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whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with alcohol and weed?

Guest Helper ET

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Guest Helper ET

say youve been drinking quite heavily on and off for the last 5 or so years. youve also been smoking quite a bit of weed too. what do you think the chances are of ones mind getting significantly fucked up, after only a few (5) years of this lifestyle?

im worried about a friend...

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Guest hahathhat

say youve been drinking quite heavily on and off for the last 5 or so years. youve also been smoking quite a bit of weed too. what do you think the chances are of ones mind getting significantly fucked up, after only a few (5) years of this lifestyle?

im worried about a friend...


you are absolutely, totally fucked. you don't even know how fucked you are -- not just because the full implications haven't set in, but because you're too fuzzed out to even process the screaming wails of agony your body and mind are emitting. best send your stash to me before it's too late.

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I've had some strange experiences with weed and alcohol. A few times they kind of canceled each other out and I'd feel sober. What a waste. But I've been completely clean for almost 6 years now.

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Alcohol doesn't kill brain cells, not sure about weed.


THC might do something.


I'd be more worried about your liver and lungs.

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tell your friend to stop drinking the tapwater. once the mind control drugs leave his system he won't have any need for pacifiers

Tap water usually contains trace amounts of fluoride which is toxic and can damage nerve cells. Studies have shown that as little as .100 Parts per Billion of fluoride can be detrimental to nerves.

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what about wanking 7 times a day ?

is this a serious problem ?

(this obviously concerns one of my friends)


HA I've done that before. When I was about 14. My wang hurt like hell afterwards.

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what about wanking 7 times a day ?

is this a serious problem ?

(this obviously concerns one of my friends)


Yes if someone could please answer this, I think we can all benefit from this answer.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

It's unlikely but if you mix in enough hardcore stuff I think you can complete the task. I believe in you. Good luck.

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from what i've read and been taught (Psych classes, mostly), alcohol is the only substance which kills brain cells in large doses (like, blacking out). alcoholism is an actual disease, separate from the intake. the stuff is poison to our bodies.. no good.

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well think about where each comes from. weed is natural and simply grows out of the ground. alcohol is made through a "fermentation" process which is basically letting a bunch of shit rot, then you drink it.

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whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with alcohol and weed

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whats the likelihood of fucking up your mind with shopping malls and greed

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