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hobbes and bacon


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prepare your hankies - this made me cry like a fucking babby.


i wasn't going to post it on watmm, but i posted it on facebook and the reaction was wonderful and amazing. i was surprised to see how many people love C&H as much as i do.






so many wonderful little details


*calvin's shorts are made from the same material his shirt was made from as a kid

*calvin's kid has mr. bun, that's suzie's doll - so calvin married suzie

*there's two frames where all you can see is calvin and hobbes, but hobbes is a stuffed animal. calvin's grown up


it's just... i love this so fucking much :cry:



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Kaini, you did it.


Calvin and Hobbes was my favorite comic as a kid, and I clearly remember the day it was announced that the strip was ending, even though it was ages ago (I was in the 4th grade...was it 1996?) I used to read my dad's collections over and over - the Tenth Anniversary edition with Watterson's commentary especially.


I'm married, have a full-time job, essentially I am now a twenty-something, college educated "grown up." Having kids isn't too far off, few years maybe, and I've been preoccupied with the idea of what their childhood will be like, and the concern of making sure they were as happy and optimistic as I was when I was a kid. Despite all the uncertainty and insanity in this world, I'm still hopeful. This really moved me, it's absolutely perfect. Thanks for sharing. :happy:

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i love it!


my mom bought me the collection





kaini, is this comic a one off?




I can't complain though. When I was in high school, my mom gave the Far Side Collection for Christmas. My brother actually read the whole thing before I did, he was out of school for a couple weeks because of mononucleosis.

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Guest Synthacat 9

If anyone here is a serious fan I've got a good collection from when I was a bit younger, I can put on amazon or work something out on here

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could have done like play on huguenot... like a boy named hugo...



ahaha would have been sweet if she was named zwingli.



holy shit i'm going to have so much fun with this.


edit: edwards? like jonathan edwards?


edit again: wesley! perfect.

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As for why someone would name their daughter Bacon? Well, my niece acquired the nickname Bacon over the years, and Francis Bacon was another old philosopher along with Calvin and Hobbes, so it seemed like a good name – plus, if anyone would name his daughter Bacon, it would be Calvin.


thanks for posting, wonderful


seems to be a one-off. - http://www.pantsareoverrated.com/

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Good to see Calvin getting a blowjob from the misses. After all these years little Calvin has finally grown up!



lol he's not getting head from the missus - they're crashed out.


I have to say - when I saw the title I was expecting Hobbes and Francis Bacon - but this is awesome!

Nicely done Kaini!

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Good to see Calvin getting a blowjob from the misses. After all these years little Calvin has finally grown up!



lol he's not getting head from the missus - they're crashed out.



Yeah, otherwise she'd have a very small head*, perspective yolL.



*-[maybe to deal with his correspondingly tiny penis pheh]

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Good to see Calvin getting a blowjob from the misses. After all these years little Calvin has finally grown up!


not unless he's got his dick where his left nipple would be


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