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Lars Von Trier expelled from Cannes after Nazi comments


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That was such a feeble attempt to be controversial, the poor guy is almost cuddly these days. Incidentally Speer's architecture was pretty cool.


Looking forward to his film, seems like it has some good buzz....

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Guest analogue wings

That was clearly a sincere statement of his beliefs and not a sarcastic put down of the banal question about his family.


I really hope he gets the Palme d'Or now

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Guest Z_B_Z

whats up with this thing i hear about him doing another 'five obstructions' with martin scorsese? i sincerely hope its true.

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Guest Wall Bird

It would help to hear the original question and Lars' talk leading up to those statements. There is no context for the point he was trying to make, and as a result I couldn't discern any point he was making. I don't see anything controversial because I don't understand how he sympathizes with Hitler. As it is, I don't see how that warrants kicking him out of a film festival.

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Btw, a huge mental "WTF??" to the fact that political correctness seems to have crept over to Europe...man you guys are slipping, kill it, kill it now...


The EU imposes that shit on us but we give a fight, England is completely bonkers when it comes to PC though.


I've only seen the video linked on imdb's frontpage, he should have dropped the nazi thing after getting the laugh from the crowd, then he brings it back and I almost lost it lol.

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Guest Z_B_Z

von trier just likes making a spectacle. hes not a nazi, hes a provocateur... although at times one of questionable taste.

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Speaking of holocaust related minor lols, I was just browsing images of the holocaust as "reference for starving people" on the online Holocaust Museum website and noticed this:




Perhaps, just perhaps, they should have considered removing the "add to cart" functionality of their image browser

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Speaking of holocaust related minor lols, I was just browsing images of the holocaust as "reference for starving people" on the online Holocaust Museum website and noticed this:




Perhaps, just perhaps, they should have considered removing the "add to cart" functionality of their image browser


serious lols :duckhunt: well, im definitely not geting raptured


also, did anyone find it hilarious to watch how increasingly uncomfirtable Kirsten Dunst got during this...

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Well, he was right about ONE thing during that press conference...


"Of course, there's quite a big possibility that this might be... really not worth watching."


I watched Melancholia last night and what a fucking snore-fest. It was beautifully shot and Kirsten Dunst was surprisingly fantastic.

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it's just a case of bad galgenhumor that's all.

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He was just saying that his family were nazis. And then when he saw the pathetic, PC does not compute cause we work in the film industry so freak out at this topic, he took it further.


I think initially he was trying to be light hearted, with his nonchalant response where he says that his family were nazis, which they probably were. Very many Germans and other europeans were in or associated with the nazi party. But then when you can hear the room grimace, he just went. "Fuck it, and fuck you pathetic fake arse mother fuckers, I like hitler too. How you like them apples.".


Well that's how i read it from the clip i saw on CNN or wherever. Maybe if you hear the question, and more of the panel interview, and know more about the guy's responses in the past, you can come up with a different interpretation, I don't know. This was my gut reaction to the brief clipd that i saw.

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Guest ansgaria

This just goes to show that Trier - with his explicit and odd sense of humour - only can exist freely within the limits of Denmark.


And that international journalists has got no sense of humour.


I find it hilarious.

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