's hilarious to lounge around in teh house all day in long johns and answer the door when a package from FedEx comes in your long john's, it makes the deliverer feel uncomfortable, especially if he is greeted by a palpable wall of dank ball smell when you open the door.


my brother keeps ordering stuff, i'm getting tired of putting a shirt on for every morning delivery that i'm still awake for. It's always too early for the aircon money wasting machine so i prefer shirtless, but am too prudish/embarrassed about my weight, to greet people at the door like that.


now that i'm 2+ years into working from home, i no longer have any regard for personal hygiene or appearance. i look and smell like shit at all times and probably give solicitors thoughts of calling social services on the rare occasion that i choose to answer the door. most of the time the door will ring and they can look right through the door window and see me there festering in my own filth totally ignoring them with the food network on, oftentimes masturbating my penis.


I look forward to the day that i can succumb to this kind of zen like indifference.

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