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born-rich people


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Sort of on topic here. I recently watched this movie, and I have to say, it actually really pissed me off.




It's about this 16 year old, privileged kid in NYC who claims to be depressed and suicidal and checks himself into the psych ward at a hospital, where an unrealistic and naively written teen rom-com ensues.


The main character claims his depression and suicidal ideation were set off by pressure to get into an expensive private summer school and his normal teenage fears of getting into a good college, getting a good job, jealousy of his friends, being an insecure bitch, etc. In this movie his problems with depression were handled with kids' gloves and it did a piss poor job of showing what real depression actually is. It was completely used as a plot device. It trivialized people's problems with real mental illness and it was actually pretty insulting. But I guess if you need attention that bad, you don't have to worry about how much of your parents' money you're wasting.


In a lot of ways, I think this shitty excuse for a movie kind of sums up a good deal about the "White People Problems" that rich kids get their knickers in a twist about, and it's part of a larger problem.

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Sort of on topic here. I recently watched this movie, and I have to say, it actually really pissed me off.




It's about this 16 year old, privileged kid in NYC who claims to be depressed and suicidal and checks himself into the psych ward at a hospital, where an unrealistic and naively written teen rom-com ensues.


The main character claims his depression and suicidal ideation were set off by pressure to get into an expensive private summer school and his normal teenage fears of getting into a good college, getting a good job, jealousy of his friends, being an insecure bitch, etc. In this movie his problems with depression were handled with kids' gloves and it did a piss poor job of showing what real depression actually is. It was completely used as a plot device. It trivialized people's problems with real mental illness and it was actually pretty insulting. But I guess if you need attention that bad, you don't have to worry about how much of your parents' money you're wasting.


In a lot of ways, I think this shitty excuse for a movie kind of sums up a good deal about the "White People Problems" that rich kids get their knickers in a twist about, and it's part of a larger problem.


this isnt a white people problem. this is humanity.


im gonna go ahead and say that rich people are no more responsible for anything than anyone else in the human race.

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i have met rich people who are completely fucked in the head (usually second-generation rich). i have also met rich people who were completely awesome (was hitch-hiking in germany in the early 00's, and a dude in a top-of-the range lexus stopped for us and drove us about 300km on the autobahn, chatting all the way. he was a cool guy, and played massive attack and nusrat fateh ali khan on his six million disc CD changer on the way). you might as well generalise about black people or jews as generalise about rich people.

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Why was the chick in the clinic ? Was she under the pressure of being rich and stupid as well ??


She had scars on her arms and face, but the main character never bothered to ask anything about her because he figured it was more respectful. And then he starts dating her. :wtf:


If you think I'm just hating on the rich, seriously watch this movie (no, don't) and you'll see what I'm talking about here.

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i have met rich people who are completely fucked in the head (usually second-generation rich). i have also met rich people who were completely awesome (was hitch-hiking in germany in the early 00's, and a dude in a top-of-the range lexus stopped for us and drove us about 300km on the autobahn, chatting all the way. he was a cool guy, and played massive attack and nusrat fateh ali khan on his six million disc CD changer on the way). you might as well generalise about black people or jews as generalise about rich people.


I guess I'm actually just mad at the way this movie tried to make suicide and depression as part of a light hearted coming of age story where everything gets tied up very neatly at the end. Kind of irresponsible.


And the main character wasn't even depressed, just Michael Cera, basically. :cisfor:

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what... what? no, this actually happened. he picked us up at the german/danish border and actually drove us pretty much the whole way to holland :cerious:

he worked in software development too, it was all very dotcom bubble.

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i have met rich people who are completely fucked in the head (usually second-generation rich). i have also met rich people who were completely awesome (was hitch-hiking in germany in the early 00's, and a dude in a top-of-the range lexus stopped for us and drove us about 300km on the autobahn, chatting all the way. he was a cool guy, and played massive attack and nusrat fateh ali khan on his six million disc CD changer on the way). you might as well generalise about black people or jews as generalise about rich people.


I guess I'm actually just mad at the way this movie tried to make suicide and depression as part of a light hearted coming of age story where everything gets tied up very neatly at the end. Kind of irresponsible.


And the main character wasn't even depressed, just Michael Cera, basically. :cisfor:

yeah they totally go the mental illness wrong and it's totally unbelievable and unrealistic but i have a thing for emma roberts so....

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I haven't read any of this thread but my thoughts on born rich people is that one seldom can appreciate what one already has, hence I guess most people who have always been rich don't do interesting or creative things with their money and miss out on character-building opportunities cause they often have other people do it for them.


Also, my ex's school was some elitist school for "upper class kids" (except her class, they put all the kids from the non-posh-suburbs into the same class to avoid conflict or some shit) and those rich kids were all polo shirt wearing androgynous cunts without tits or dicks. :sad:

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I don't hate on rich people individually but the ever-widening class divide in America really pisses me off, particularly the obscene costs of higher education. It's a vicious cycle that continues to make upward mobility more and more impossible for lower and middle class, despite whatever notions of 'hard work' or the 'american dream' still get thrown around today. Want to go to college? Don't have $150/200K? Take out student loans (a scam/pox unto itself) and welcome to a life of indentured servitude. Nevermind that for most well-paying professions a bachelor's degree alone doesn't cut it anymore.

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Guest theSun

i got a BS in computer info systems for under 20k from a state college. this is with next to no scholarships, but i did trim a semester off my program with AP courses in high school.


i worked thru college, but i didn't work full time (20-30 hrs/wk). i don't know how people can work 40 hours a week and take a full collegiate courseload.

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I don't hate on rich people individually but the ever-widening class divide in America really pisses me off, particularly the obscene costs of higher education. It's a vicious cycle that continues to make upward mobility more and more impossible for lower and middle class, despite whatever notions of 'hard work' or the 'american dream' still get thrown around today. Want to go to college? Don't have $150/200K? Take out student loans (a scam/pox unto itself) and welcome to a life of indentured servitude. Nevermind that for most well-paying professions a bachelor's degree alone doesn't cut it anymore.




this post seems well thought out and not vitriolic. i completely agree. although, i would say that it makes it next to impossible, but not impossible....i went into grad school being paid to go, and im pretty much from a middle-class family.



i think the divide just means greater demand on performance (far more less talented people will stay at the bottom, two or three very talented people will be allowed to "move up" economically.)


its sad but true, this is a buyers economy. when i go out looking for a job, i have to be willing to accept just about any shit deal im offered...if im unhappy with lack of bennys or the salary, there are 750 other people that would be happy to take it.





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they seem to learn in their fancy fee paying schools how to be pompous, arrogant and entitled... i've yet to be proved wrong on that.


let's say this guy i know... gets his inflated salary working for his dad while being continually and completely useless... he wouldn't even be in the job without the family connection due to both his incompetence and the company's high demands on performance... phone, car, petrol, insurance and mortgage payments also taken care of. last month him and his older, even more useless brother decide to do a 'charity' bike ride so daddy instantly buys them both £5K bikes and fancy computers and outfits. it costs £1800 per person to do the bike run for a bus and support team, petrol, accomodation, personal physio, etc (also paid by dad) and they managed to raise £1200 for the charity!!! ok the charity gets some money but you've just spent over 13K of your dads money on a long weekend jolly bike ride experience! you're a 28 year old married man for fucksakes!!

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they seem to learn in their fancy fee paying schools how to be pompous, arrogant and entitled... i've yet to be proved wrong on that.


let's say this guy i know... gets his inflated salary working for his dad while being continually and completely useless... he wouldn't even be in the job without the family connection due to both his incompetence and the company's high demands on performance... phone, car, petrol, insurance and mortgage payments also taken care of. last month him and his older, even more useless brother decide to do a 'charity' bike ride so daddy instantly buys them both £5K bikes and fancy computers and outfits. it costs £1800 per person to do the bike run for a bus and support team, petrol, accomodation, personal physio, etc (also paid by dad) and they managed to raise £1200 for the charity!!! ok the charity gets some money but you've just spent over 13K of your dads money on a long weekend jolly bike ride experience! you're a 28 year old married man for fucksakes!!



alright, since we are using personal experiences as the guideline, i am acquaintances with a guy that comes from an incredibly wealthy family. the guy has flaws like everyone else, he chases women, he drinks a lot, but ill be damned if hes not one of the hardest working mfers ive ever met. he works at a stock broker firm, is the head of his own brokerage advice/finance magazine, writes a column for the local metropolitan paper, does charity work, has published three books on finance, bought a bar and flipped it into a money-generating machine (i personally saw him there 9 out of 10 times i visited, talking to the suppliers, figuring out the budget, etc.)


you are always going to find self-entitled arrogant rich kids that dont amount to shit. you also find those people with middle-class lifestyles, you find self-entitled arrogant poor people, you can even find self-entitled homeless (believe me, ive talked with them)



by this token, i could say everyone on here commenting on how rich kids are worthless because they dont appreciate it, lets walk the slippery slope down to if your parents ever bought you anything in your life/took care of a bill/bought clothes/sent money your way, you are morally equally spoiled as these people. unless you want to bring "they have more money" into it, which proves the previous point ive been harping on this entire thread.



maybe i got this thread wrong in that it was just supposed to be an off-color bitchfest, but from what ive been reading its indicating something far more disturbing.

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i'm sure there are decent types about i've just never met any in over 10 years of working for a multi-millionaire boss serving multi-multi-multi-millionaire clients. the decent people i come across are self-made workaholics.


ps. i've never asked my parents for anything since leaving home nearly 20 years ago. i'm proud of that, not insecure.


rich-ish kids i knew growing up got brand new cars for passing their test and crashed them a month later, only to get an instant replacement while i bought myself a shed on wheels for £150 and cherished it. i'm not saying i'm better (or bitter) but the differences in outlook are massive.


i can also understand wanting to treat and provide for your offspring within your means, but kids don't appreciate value and earning without being taught as they grow up. see that 'my super sweet 16' show?!? holy shit these people are nurturing nasty little fuckers.

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