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morgellions disease-wtf x 1,000,000

Guest yikes

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an army/defense project gone awry?

this shit looks nasty,like an acid trip gone way wrong



"A privately funded study conducted by Dr. Hildegarde Staninger, Industrial Toxicologist & Doctor of Integrative Medicine, revealed that the fibers are able to withstand temperatures of up to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit [= 927º C] before burning, and that they do not melt. Her results indicated that the fiber’s outer casing appears to consist of high-density polyethylene fiber, an industrial material commonly used in the production of fiber optic cables. Interestingly, this material is also used in the emerging field of bionanotechnology as a compound to encapsulate a viral protein envelope. Furthermore, Staninger reported finding blue fibers that exhibited a golden tip; she believes these to be a form of nano-machinery, able to be programmed to perform specific functions.










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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

Very uncool


(was looking for some smart ass very uncool image & apparently when you type that or just uncool into google images mostly all that comes up is Angelina Jolie Vs. Jennifer Aniston feud pics)

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woah some people said that webs fell from the sky at some point before getting the disease, I've heard about that before...wasn't there a town in washington where jelly rained from the sky and everyone got sick?



this is weird:


Caroline Carter, 50 years old, an alternative health therapist practicing in Cyprus, Greece, contracted Morgellons disease in August 2007, after discovering her garden in England “covered in a very strange web-like substance.” Looking further, she found the same substance covering other nearby gardens and hedgerows. Within about a day all of the foliage touched by the substance began wilting and dying.


Carter began collecting some of the web-like substance and felt a bit on her left upper arm. She recalled, “It was a sharp nip but there was not any visible mark.” Yet by the end of the day her arm was “really aggravating me as no matter what I did I could not stop a persistent itch that had begun shortly after the bite.” From that day forward the itch never left Carter.


I don't care if they don't source it, I love me a good spooky story




“The only medication that helped was opiates, both oral and intravenous.” Eventually, Carter says, “I decided to try frequency healing [alternative healing based on electromagnetic waves] and I really improved.” She says, “The change was immediate. On a Saturday I visited a therapist who discovered that my left and right brain hemisphere had switched, everything that should test positive ran negative and vice versa. I was also emitting radiation from my thymus area for approximately two meters. My thymus had felt permanently on fire and I could feel small metal particles under the skin.”

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I placed a piece of my skin, which I had kept since my breakout on a slide with a small drop of H202 slightly diluted. Within 9 minutes a bacteria type of incubator sprouted long fibers. It was like watching something out of the film ‘Alien.’”


that voltairenet article is invigoratingly insane sounding

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Wait, so the very first case of this was this chick's son whom "she examined the sores with her son's toy microscope and discovered red, blue, black, and white fibers."

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Yeah, it's all totally legit and none of it is delusional parasitosis at all :facepalm:


this shit looks nasty,like an acid trip gone way wrong


that's what delusions are generally like

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Guest 277: 930-933

I have all sorts of interesting products for the people who believe morgellions disease is real.*

Please contact me.

Morgellions/morgellons, whatever.


*This also goes for: 9/11 truthers, NWO revealers, chemtrailers and basically any other fervent AM-radio listener.

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fuck fuck fuck, it's on my arms and above my eyes in patches and on my head FUCK. THE THREADS ARE EVERYWHERE




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what i want to know is, do these morgellons fibres come in a ginger variety? because if so, i'm concerned that my balls might have a serious infestation too. i've got some tweezers and a scalpel and i'm about to attempt a little DIY surgery - wish me luck, fellas.

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