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IMO, he should stay.


Arguments mostly used to get him out of politics is about the credibility of politics. The strange thing about politics is that while in the real world credibility and honesty go hand in hand, in politics the opposite seems to be the case. To a certain extent.


Personally, I believe politicians would be a lot more credible if they are open about their imperfections. Because if they are not - like in the current climate - politicians are open to bribes. Everyone has their imperfections, and politicians trying to hide their imperfections are extremely vulnerable to "money", if you catch my drift.


American politics would win a great deal if politicians were allowed to be openly imperfect, like the rest of us primates. Politics would be a lot more humane and straightforward.



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ffs, this dude and his dick is all over the daily show, bill maher (real time) and (i can imagine) every single minute of every single news broadcast in america, and now he's on watmm too, i guess there's no escaping the weiner.


srsly, stop.

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for the people not living in your police-state, wat?

as someone inside the police state, wat?






He's a Democratic New York State congressman who took inappropriate pictures of himself and sent them to women he met on the internet.


Basically, he did what we all do on WATMM every day.





srsly, stop.

You, my friend, are only fueling the fire.


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I'm getting more and more annoyed with Maher. The show is turning more and more into a vehicle to promote his own ideas. Which is lacking more nuance every week. This weeks irony: concluding early on in the show there are more important things than Weinergate, after which the rest of the show was almost entirely about ....


I think I'm turning into a religious zealot because of Maher.


*drinks some tea*

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I'm getting more and more annoyed with Maher.


this, though im not sure why, but i still watch his show for some reason, though i always skip through the shitty opening monologue.

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I'm getting more and more annoyed with Maher.


this, though im not sure why, but i still watch his show for some reason, though i always skip through the shitty opening monologue.


How about him inviting guests to basically have discussions with them which revolve around them having to agree with Maher's ideas instead of vice versa. He's sucking the oxygen out of most of his guests nowadays.


His ending thoughts do have some value from time to time though.

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I'm getting more and more annoyed with Maher. The show is turning more and more into a vehicle to promote his own ideas. Which is lacking more nuance every week. This weeks irony: concluding early on in the show there are more important things than Weinergate, after which the rest of the show was almost entirely about ....


I think I'm turning into a religious zealot because of Maher.


*drinks some tea*


omg dont get me started..... Maher is one fo the biggest fucking douche bags i've seen on TV in recent memory. He used to be somewhat edgey and indepedent minded, now all he does is carry water for the democratic party, it's beyond pathetic.


Last night i literally heard him say


'women getting their noses cut off and raped, thats going to happen if we leave afghanistan'


and the girl he said that too countered with the a logical retort that made him look kind of fucking stupid


'well that's happening right now with us there Bill'


so Bill maher believes in the imaginary principal that the US military invasions are somehow designed for woman's rights crusades in arab countries, it's just astounding to me how ignorant he's become over time. The guy actually used ot be kind of smart!




the episode before last Friday's was even crazier, they had a black woman pundit on who was doing so much excruciating mental gymnastics to defend Obama at every turn that it was cartoonish. It's been a while since i've seen an Obama loyalist strain so hard for so long.


if you want to see a video of this loyalist woman see spoiler tags below




sometimes he just eerily reminds me of blowhard morons like Bill Oriely with stupid shit like this




fucking embarassing :facepalm:


edit: we've actually been doing a 'bill maher watch' on the politcal podcast i do with my sister because of his recent (in the last year) odd water carrying he does for the establishment

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yeah but he's probs gonna get the chop cause NY is losing two reps and by tradition they do one dem and one rep. for the dems it seems like a no brainer to drop wiener. kind of a bummer cause wiener's politics are pretty good. at least compared to the majority of the fucking house.

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kind of a bummer cause wiener's politics are pretty good. at least compared to the majority of the fucking house.


Yeah. I think there is a possibility, provided nothing worse comes to light (like an actual affair or sexting with minors), he may be able to ride this one out. Bill Clinton pulled it off with much worse odds.

At first, I thought Weiner would have to resign, but now I'm feeling differently. What he did was definitely perverted, but at least it was only him taking pictures of himself.

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Two thoughts -


- though the pics are low-res and blurry, guy seems to be hung like a horse


- guy deserves to lose his job...for apparently not actually screwing any of the women. Wtf?

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godel hit it out of the park on this one.



a smart politician would say "yes. thats me. why is that any of your business?"


seriously, if one politician stood up and admitted they had perversions that in actuality are the commonplace in human societies, it would do a great deal.



why the fuck should a person be embarrased by that?



but now that he lied, i think he needs to get out...his strength was in rousing the public with speeches, not in Washington connections. by lying to the public about this affair, hes lost weight in the arena...as much as i hate to say it...he should step down.

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Guest disparaissant

my only problem is if the current stories are true, he's sending these pics to people who didn't ask for them. which is really creepy, and most of the reason i really liked him in the first place was his "respect" for women's rights. kind of a big slap in the face!


but that hasn't been proven. if it isn't proven, let him stay, who cares? plenty of politicians have recovered from worse scandals than ~sexting~


shit i am a bit disappointed though as, aside from his stance on israel, i'd have voted for him for president and not felt TOO terrible about it.

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my only problem is if the current stories are true, he's sending these pics to people who didn't ask for them. which is really creepy, and most of the reason i really liked him in the first place was his "respect" for women's rights. kind of a big slap in the face!


but that hasn't been proven. if it isn't proven, let him stay, who cares? plenty of politicians have recovered from worse scandals than ~sexting~


shit i am a bit disappointed though as, aside from his stance on israel, i'd have voted for him for president and not felt TOO terrible about it.



the problem with me is that hes lost the pull of the public. anytime he gets up and gives the "men at the top" a boot in the ass for the ridiculousness of the legislative process, its fantastic...BUT ONLY because the people get behind it. Now its no different than Clinton saying Kosovo was a peacekeeping mission after being found guilty of perjury.



the guy was innocent. he and he alone made himself guilty.

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haha this is so american






no, its a fucking worldwide thing, and we need to wake up and stop our neanderthal ways of viewing the politicians as if they are some holy righteous upholders of law dating back to those oh-so-pure senators of Roman days.



"Senator so-and-so was found guilty of embezzeling...ehh.. what else is new" *votes practically the same person in*


"Pictures leaked of Senator so-and-so showing off his junk to a woman." *JESUS CHRIST SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS>DOWNFALL OF SOCIETY*


this is a world society problem.



as long as he isnt raping, physically violent or being lecherous towards someone else, he did fucking NOTHING wrong.


when he lied about it instead of being upfront, thats when he lost my respect.

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Guest nene multiple assgasms

sometimes he just eerily reminds me of blowhard morons like Bill Oriely with stupid shit like this




fucking embarassing :facepalm:


edit: we've actually been doing a 'bill maher watch' on the politcal podcast i do with my sister because of his recent (in the last year) odd water carrying he does for the establishment


what exactly is embarrassing about that video?

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Agreed, ranky. I knew nothing of this guy before weinergate, and I still haven't been following it that closely, but my overwhelming impression is ~


- if anything, weinergate proves he's about as honest as politicians come. He seems to be colossally naive, not a sleazebag. First he's naive enough to send the pics by twitter. Second he didn't actually do anything. It seems he was at the very start of exploring the idea that his position and "asset" could get him some action on the side. Third, he was stupid enough to lie at first, then follow up with a mea culpa. Didn't he learn anything from Bill? Americans aren't ready for the truth. You can just imagine him having a showdown with his (probably dominant) wife (given that he was too intimidated to actually follow through on the weinerpics), she gets the truth out of him, and urges him to come clean, and he follows her advice (though admittedly, it would have been very hard to continue lying with the huge trail of evidence he left behind). Lastly his apartment is quite modest, which means he probably takes his "civil servant" role seriously.


Now is exactly the time TO keep him in office - hopefully he's a bit wiser, and the public shaming has nipped his sleazebag impulse in the bud early. He'll probably be on his best behavior from now on. If not, and he gets nabbed again, then I agree with others, perhaps it'll be a growing up experience for the US public, to accept politicians with "flaws."


Btw I don't think there's necessarily truth to the idea that philandering distracts a public figure from their job. Speaking from personal experience, I've been most in need of a "release valve" during the times when I've been working the hardest. Given this dude's level of fitness, and the fact that watmm folks liked him, I'm guessing he's a hard worker. Probably needed something light and playful on the side, free from responsibility, where he could just be a little boy. Been there.

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Guest Ranky Redlof

haha this is so american






no, its a fucking worldwide thing, and we need to wake up and stop our neanderthal ways of viewing the politicians as if they are some holy righteous upholders of law dating back to those oh-so-pure senators of Roman days.



"Senator so-and-so was found guilty of embezzeling...ehh.. what else is new" *votes practically the same person in*


"Pictures leaked of Senator so-and-so showing off his junk to a woman." *JESUS CHRIST SOMETHING MUST BE DONE ABOUT THIS>DOWNFALL OF SOCIETY*


this is a world society problem.



as long as he isnt raping, physically violent or being lecherous towards someone else, he did fucking NOTHING wrong.


when he lied about it instead of being upfront, thats when he lost my respect.

i see what you mean

but compaired to Berlousconi who throws gangbangs with underage hookers. And when asked about it comments "at least I'm not a faggot" like a boss

The american way of the media fake shockedness and the showboating "yes i need treatment" response from Weiner thats just a lolworthy bridge too far for me

Here the media would also hype it up but only for the lulz (lul = penis in dutch :emotawesomepm9: ) and he would probably gain popularity from it despite


But what i don't get is that he lost your respect because he lied. A bit naive to think he hasn't lied about other, more important stuff in his carreer...

The lying being exposed certainly makes him an easy target for the opposition so yea he is finished.

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