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Dave Grohl and Civilisation's Ever Approaching Apocalypse

Guest inteeliguntdesign

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at least hes honest about it.



i cant tell you how many fucking coffeeshop singers ive seen in my short lifetime that peddle that shit as if it was the most heartfelt and eye opening songwriting ever made.

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Guest bitroast

don't like foo fighters/ dave grohl, but the first video is fairly lol.

not depressing :P


(second video is depressing)

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yeah foo fighters are not the greatest, but jesus they're smarter and funnier and more talented than loads of the schlock in their genre. I could make a CD of their great tracks. Most of them would be from the 90s however.

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Guest margaret thatcher

i found the first video funny, then during the second video i started wondering if dave grohl is actually fred mcgriff.

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foo fighters are alright for that style of music and grohl is great.





the content of the video is depressing because it shows that absolutely anybody with even the smallest amount of musical talent and a sort of natural understanding for what sells could write a 'hit,' or really infinite 'hits.' the reason this is depressing is because you have to have connections and be in the upper class to even have your music heard or get the potential for some prick in the high levels to consider producing your song. it seems like those idiots have no idea where to look. or maybe some of our favorite artists go behind our backs and write terrible songs to make a living. in secret. a back room deal.

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^Vamos, didn't you have a thread a few days back about making a living at music? You should be taking notes here man.


i could write an endless stream of hits if given the opportunity. i know several other people who could do the same. do you know what it means to write a hit? it means turning off your brain, completely, turning off your moral code, turning off everything you believe in. sitting down, and writing the most mundane, most pathetically asinine, and most melodically dumbed down popular song you can muster.


in short, pretty much anybody, any any anybody can write hits. however, they have not been given the opportunity to have their pathetic shitty but perfectly logically constructed songs reach the radio to truly become a 'hit.' the opportunity entails sucking cocks up the ladder until someone realizes that you have anything to offer them. and even then once you're at the top probably being ripped off constantly by fat cats and satanic-cocksuckers.


hits these days are hits not even because the music is good in terms of 'pop music' or what the people even want to hear [for instance: we're going to have fun we're going to party autotune bass drum HIT!]. it's a hit because some studio head told the radio people to play it, over and over, so the radio people play it. they pay the radio, the radio plays it. it's simple. it has nothing to do with the quality of music. it is a monopoly held by powerful people who have been there for a long time. like hollywood, they don't take chances for true hits [like the odd 'hey ya' or 'crazy.' songs that are good and rise above and also make more money than the average studio produced no chance bullshit pop hit].


it's controlled, like everything else. music isn't the same as movies or tv or books or any of that. it's a basic natural language. and hits and pop music bastardizes it.


it should be considered a major crime to write pop songs. great power/great responsibility. phil spectre was satan spawn.



as for me, personally, i've totally re-evaluated what i was talking about in that thread. i was in some shitty mental state or something, shifting in and out of different perceptions of reality and the proper way to proceed. the only way for me now is to completely disregard all rational thought. destroy all rational thought, as burroughs wrote. or something. complete disregard for what you or anybody else thinks and a pure devotion to the music. totally pure. the more pure my mental state is the more pure the music will be. in fact, the music and creation is a direct connection to my state of being in the universe.

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No, not anyone can write hits. It is fucking hard. Sounds nice when you say it though... "I'd be rich/famous if it wasn't for the lack of connections". Takes a lot of preassure off of yourself, when you completely shift the blame.


Glad you have decided to not write shitty music though.

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Hits might be simple chords/beats/lyrics/etc., but I bet a lot of science goes into producing it just so for maximum earwormity.


edit- and some people just like pop songs. I like a good pop song as much as I like OISAFHOAHG&*W&R# snarerush music or detuned creepy guitar noodling. Just because it's easily accessible or familiar doesn't make it bad music.

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