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Charlie Sheen


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Guest hahathhat

dude fuck off. i manuever the donuts every day of my life


and concerning that other track you are obsessed with posting about me, i cant even understand the words


im committed to getting you into a program little alien dude. dont fry your liver

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Guest Lube Saibot

...and it didn't take long before our own resident charlie sheen had his own meltdown (from the watmm listening room thread):


haha ho ho. you faggots think you have got the best of me. laughter fucking fills the room. thats it, a bunch of satanic faggots laughing to high heavens out of their own insecurity and patjhetic emptiness. i please women so fucking perfectly it's beyond your imagination. you can not STAND to see someone dominate you so forcefully, so powerfully. your words so weak, your laughter so small. it's beyond pathetic. i am the most seductive person ever compared to you gumps. you fools. even with shit streaming out of the bottom of my jeans i would have a more meaningful life than so many of you.


faggots, who found mumu. faggots, who found good music. go listen to aphex twin and shag your fucking cunts if that's what pleases you. god damn electronic music bitches. couldn't understand fucking the simplest of trumpet solos if your lives depended on it. shacked up, shacked up.


this, this is the last word. you think you're on somebody's team but you are as alone as i am. except i'm fucking proud of it, i'm a reject who knows his place. find yours or forever burn in your imaginary fucking world.


i hate most of you, you are like children retards spiritually, emotionally, and every other way in comparison with me. you don't even know it.


so, in summation. no matter what you think: I WIN. end of story, the victory is in my court. you haven't the slightest chance of getting through to me here. i am the victor. it is that simple. i win, i am victorious. you lose. you fail. you have succeeded at nothing .your lols line the hallways of a vacant pail at the bottom of a pile a trash at the rumpke dump. there is nothing more to it. your opinions: entirely inconsequential .your meaning: not there. you are nothing, nothing at all.


once more: i win


jesus christ it feels good to be this superior



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i will not fall ill to these mind control tactics


you seriously have poisoned the well of good discussions on watmm dude, i hope you're happy.


even though i hesitate to engage with you any further since at this point you seem like a cult member, but what do you think im a denialist about?

you seem to believe everything Alex jones says hook line and sinker, not really displaying much critical thinking ability. How is one supposed to seem skeptical of things (like you claim to be, always telling people to wake up) when you parrot one man's perception on the world?


you have to manufacture fantasies to back up your own baseless claims, like charlie sheens family must have been threatened, thats why he wasted 2 weeks of our fucking time ranting egomaniacal nonsense to the camera instead of talking about issues that could shake up people's world view.

Do you realize how absurdly stupid that sounds?

Some of things you've said over the years on watmm have been so comical that me and many other were convinced you were a dupe of some old member trying to fuck with us. Right now even as i type this i'm still not sure im talking to a real person.

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Guest Lube Saibot

i will not fall ill to these mind control tactics


you seriously have poisoned the well of good discussions on watmm dude, i hope you're happy.


even though i hesitate to engage with you any further since at this point you seem like a cult member, but what do you think im a denialist about?

you seem to believe everything Alex jones says hook line and sinker, not really displaying much critical thinking ability. How is one supposed to seem skeptical of things (like you claim to be, always telling people to wake up) when you parrot one man's perception on the world?


you have to manufacture fantasies to back up your own baseless claims, like charlie sheens family must have been threatened, thats why he wasted 2 weeks of our fucking time ranting egomaniacal nonsense to the camera. Do you realize how absurdly stupid that sounds? Some of things you've said over the years on watmm have been so comical that me and many other were convinced you were a dupe of some old member trying to fuck with us.


Dude, sorry to butt into your argument, but since when have we been taking ET seriously? I'm genuinely, sincerely asking: has he been outed recently as not a dupe/troll but a genuine weird-ass person worth educating/defending from? Did i miss something last week?

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Dude, sorry to butt into your argument, but since when have we been taking ET seriously? I'm genuinely, sincerely asking: has he been outed recently as not a dupe/troll but a genuine weird-ass person worth educating/defending from? Did i miss something last week?


do you mean the royal we? haha you're right i shouldn't be taking him seriously, but i just find it hard to reconcile how much damage he's done to the forum. Threads that veer even remotely into conspiracy territory he inevitably ruins.

So that will be my final 2 cents i promise

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Guest hahathhat

i hate to be bleak but now that he's on his manic down swing, how long till he dies or attempts suicide?


ET or Charlie Sheen?


or vamos?

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fuck it i'm getting involved: fuck all of you i am amazing and the best and you're all not as good. well, some of you are. ok all of you. i love watmm.

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Guest Lube Saibot


Dude, sorry to butt into your argument, but since when have we been taking ET seriously? I'm genuinely, sincerely asking: has he been outed recently as not a dupe/troll but a genuine weird-ass person worth educating/defending from? Did i miss something last week?


do you mean the royal we? haha you're right i shouldn't be taking him seriously, but i just find it hard to reconcile how much damage he's done to the forum. Threads that veer even remotely into conspiracy territory he inevitably ruins.

So that will be my final 2 cents i promise


no, the watmm we. and conspiracy theory is the whole "theme" of his dupe i guess (that and being a secret uber-musician). i dunno, i get WHY and HOW he bothers you, lord knows i have my own pet peeves on this board, but i just find him funny.


were i to know he's actually 100% for real (like Vamos and a few choice others) I'd be right there in the trenches with you.

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i hate to be bleak but now that he's on his manic down swing, how long till he dies or attempts suicide?


Either that or he'll try to kill the "Goddesses".






Oh deary dear why does he do these silly things?

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i hate to be bleak but now that he's on his manic down swing, how long till he dies or attempts suicide?


ET or Charlie Sheen?


or vamos?



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Guest hahathhat

i sampled some charlie sheen to use in a track, but then as i was working on it i realized his voice annoys the shit out of me. no more charlie sheen samples!

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Mr Sheen Makes a salad




For someone who is off his head mentall , he is doing a good job of getting himself all these interviews and comedy bits



im late to jump into this, but all health problems aside, that video and some of his quotes are fucking amazing.

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Guest Babar


Dude, sorry to butt into your argument, but since when have we been taking ET seriously? I'm genuinely, sincerely asking: has he been outed recently as not a dupe/troll but a genuine weird-ass person worth educating/defending from? Did i miss something last week?


do you mean the royal we? haha you're right i shouldn't be taking him seriously, but i just find it hard to reconcile how much damage he's done to the forum. Threads that veer even remotely into conspiracy territory he inevitably ruins.

So that will be my final 2 cents i promise


no, the watmm we. and conspiracy theory is the whole "theme" of his dupe i guess (that and being a secret uber-musician). i dunno, i get WHY and HOW he bothers you, lord knows i have my own pet peeves on this board, but i just find him funny.


were i to know he's actually 100% for real (like Vamos and a few choice others) I'd be right there in the trenches with you.


Joyrex said he was someone from the idm scene, but someone on the forum backtraced him during a private chat and it turned out he really is some dude that posts from some city (Vancouver ?), as he said.

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Mr Sheen Makes a salad




For someone who is off his head mentall , he is doing a good job of getting himself all these interviews and comedy bits



im late to jump into this, but all health problems aside, that video and some of his quotes are fucking amazing.


unfortunately he probably didin't write it or set the sketch up, funnyordie probably deserves credit for that


edit: in case anyone wants to know the meaning of 'vatican assassins' it's a reference to how there is a movement of anti Alex Jones christians who think that Jones and his cohorts are all working on behalf of the Vatican mafia to squelch protestantism


edit: after watching eh, i think Sheen needs to stick to slapstick comedy personally

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