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How many women/guys have you rejected

Guest Fishtank

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Guest Coalbucket PI

ive rejected lots of girls. good looking ones. Cause i just wasnt in the mind set to date. My hermit years. It comes and goes

I can think of a few times I've pursued girls for a while only to drop them when I start making progress, never really makes sense in retrospect but I keep doing it

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Out and out rejected?Two-but one of those beat me into it over a decade and the other was more damaged than me.

Ive been rejected,painfully,about three times.

Isnt it interesting that when we're asked we're all justifying our rejection of someone?

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Guest Conor74

*waits patiently for the "how many times have you been rejected?" thread that will inevitably appear*


Followed by its companion, the "how many times have you been rejected by barnyard animals?" thread. And that's when everyone looks down at their shoes and fidgets...

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If internet dating counts, about 17398 transgendered filipinas.



I rejected a lot of girls at university, mostly because I was really awkward and waiting for this one girl I had a crush on to come around on her rejection of me, but that never happened obviously; fuck, was I a dengus.

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Guest dese manz hatin

If internet dating counts, about 17398 transgendered filipinas.



I rejected a lot of girls at university, mostly because I was really awkward and waiting for this one girl I had a crush on to come around on her rejection of me, but that never happened obviously; fuck, was I a dengus.


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I can think of a few times I've pursued girls for a while only to drop them when I start making progress, never really makes sense in retrospect but I keep doing it




It's a win-win game.

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Guest Fishtank

what counts as rejecting ? Clearly saying "No" /"Fuck OFF" or just behaving in a non interested way ?

specifically when someone has clearly expressed interested in you and you want nothing to do with them or restrict access to your genitals


which reminds me I had rejected another girl because she worked with me and I've always had the mentality 'don't shit where you sleep'

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I was not in the mood to do all the awkward adolescent breaking in--as much as that's a fantasy for some--so I broke up with her.


once you hit a certain age, that shit gets boring. i wanna get with someone who knows what they're doing. no matter how hot they are.


now, being fucked in the head, that can be interesting. i have documented my attraction to loons on here before. but if you're gonna be a loon, at least be a loon who's willing to experiment.

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the most traditionally pretty girl i ever went out with was boring and about as vanilla and boring as you could get, sexually. also she was a complete fucking psycho. something to think about.

oh boy--same thing here. There was this bangin' hot chick in genetics class. I asked her out and she said yes and I thought 'this will be the hottest girl I fuck'. After a few dates, I find out that she's a virgin ( :wtf: ) and that she's a recovering anorexic. She showed me some old pictures and it was grim. Also, very child-like--would leave me Winnie The Pooh cards on my windshield "thinking of you". So we get naked and oh fuck it was as hot as I'd imagined but she literally had no idea what to do. She handled my rod like a peasant doing the wash by hand in a river. I was not in the mood to do all the awkward adolescent breaking in--as much as that's a fantasy for some--so I broke up with her. She was totally devastated and I felt so badly about it--should have aborted mission earlier but it was too late.


whoa wait what slow down um...did you literally break up with her while her pants were off and she was fondling your rod? Also, are you Jesus?

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the most traditionally pretty girl i ever went out with was boring and about as vanilla and boring as you could get, sexually. also she was a complete fucking psycho. something to think about.

oh boy--same thing here. There was this bangin' hot chick in genetics class. I asked her out and she said yes and I thought 'this will be the hottest girl I fuck'. After a few dates, I find out that she's a virgin ( :wtf: ) and that she's a recovering anorexic. She showed me some old pictures and it was grim. Also, very child-like--would leave me Winnie The Pooh cards on my windshield "thinking of you". So we get naked and oh fuck it was as hot as I'd imagined but she literally had no idea what to do. She handled my rod like a peasant doing the wash by hand in a river. I was not in the mood to do all the awkward adolescent breaking in--as much as that's a fantasy for some--so I broke up with her. She was totally devastated and I felt so badly about it--should have aborted mission earlier but it was too late.


whoa wait what slow down um...did you literally break up with her while her pants were off and she was fondling your rod? Also, are you Jesus?


certainly not a genius. Although i take it that there was some sort of action going on, maybe cop a feel of each others base, but no penetration. Winny the poo post-it's !! i think i'm in love.

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Guest Karnov

Around 5-ish. Does being too stupid/drunk to detect a girl's signals count?


If so, I've done this before. A girl I lived with in Halls at university, suggested that I might want to stay in with her rather than go out with my mates. I chose the latter, thinking the opportunity would surely arise again. It didn't. She was nice too.


Looking back when I was a bit younger and less confident there were a few occasions where I'd be talking to a girl who in hindsight was clearly interested in me, but at the time I thought out of my league so she won't be interested. :facepalm:



which reminds me I had rejected another girl because she worked with me and I've always had the mentality 'don't shit where you sleep'


Done this before too. "Never get your honey where you get your money" as a wise friend once told me (who then went on to have an affair with a receptionist at work).


Once after a lock in in a pub, a few people came back to mine for more drinking, smoking and nonsense. As it got later, people people started to drift away. Eventually after I thought everyone had left, I stumble to my bed only to find one of the less attractive girls who came back was in my bed, naked and waiting. So I went and slept on the sofa.


I went through a period of being approached by guys a lot, which I don't any more. Maybe I looked more gay in 2002.

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Dudes don't do the rejecting usually. I'd be surprised if any normal guy has a high number, not counting online dating stuff.


5 girls in the last couple years for me. Most of them had just broken up with a long term bf and I refuse to be the rebound bf. One was a new co-worker. Too awkward for me and I wasn't really attracted to her and she talked about having a kid almost right away. Another was some crazy-hot rocker/suicide girl looking chick on like 5 different kinds of medications for PTSD, anxiety, depression, bipolar, whatever. She's sweet when her act is together. Not dateable, for me at least. Some other poor dude can deal w/ that.

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Two, sort of, not really. One asked me to the prom while sitting beside me in CAPP class, grade 10, but I really wasn't attracted to her at all. At the time I was socially retarded, so I pretended not to hear her and just acted as though I were really focused on my work. The remainder of the term was surprisingly not awkward between us. It probably would have been if I had actually acknowledged her proposal and turned her down. Funny how that worked out.

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Guest Ricky Downtown

Two, sort of, not really. One asked me to the prom while sitting beside me in CAPP class, grade 10, but I really wasn't attracted to her at all. At the time I was socially retarded, so I pretended not to hear her and just acted as though I were really focused on my work. The remainder of the term was surprisingly not awkward between us. It probably would have been if I had actually acknowledged her proposal and turned her down. Funny how that worked out.


this is a revelation, i'll be using this one!

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when you are dating someone you get more attention from girls. I dont know why


I think acting not interested counts if you are doing it to reject, not to create interest.

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