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Jurassic park the movie


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not depressing at all imo, just intense


It would be interesting to see it again. The CGI was grounbreaking at the time, but would be very sparing by todays standards.


There are only 15 minutes of dinosaur footage in Jurassic Park: 9 minutes are Stan Winston's animatronics, 6 minutes of it is CGI. CGI was well expensive back then.

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Jurassic Park is probably still in my top 10 films.


I remember going to the cinema with my two younger cousins. Their mum whipped them out of the cinema as the nerdy-lawyer guy was eaten on the toilet.

I cackled maniacally and read everything about Dinosaurs for about 3 years.


I've never read the Crichton novel. I started The Lost World a couple of times, it's good, but pretty heavy about computer systems or something.

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I've never seen Titanic.


Dont bother, seriously.


I've seen the 2nd half of it, when it starts to go down


There are only 15 minutes of dinosaur footage in Jurassic Park: 9 minutes are Stan Winston's animatronics, 6 minutes of it is CGI. CGI was well expensive back then.


maybe it was so expensive because they got the best guys available for it - it looks fucking real despite the fact that it's from 1993. I'm not so much talking about the brachiosaurus but the few cgi-parts the t-rex has. It's been two years since I last watched the film, maybe now I'd spot some indicators, but two years ago it still looked real as fuck.


Think about all the films that came out way after JP and had much worse looking cgi, nothing has looked as real until like five years ago.


Anyway, it's not about the cgi in the end, JP is an awesome film and my childhood is mostly made from it.

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Anyway, it's not about the cgi in the end, JP is an awesome film and my childhood is mostly made from it.


yeah it was simply mindblowing to see as a kid.

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Guest hahathhat

Clever girl.





i should note i've gotten into seeking out 90s VHS movies, and "Jurassic Park" has a prime position in my collection, along with "Executive Decision" and "Hellraiser"

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Guest placidburp

I fell asleep the one time I tried to watch Blade Runner


Ha same here, the only film I've ever fallen asleep while watching...



This thread is fucking ace btw! More of those piss take pictures plz!

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There are only 15 minutes of dinosaur footage in Jurassic Park: 9 minutes are Stan Winston's animatronics, 6 minutes of it is CGI. CGI was well expensive back then.


maybe it was so expensive because they got the best guys available for it - it looks fucking real despite the fact that it's from 1993. I'm not so much talking about the brachiosaurus but the few cgi-parts the t-rex has. It's been two years since I last watched the film, maybe now I'd spot some indicators, but two years ago it still looked real as fuck.


Think about all the films that came out way after JP and had much worse looking cgi, nothing has looked as real until like five years ago.


Anyway, it's not about the cgi in the end, JP is an awesome film and my childhood is mostly made from it.


I'm not knocking it, its fucking great CGI. I'm pretty sure it was the first use of CGI to try and depict something 'real'. The Abyss and Teminator 2 came before, but they were depicting mirrory water or metal creatures, not quite the same as a massive living donosaur in full colour.


(Note: by CGI I'm talking about 3-d computer modelled effects being layered on top of film, rather than just any computer-based effect. I'm pretty sure the chronology is: Abyss (Cameron), Terminator 2 (Cameron), Jurassic Park (Speilberg))


I'm just saying that compared to todays movies that might have CGI in nearly every scene, it was quite sparing in JP. I guess that made it better though, less is more and all that.

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by CGI I'm talking about 3-d computer modelled effects being layered on top of film, rather than just any computer-based effect


Tron - 1982

The Last Starfighter - 1984

Labyrinth - 1986

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home - 1986


You know what I mean. CGI in the modern sense.


True, all those films you cite were groundbreaking. but Jurassic Park represents the moment where Shit Got Real. Photorealistic creatures completely designed and animated and drawn by computer, composited into live footage at extreme expense, taking careful account of lighting and shadow etc. The moment when computers could generate something that really passed for reality, without having to squint or suspend disbelief.


Here, check this out:

wiki: Timeline_of_computer_animation_in_film_and_television



Tron 1982 Extensive use (15 min. fully computer generated) of 3D CGI including the famous Light Cycle sequence.[14] Also includes very early facial animation (for the Master Control Program).


The Last Starfighter 1984 Uses CGI for all spaceship shots, replacing traditional models. First use of 'integrated CGI' where the effects are supposed to represent real world objects.[15]


Labyrinth 1986 First realistic CGI animal.[19]


Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home 1986 First use of the Cyberwave 3D scanner, first 3D morphing.[19]


Terminator 2: Judgment Day 1991 First realistic human movements on a CGI character.[21] First use of a personal computer to create major movie 3D effects.


Jurassic Park 1993 First photorealistic CG creatures.[21] Shit Got Real [23]


Whenever I hear the term CGI, I still think of Jurassic Park. But maybe I'm just a product of that time.



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used to rent this game often when i was a kid.




if you scroll to 2:30, it switches to 3D, wolfenstein style! this was pretty amazing at the time (it was 3 years before Doom would hit the snes).

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There's a detail that has always bothered me about Jurassic Park.


Why is there no electric fence between the automatic car's trail and the plain where the triceratops got sick? Someone answered me "triceratops are herbivores, they wouldn't attack humans".



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used to rent this game often when i was a kid.




if you scroll to 2:30, it switches to 3D, wolfenstein style! this was pretty amazing at the time (it was 3 years before Doom would hit the snes).


It was amazing, until you played it for 6 hours straight because you couldn't save the fucking thing and this was the ending that you were presented with when you finally did.



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used to rent this game often when i was a kid.




if you scroll to 2:30, it switches to 3D, wolfenstein style! this was pretty amazing at the time (it was 3 years before Doom would hit the snes).


It was amazing, until you played it for 6 hours straight because you couldn't save the fucking thing and this was the ending that you were presented with when you finally did.




Man, the Genesis version was much different. And it gave you passwords, IIRC.




Edit: and the music was awesome.

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