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Phoenecia - Demissions


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One thing that makes this album highly memorable for me is that every track has its own personality, its like each track is its own world. It's very rare to find albums new or old that pull this off. Yet it still manages to be highly coherent as a whole too.


How do people think Demissions compares to Brownout?


I would like to hear more from Phoenecia along the likes of Echelon Mall. For some reason it has been highly ignored/underrated/written off but I think its absolutely captivating.




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i've been listening to this album quite a bit recently. sort of rediscovered it after leaving it alone for a while. i'm surprised by how much i enjoy nostrum remedium now. i found it quite tedious at first but i think i just had trouble following the beat; it's almost as if the real beat is hidden under a fake beat, so if you're not listening carefully it's easy to get lost. (or maybe i was just dumb). i also agree with joseph that each track has its own personality yet the album is very cohesive; it's similar to a lot of autechre that way, though i don't really want to compare them too much


anyway, the album as a whole is really great. not sure if i like it as much as brownout, but it's growing on me so who knows what i'll think later.

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Guest sljiva

What the fuck is with Seba by the way? Is that the most mediocre ambient track ever or what? I bet Biosphere has tons of tracks like that stashed somewhere because he was embarassed to release such mediocrity. And I still fucking hate Frendano. I also don't like the fact that tracklist is screwed on the back cover.

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Seba is nice, and I think it fits well in the context of the album. The reason I like it is because it feels almost like horn sounds, and so reminds me in a weird way of a stripped down, cleaner GAS track (like something off of Konigsforst or Zauberberg....I realize that comparison is a bit crazy) But I do prefer Phoenecia more in the mode of Echelon Mall when they're making ambient sounds (like in the videos I posted).

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What the fuck is with Seba by the way?

My favourite track from the album. And a track with a melody so heart wrenching that the first time I heard it I had to immediately repeat the track to hear it again.

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  • 5 months later...

What the fuck is with Seba by the way?

My favourite track from the album. And a track with a melody so heart wrenching that the first time I heard it I had to immediately repeat the track to hear it again.

yeah it is one of the stand outs for me. It captures a similar mood as the soundtrack by cliff martinez to Solaris. Which is a movie and an album I played to death.

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Wasn't a compilation in the works or is that just a mention of a rumour?

on the demissions bandcamp page they said Lewd Archives was coming out this year


still waiting on a remix from them for Some Stars not yet Black Holes, hopefully it eventually arrives

that would be lush

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