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Okay. My "break from Autechre" was indeed, fucking stupid. Forgive me. :closedeyes:


I will say however, that offhand, the prospect of new Autechre release(s) are, for now, what I am most looking forward to in the coming year.

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Something weird happened with this last album/EP and I think I've finally shed my fanboydom after 15 years. I'm looking forward to the new Aphex that will never come more than the Autechre which is likely just over the horizon. On the other hand, I am looking forward to new Autechre more than new BoC. Much as I would love new BoC material, "Under the Coke Sign" is such a fucking excellent, beautiful finish to a career that I almost hope it's the end. If not it could get ugly... like, Orbital ugly. They are brothers, after all.


That said, when Autechre do finally get around to releasing it I am going to pre-order it on vinyl on Bleep like a sucker. So basically nothing has changed.

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Something weird happened with this last album/EP and I think I've finally shed my fanboydom after 15 years. I'm looking forward to the new Aphex that will never come more than the Autechre which is likely just over the horizon. On the other hand, I am looking forward to new Autechre more than new BoC. Much as I would love new BoC material, "Under the Coke Sign" is such a fucking excellent, beautiful finish to a career that I almost hope it's the end. If not it could get ugly... like, Orbital ugly. They are brothers, after all.


That said, when Autechre do finally get around to releasing it I am going to pre-order it on vinyl on Bleep like a sucker. So basically nothing has changed.

yeah, I basically agree. Oversteps is fantastic, but it's still lacking that ae magic somehow. And move of ten was pretty wack imo. My point being I think from here on out they will probably continue to release regularly, but will not again create another landmark album. Of course I'd love to be proven wrong.

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it's the aeffect guys, give it time. i'm not all about overstabs/motts right now but i did play the shit out of them upon release.


the most interesting thing about ae has been their progression. i'm very excited to hear the new album, but i'm cautious because it seems like b+b are always years ahead of my mind when they release an album.


i'm excited for new afx and boc but they're so different. no idea what to expect as a final product from ae, afx or boc

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Guest Kraldog

y7 from move of ten was the first autechre song I ever heard, Oversteps the first album I downloaded (bought it now btw, for the anti-piracy brigade), however it has taken time to really make sense to me, Move of Ten 'clicked' with me after a couple months of just 'liking' it but as for Oversteps it has only just revealed itself to me.


I could describe my experience of it and my own interpritations but that would end up sounding self-indulgant and besides, would be more suitable for the dedicated thread.


However, the point im trying to make is that whatever they do next, I doubt it is going to make sense immediately, they spend so long sitting developing their sound by themselves that it takes a while to discover the ideal point of reference.

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I'd dabbled with Oversteps and Amber before but the first Ae 'album' I fully seriously listened to was MoT. It clicked on first listen, I loved the thing, still do, one of my absolute favourites, and from that I got into Untilted, then everything else. Don't get all the hate for it at all, Oversteps is great as well, a massive gamble in terms of direction I suppose, but it was needed in their catalogue. Ae have never done two albums with the same feel so I doubt there will be anything but the influence of Oversteps on whatever they do next, I doubt they'll continue with the whole ambient-y thing

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Yeah 6852 and ts1a are both phenomenal tracks, so I personally don't think they've "lost" anything if anyone is saying that.


I think Oversteps (which I regard highly) and MoT were just a weird phase. In another thread Sweepstakes mentioned something about Oversteps possibly being a response to a death of a loved one or something, maybe far out on a limb but I wouldn't be surprised.


Predicting a new autechre direction is like predicting the weather a month in advance.

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"The release of Untilted was followed by a two month tour that took the group around Europe, America and Japan, but withdrew them from studio work for an unusual length of time. The outcome of this, coupled with a forced change in studio setup, was a gap of three years between releases, longer than ever before."


Kinda suggests that without the circumstances there would have been the (pretty much standard) two year gap. Gives me more hope for new Ae this year :music:

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It's interesting to me how many people like Oversteps/MoT that are new to Autechre. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, like you guys don't know any better. And I do like the albums, I just don't love them. Someone said somewhere that it seemed like they just needed to get Oversteps out of their system and if that's the case, I'm fine with that. MoT almost felt like an apology for Oversteps, which seems corroborate that theory, but except for "Etchogon-S" it felt like they didn't really deliver the Autechre experience with that one, either.


Someone also mentioned that they have separate studios now so there is kind of flow missing from the newer tracks. I think that's very true. Although this did work well with with Draft 7.30, for example. After not listening for a while I went back to their 90s tracks and I was surprised how fresh and improvised many of them felt. With Untilted they switched to a very live-oriented, stripped-down (by their standards) hardware setup and came out with more fresh results. And it's probably no coincidence that after touring they did Quaristice, one of my favorite albums, with the remnants of their on-tour hardware improvisations.


And then comes Oversteps and it feels like they've backed away from all that again. Back to interacting in different rooms like people talking on facebook.


I guess this is to say that I've learned from this that process IS important and it DOES come through in the results of music making. I'm not sure what reasons led them back to such a software-centric process, and they were probably very reasonable, practical and logistic. But I do know that something is missing from these releases as a result. Something that I've realized isn't unique to Autechre, although they were really fucking good at it, maybe the best. I hope it returns for the next release.


I am probably just being one of those ridiculous, demanding, pain in the ass purist fans that irritate any successful artist. But something inside me has moved on now. Which is healthy because being such a fanboy hasn't left much room in my heart for making my own tunes, let alone taking seriously music from people who aren't Autechre.

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As I said, I like them too, I just don't love them. And I know it's not 100% newcomers that really appreciate these releases. My point is that there's a major shift here that seems to have alienated some people, myself included, who have been listening for a while.


I know that could be said of almost any of their releases. But in the past, I could pull out new, interesting details with every listen, even if I didn't really like the tracks that much. I don't feel that way about Oversteps, though I have noticed that at work with a couple MoT tracks.

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As I said, I like them too, I just don't love them. And I know it's not 100% newcomers that really appreciate these releases. My point is that there's a major shift here that seems to have alienated some people, myself included, who have been listening for a while.


Gotta say - the same thing happened with Confield.


And Untilted (that got absolutely fucking slated on xltronic upon release, for unwarranted reasons in my opinion).


And Quaristice.

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As I said, I like them too, I just don't love them. And I know it's not 100% newcomers that really appreciate these releases. My point is that there's a major shift here that seems to have alienated some people, myself included, who have been listening for a while.


Gotta say - the same thing happened with Confield.


And Untilted (that got absolutely fucking slated on xltronic upon release, for unwarranted reasons in my opinion).


And Quaristice.

I know that could be said of almost any of their releases. But in the past, I could pull out new, interesting details with every listen, even if I didn't really like the tracks that much. I don't feel that way about Oversteps, though I have noticed that at work with a couple MoT tracks.


I kind of feel like you're not reading my entire posts.

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As I said, I like them too, I just don't love them. And I know it's not 100% newcomers that really appreciate these releases. My point is that there's a major shift here that seems to have alienated some people, myself included, who have been listening for a while.


Gotta say - the same thing happened with Confield.


And Untilted (that got absolutely fucking slated on xltronic upon release, for unwarranted reasons in my opinion).


And Quaristice.

I know that could be said of almost any of their releases. But in the past, I could pull out new, interesting details with every listen, even if I didn't really like the tracks that much. I don't feel that way about Oversteps, though I have noticed that at work with a couple MoT tracks.


I kind of feel like you're not reading my entire posts.


No, I read it. After your bolded statement you go on to explain why it's different this time around.


I just wanted to point out that, in my opinion, it's no different from the 'backlash' against other releases.

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