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Get rid of GenBaN.


I came here to talk about The Aphex Twin (like most people who joined).


If you get rid of GenBan and try to improve the Music section(subforums,new releases,etc) of the site it would be a much better place.


I have been begging for the download section to come back since i joined.

Maybe if you get rid genban it will be easier for you.


Boxing Day is a shitty little cunt troll.


But I think there shouldn't be a seperation of music discussion, subforums and banter. Reading the waybackmachine link for WATMM and seeing how the forum used to me reminds me how much better the community was. Or seemed to be.


Everyone was seemingly in on the same jokes and having a laugh.


Maybe it's just me, but it was a more fun time.

yes but calling someone a troll when they express their opinion isn't getting anywhere ether...

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i found this website because of xltronic.


that explains a lot

yay we understand each other, finally. can we listen to vinyl together and talk the bollocks off of music and films now?

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i don't think genban qualifies for association with 4chan










anyway, I came here for Autechre and stayed when I saw a bunch of people trolling super hard in Gen Ban. I think that first impression I got that this was a 'cool, fun, hilarious' place really had a bad effect on the way i envisioned interactions here for a long time.


after a while I found out not all Aphex Twin fans are absurdist pranksters, in fact many of them are quite fucking dull!

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angry fucking absurdist toddler stomping down the lane






alright. well, do the banner thing. that's a fantastic idea. and cut CHATMM for that chat thing that most forums use


in fact many of them are quite fucking dull!


That you are, lad.


no offense man

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I always felt the T was superfluous. Perhaps instead of this stealth rebranding, Joyrex should just go for the big relaunch. WAMM! your electronic music resource.


Ok, you lose the pun of chatmm, but CHAMM! has a certain ring. He could even rebrand himself. I know he's not keen on it, but Joy Pecs presents WAMM! has impact, and may bring in that lucrative pink pound.

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Don't take so seriously,its the internet.. who cares.


Joyrex go to some website that hosts/makes forums for free, i don't understand why you waste so much money to please people you don't even know in real life.

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Guest Dirty Protest

Few people in this thread posting in GenBan about how they don't like GenBan. The mind fucking boogles.

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I don't know man.


I would never waste money/time to make a website for ZERO PROFIT.


Joyrex takes time of his busy life to make a "better place" for us... who the fuck is US??? we are strangers that mean nothing to him,but still he stresses himself to please us.

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I don't know man.


I would never waste money/time to make a website for ZERO PROFIT.


Joyrex takes time of his busy life to make a "better place" for us... who the fuck is US??? we are strangers that mean nothing to him,but still he stresses himself to please us.

Yeah, because obviously there is absolutely no good reason to help people you don't know. The very fact that you post on this website still while holding that opinion makes you a big pile of hipocrisy.


Jus' sayin :cisfor:

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lol @ boxing day making up statistics as he goes. 95% of boxing days posts are about richard's nuts.


i didn't notice the drug thread getting shut down, but i gotta say, "no tits and no talking about drugs" is starting to feel a lot like hanging out at your grandparents house.


also it still irks me that there is an invite-only group of people that the administration hand picks and gives special privileges. bite me. fucking nerds. when i was a kid, one of my social circles was highly nerdy and we did the exact same thing. i was part of it. it caused way more trouble than it was worth. being a dinosaur and all, i understand hierarchies like you wouldn't believe, but i refuse to buy into this "we need to set an example" crap when there's such an elitist attitude being fostered by the admins. i already know the response i'll get; "if you don't like how we run things, leave," but it's still worthwhile to say something about it. the last forum i was at had a 'veterans' group that you were inducted into upon staying at the forum for something like 3 years. that is all fine and good. it's the "oh, i like you, wanna be in my secret club?" attitude that smacks of immaturity. set an example indeed. :rtfm:


edit: that's really all i have to say about that. secret clubs just bug me; they're bad for the soul of the community **troonin** and i'm not just saying that because i'm not invited, lol

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Guest Z_B_Z

theres been some informative drug threads in the past.. i remember a dmt thread from years ago that was a great read. sucks that we cant have threads like that anymore.. no big deal at the end of the day i guess.. i still like gen ban for the film talk.


edit:i can understand the porn ban, but responsible drug talk should be allowed. just my opinion.

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