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Alex Jones is Officially Batshit (and a piece of shit)

Guest hahathhat

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i was into alex jones when W was president, it was fun for a while, my sister even got to bullhorn with him at a bilderberg a couple of years ago, but it's been a while since i take anything he says with more than a grain of salt, and no i havent seen his DMT rant yet but let me guess, does he thinks it's some form of evil mind control?


edit: HOLY FUCK, the beginning of this rant is am-a-zing, it will fit perfectly in a short film i am working on about the DEA being hardcore macho about psychedelic intake (satire, the movie itself not what i said)


edit2: i really hope AJ's old comrade Joe Rogan responds to this garbage

Edited by Awepittance
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Guest hahathhat

there's this fallacy that if you're left-wing you can't fall vulnerable to retarded hysteria like right-wing people.

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when was he not officially batshit? even in the 911 days when he was only claiming the US was going to turn into a police state he still made quite outlandish claims.

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Alex Jones has never struck me as batshit, he seems to have figured out a very "over the top" personal makes him filthy rich. I don't see any difference between his style of delivery and all those home shopping network dudes selling knives, grills, etc. He'll say whatever pops into his head at the moment, when he's in the "zone."


Also I suspect he does loads of coke and/or prescription meds.

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oh he's always been nuts. like 11 years ago he was ranting about the british and horses..can't remember what he was saying but it was stupid.

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but how do we know he believes? I think there's a good chance all his wild eyed stares and head bobbing are actually overcompensating for the fact that he doesn't really believe. Just like Tom Cruise grinning awkwardly and spewing bullshit in that Scientology video - at some point you're in too deep and your involvement takes on a life of its own.


He seems like one of those kids in grade school who came up with a gross trick to try to get the attention of the kids in the cool group. It works, but then he has to repeat it over and over, while people laugh at him behind his back. I think he knows he's a clown.

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i think he believes a lot of what he talks and doesn't believe a lot of what he talks and knows that it's what makes him money. his wild eyes in this clip looked kind of over the top


but how do we know he believes? I think there's a good chance all his wild eyed stares and head bobbing are actually overcompensating for the fact that he doesn't really believe. Just like Tom Cruise grinning awkwardly and spewing bullshit in that Scientology video - at some point you're in too deep and your involvement takes on a life of its own.


He seems like one of those kids in grade school who came up with a gross trick to try to get the attention of the kids in the cool group. It works, but then he has to repeat it over and over, while people laugh at him behind his back. I think he knows he's a clown.


a deeper analysis

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Imagine Glenn Beck and Alex Jones locked in a room together for a year. Record that, and you'd have every Anglophone (ameri-centric) media consumer locked in for a decade.

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I haven't really watched/listened to many of his rants, but I was under the impression that Alex Jones was a sort of spokesperson for being batshit crazy. Does he usually make sense?

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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Alex Jones has never struck me as batshit, he seems to have figured out a very "over the top" personal makes him filthy rich. I don't see any difference between his style of delivery and all those home shopping network dudes selling knives, grills, etc. He'll say whatever pops into his head at the moment, when he's in the "zone."


Also I suspect he does loads of coke and/or prescription meds.


i pretty much agree, i've watched him morph over the years into many different things trying to play both sides to his advantage. During the Bush years he tried to suck in left wing listeners/followers, and in part i was sucked in to some of his charm. i still think some of his movies like Secrets of Bohemian Grove and Martial Law are highly entertaining, both of them full of hyperbole with sprinkles of truth but overall they are just really good representations of the character he plays, he puts on a great show. 'Secrets' is especially interesting because John Ronson made his own version of basically the same event from his perspective (in the series 'crazy rulers of the world'). edit: the appeal for me is similar to Michael Moore, i don't have to agree with the content to enjoy their films.:end edit Occasionally some of 'his' predictions come true, but it's mostly a broken clock is right twice a day type of thing. So in regards to the police state, a lot of what he says is blatantly obvious and not too hard to predict, but by saying that we're only one step away from internment camps every week on his show he very much feels like the boy who cried wolf. What i find most troubling about him now is he seems to have completely allied himself with the tea party movement even going as far as doing voiceovers and putting advertisements on right wing talk networks like KFSO and fox news. It's really surreal to be listening to Rush Limbaugh (which i do sometimes, it's a form of entertainment masochism) and then hear Jones come in during the commercial break.

Edited by Awepittance
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oh he's always been nuts. like 11 years ago he was ranting about the british and horses..can't remember what he was saying but it was stupid.


When someone tried to get me into him 8 years ago, they just had to show me the front page of the website for me to turn on my heal. Everything i've seen since then has confirmed my initial inclination.

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Amazing - you can link anything to your fantasy world.



Peter Joseph is actually pretty spot on in that vid though.



should be obvious to most.



it is about playing to emotion...and it certainly is sociopathic

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Yeah but there's no need to specify it to "the zeitgeist movement" (a term with which I take umbrage), to make it seem like they're being persecuted.

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