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movies that will make you cry


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my list would be very long. i'm a sensitive bastard. i had to turn off children of men last time because i knew i would be bawling when the strawberry cough guy

goes to his death

. i literally couldn't watch the last 10 minutes of dancer in the dark because i was crying too hard to see. precious was the most recent to make me an infant again. revolutionary road ruined my life for 3 days.


lots of them also make me tear up when they're sweet . . like amelie . . or wardance . . or pixar movies.


a jamaican guy once said to me that crying is the only way to cleanse the soul. that guy is pretty cool.

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Whoa, on the same page as many WATMMers apparently. Long post ahead...


I teared up during Atonement, admit that I cried when I saw Titanic and Life Is Beautiful back in the day...


..and this one578.jpg


Yeah, I actually saw only the last 2/3 and it still devastated me.


Toy Story 3:(


I seriously thought it almost ended in that one scene. Bittersweet regardless.


Up might be the only film that made me tear up in the first 15 minutes. In fact, my wife (then gf) watched it together right after a really bad fight, and well, it kind of put everything in perspective. Oh, and anyone else remember that story about the terminally ill girl who watched this right as she passed away? Dear god that was the saddest thing I've ever read. Man Pixar, way to make everyone cry.



Not sure if I can watch it again actually. I watched it at a weird time in my life...kind of want to leave it with those memories.





Mufasa dying sucked, but I think the former movie is more heart-wrenching, it's about complete loss for no reason. As a kid, I left Lion King feeling happy, whereas I kept dwelling on why things had to happen the way they did in the Fox And The Hound. Heavy stuff :sad:



That ending just sucked the life out of me.




Anyone who casually picks a side in this conflict should watch this film. I can't believe that a few zealots still want to kill each other over some land and narrow, irrational beliefs.




I actually never got around to watching this until a few years ago. I'd seen so many war movies before but this one absolutely shattered any kind of idea in my mind than war is anything but absolute hell on earth. It was a big deal to me, because I was a huge military buff as a kid and grown up as an air force brat, so my perceptions expanded and all, but this served as a final piece in the puzzle in how I feel about the subject. One of the few film scenes that truly left me with a pit in my stomach. My wife and I caught on cable not that long ago (she'd never seen it) and she just cried in silence. Her grandfather was on Omaha Beach and he had never ever talked about it, all the way up to death.


Haven't gotten really sad watching a film in awhile...better queue up Dancer in the Dark I guess

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When Larry Fishburne is dying in Apocalypse Now...i didnt cry...but it was such a powerfully unique emotional experience for me...i literally didn't know how to react there was so much there.


whoever said the goodbyes in ET...any man that never at least welled up slightly in the throat has no soul.


"ill be right....here."=instant tearjerker. ET was so badass.



I gotta be honest, I get close every now and then with Amelie.



The one movie I can think of in recent memory that I seriously cried to was Lady Vengeance...the last scene in that movie is such a wonderful summation of everything that preceeded it..the soundtrack was perfect, the very act shown at the end seems like it should be laughably weird, but you feel nothing but pain and pity for what you just witnessed. awesome, awesome movie.


I was close with UP, but managed to resist...man that first part of it is heavy.

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Guest Mirezzi

I teared up during Atonement

I was so perfectly unaware of the plot of that film that I did, too.



In fact, I had been thinking the movie's story was totally silly with the little sister all grown up, running around seeing the McAvoy/Knightley character reunited. Particularly the scene where she sees them kissing through the window. I was like, holy fuck this is cheesy and not at all plausible. When Vanessa Redgrave is being interviewed and that lovely piece of Dario Marianelli music begins to play and she says, "They died..." UGH. :fail::cry:



Joe Wright is a bit of a hack, but he really did a great job with Atonement.

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^^When I watched this a second time, I didn't cry but I felt the throat frog because James Frecheville was fucking great at this role and the ending is a massive breath of relief after the tension that started less than 10 minutes in. Also learned some great Oz slang like "stickybeak" and "shemozzle".



Good call, I didn't cry when watching but I felt so depressed afterward that I called my mom, which I think is in a class of its own - I've never felt like calling my mom after watching a film (and no my mom in no way resembles "Smurf" :emotawesomepm9: )


I know I've cried at several films, but offhand I'm having trouble remembering them. I think during Spirited Away, the second time I watched it. Since we're talking war movies, I think The Thin Red Line ending made me tear up, more than Saving Private Ryan at any rate.


And some of the flicks I mentioned in the "Films you could watch again and again" thread. Before the Rain. Europa Europa.


The end of Strozek gutted me so much I think I've only watched it once, despite being an avid Herzog fan.


What's the film with the bloody dudes sitting in the urinal above?

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Guest Pennywise

Little Miss Sunshine. The scene where Dwayne has a fit after he finds out that his Colour-blindness stops his from being a pilot.

makes me cry like a little baby.(the bit when his sister hugs him)

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